It took a long time for the Roma to rectify the army, but the Carthaginians would not give the opponent such a long opportunity to rectify, and the Carthaginians quickly launched an offensive. The commando is still the vanguard. They used grenades to break through the opponent's defensive trenches. The grenades caused a lot of casualties to the Loma, and they also broke their defensive openings, and then a large number of infantry rushed into it. The Loma were caught off guard and suffered a great loss.

Inside Hannibal's headquarters.

"Although the blasting unfolding situation is very good, the Roma people are still very tenacious, and they will counterattack from time to time." Hannibal looked at the battle report from the front line with a headache, part of which was transmitted by telephone. Zhao Guoren not only sent arms and weapons, but also communication tools such as telephones. Although it may take longer to lay cables, radio communication will leave some data that cannot be transmitted or cannot be received, but the telephone can be used in a short time. Internally, the incidents on the front were reported to their commanders in a timely manner.

"Yes, the initiative of the Lockheed Martin Army far exceeds our imagination, especially their grass-roots officers and soldiers, who often have a strong will to fight and an offensive spirit. This has caused us great losses, and we cannot do this. It's going on. This problem must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, our losses will be further expanded." Li Wei said.

The blasting was successful, but it could not completely eliminate the fighting will of the Roma, and there were still nearly 10,000 Roman troops who were left to resist frantically. They often launched a counter-charge based on a team of hundreds, which was disastrous for the Carthaginian army that had just occupied the opponent's position and had not had time to hold on. This is often the case, a trench. The Carthaginians spent a relatively high price to occupy them. They threw countless grenades, then fired from them, and then opened up the situation. And some Roma people from time to time pretended to be dead to get them close, and then quickly launched death blasts. The loud explosion caused the Carthage assault team to suffer heavy losses. Just when they finally took the position, the opponent again Initiating a counter-charge, which made it difficult for the Carthage assault team to bear, and then had to give up the position. Afterwards, the same situation was staged again. A trench could be completely consolidated after repeated killings. The Carthaginians were already very disgusted with this method of warfare. Because the price paid is quite heavy. When the report arrived at Hannibal, many officers demanded to stop such an offensive, and some officers had already stopped the offensive arbitrarily. This is the situation Hannibal faced. They must resolve this problem resolutely, otherwise, their situation will be very pessimistic. This will seriously consume the only troops. This kind of pressure will make Hannibal unbearable, they must reserve more power to attack Lockheed Martin.

"I think we must use new weapons." Li Wei said. At this time, only white phosphorous bombs can be used. White phosphorous bombs can play a greater role in trench operations. Because this will destroy the enemy's will to fight.

"Sir, telegram." A second lieutenant came in hastily reported. Hannibal has seen it.

"The white phosphorous bombs have arrived. They had already set off when the telegram was sent. However, the quantity is not very large because they are expensive and special. I don't know what effect these white phosphorous bombs can play. But I hope he It can bring us good luck." Hannibal said. Now they can only pin their hopes on new weapons. After all, weapons can completely destroy the enemy physically. Such destruction can be seen. .

"I understand this, we will do this." Li Wei said, this is the last hope.

A secret observation of a commanding high point, Li Fu and Scipio two people are very well concealed, their telescopes have been processed to prevent reflections from bringing disastrous consequences to them.

"Our situation is very bad. You saw that the blasting has brought us a huge gap. This gap cannot connect us all from the position. The Carthaginians have the advantage." Scipio Speaking in a low voice. It seems that speaking here, the Carthaginians can hear the same. Li Fu did not answer, he just looked at the following situation.

The situation of the Roma is really bad. A circular defense line was blown up with a hole, which allowed the Carthaginians to attack from inside and outside from this hole. As long as they wanted, the Roma could not defend the Carthaginian attack from both the inside and the outside. Their defensive organization suddenly lost the last guarantee.

"The situation is terrible. I think the Loma people should break through, and only break through is the last choice. If you don't do this, the whole army will be wiped out." Li Fu looked at the solution, then thought about it, and heard it. With such thoughts, Scipio was also helpless, and they couldn't attack. They are Spain's last strength, and the numbers of the two sides are not equal, although they can cause certain losses. But the Carthaginians had too many advantages after all.

In a military base behind Goguryeo, a large number of soldiers were gathered here. Most of them were recruits, mobilizers, and Wadao soldiers. The other troops were organized separately according to the race. The mobilizers were also regarded as It is a kind of cannon fodder. If it is not enough, they still have to receive more military training. This is the best way to ensure their safety.

The situation is different for the 7th Infantry Division. Their soldiers are all mixed up. There are veterans, mobilizers and Wadao soldiers.

"What are those little soldiers doing here? Is it to wash our feet and wait for the masters to fight? If this is the case, we should thank some Ministry of National Defense for giving us his proper care." A sergeant said with a smile. .

"Haha." The others laughed after hearing it. They thought it was very interesting to walk like this, because their chief did indeed do this. They knew that these were Wadao soldiers who came to die to death, so they looked at them very disdainfully.

"Stop talking nonsense. Those guys have to train with us, this is the order from above." Another sergeant said.

"What? Whose order is this? They are all small men, they seem to be children, and if such soldiers are allowed to fight, it is still uncertain whether they have a high gun or not." The sergeant said angrily.

"This is the above order, and we can't disobey it. It's best that you talk to someone above. Maybe he can help you solve this problem, otherwise we can't do anything." The other party said.

"Damn it, let me teach those little guys. They are slaves and handymen. It's almost the same for us to wash our feet. Fight, go away." Then the sergeant rushed into the group of Wadao soldiers. Up. The soldiers in Washima didn't know what they were doing here. Many people acted in panic, and they acted very cautiously, because many of them had already been beaten. They didn't dare to resist, for fear of mistakes.

"You little servants." The sergeant rushed in and kicked the two Wadao soldiers. A soldier was lying on the ground and couldn't get up. The others looked at each other in horror. They didn't know. What did Goguryeo think was going to hit them? Did they do something wrong? They also don't know that this kind of thing really happened suddenly. After they were attacked, they ran away like sheep, while the Goguryeos were like hungry wolves. Fleeing everywhere.

"Puff." A Washima soldier was knocked to the ground. They didn't dare to resist at all. They were afraid that their resistance would bring greater disasters and be killed. Therefore, they could only run away, and the Goguryeo people seemed to pounce. Just like catching prey, chasing everywhere. The entire training ground became lively. The veterans thought it was very interesting. The depression on the battlefield was now released at once. They whistled and encouraged them to do so.

"Damn it. Look at their virtues." Luo Ping was very angry when he watched his soldiers behave like this. They originally wanted to say a few words, but they got into trouble first. This one made him very annoyed.

"Don't be angry, maybe there are other things you can do. Wait and see." Li Zuoche stopped Luo Ping's behavior, he was just observing coldly from the side, he saw that the mobilized soldiers were just curious and interesting. Others expressed indignation but couldn't do nothing. The soldiers of Washima became very frightened and cowardly. They fled around. Some people tried to resist, but soon they were knocked to the ground. The whole process lasted very short. Many soldiers of Washima had to lie down. On the ground, they hope to avoid this disaster in this way.

"I think the soldiers of Wadao Island should fight with your soldiers. In order to inspire their bravery in fighting, once they are used to being bullied, it will be difficult for them to resist." Li Zuoche said.

"You mean, let them fight?" Luo Ping said.

"Yes, this is the best way, but you have to let those Wadao soldiers show their fighting power as they should, otherwise, they won't show their fighting ability." Li Zuoche said. . Luo Ping nodded and agreed with this view. Soon, the troops gathered, and the military police gathered all the soldiers. Those who were beaten or beaten were not dealt with. Luo Ping didn't say anything. He just asked them to engage in a melee. They must all participate. The beating can't cause serious injuries. It's almost enough. They are not allowed to use insidious tricks, and then without any restrictions, let them start.

This naturally aroused the joy of the Goguryeo veterans. Those mobilized soldiers expressed no interest. After all, they were their own people. They thought it would be better to use the Wadao people. In order to force the Wadao people to participate in the battle, Luo Ping gave them special orders and asked them to pay attention to the battle. If they do not fight, they will be dealt with and sent to the front line, and they will be killed in an instant. What is needed are brave soldiers.

The group fight soon began. It was mainly the battle between the veterans and the Wadao people. Most of the mobilized soldiers were unwilling to fight. They expressed neutrality, and some of them followed the veterans to fight. In the beginning, the Wadao people were being beaten. Some Wadao people burst out with their amazing explosive power. They madly attacked the Goguryeo people. That kind of terrible charge once caused a lot of trouble to the Goguryeo people, and the veterans evaded it. They came, but then they were quickly suppressed. After all, they were in size and did not have the advantage in physical strength. Many people were beaten out of the field. Gradually, the Wadao people seemed to know something. They began to unite, shrink into a large circle, and then gather. It is difficult for a single Goguryeo to enter. On the contrary, they will be beaten. The situation seems to have further improved the Wadao people.

"Did you see? These Washima soldiers are very united. Although their strength is very weak, they may not be able to form a great advantage. However, when you see them, they endure hardship and endure. Some people have been beaten like that." Li Zuoche said. Many people have black noses and swollen faces, and they seem to be seriously injured, but they are still fighting, which greatly exceeded Li Zuoche's expectations.

"They are gathered together, but the veterans have no regulations. If they are not led by an officer, they may have formed a piece of scattered sand. If the soldiers of the island can attack, they still have an advantage." Li Zuoche Speaking of. Li Zuoche's statement allowed Luo Ping to see the other side of the Wadao people.

Of course, Wadao people are disadvantaged in terms of size and physical strength, but because of their own weakness, they pay more attention to the strength of the collective. They are willing to sacrifice their independence and maintain the integrity of a collective, especially when they are strong. The enemy, that kind of collective feeling makes many Goguryeo veterans feel ashamed. This kind of self-sacrifice is needed in the army. Without this kind of sacrifice, it is difficult for a team to unite. This allowed Luo Ping to see their advantages.

On the front line of Goguryeo, on the position of the 17th Infantry Regiment. The 17th Infantry Regiment of the Mountain People's special position initiated constant harassment. They kept firing cold shots, which made the Goguryeo soldiers who were used to sticking their heads unaccustomed.

"Bang." There was a gunshot, and the head of a Goguryeo soldier was opened. He lay motionless on the ground. It was another accident. The stretcher team had already collected a lot of such corpses. Those mountain people's marksmanship were very accurate, and they couldn't be found in hiding.

"Have you found it? Damn mountain people, where are they?" an officer shouted loudly. In just one day, they were killed more than two hundred people, and they were all in critical places. Even if they did not die, they were seriously injured. They could only spend their next life in the hospital.

"Damn it, can't you find it?" the officer cursed.

"Bang." A soldier was knocked down into the trench, and the officer shook his head helplessly, thinking that one of them had been killed.

"Ah. I'm fine, I'm fine." The soldier said with a smile. His life was lucky. In fact, those old helmets saved his life, and the bullet was shot. His life was saved. Otherwise, his head would be knocked off.

"Fuck, you are so lucky," the officer cursed. He also kicked the opponent in the past. This is not a problem that can be solved as simply as lucky.

"Let let, the sir, let us." The stretcher team behind appeared carrying more corpses. There are almost dozens of them, and no one is in the mood to count these people. Most of them were shot in the head, neck, and chest. If these places are shot, it is absolutely critical. No one can be rescued, even if it is delivered to the hospital in time, it is impossible to rescue it. Many people think so.

"The casualties are huge," a Goguryeo soldier said in a low voice.

"Yes. The officer above is also very worried. I heard that some reserve teams are all used. Everyone is very careful and cautious. But there are still many people killed. Not only that, more people were killed in the field. Come on." An veteran explained. Looking at so many corpses, they were also in a bad mood. After all, it was their own people who died, and it was their own people who died without hope.

In the headquarters of the Seventeenth Infantry Regiment, the chief of staff and the military commander are arguing about a problem.

"How is this possible? If we don't draw troops from these places, it will be difficult to solve all the problems. Have you seen? These places will be difficult to solve things. We casualties more than 200 people a day, how many people are there every day? It takes time to replenish the casualties of ten people, but our line of defense will be diluted. The only way is to draw troops from that place." The commander said. He said that the place where the troops were transferred was the marginal zone. That zone, the area with sufficient troops in time, thought that the mountain people did not attack there. They believed that it was possible to transfer the troops there. The advantage of this was that their troops were gained. increase. Defending there is a bitter taste for them, because the mountain people don't attack there, why should more troops be deployed there, on the contrary, after being transferred back, it will play a greater role.

"But sir, we can't do this. This is the experience of the previous unit. We can't help but listen. Although we have pressure here, we can still bear it, but if we really do that, we will bear it. A great culpability may be sent to a military court.” The Chief of Staff persuaded it.

"What kind of military tribunal, the whole front cannot be kept. What is the meaning there, and what is the meaning of this? Tell me, if it really makes sense, you tell me. I will do it." The commander said so.

"Here. Tell you, it's like this, no matter what? This matter is decided like this. No matter what? This matter is decided like this. No changes are allowed. This is my order. You don't care." The other party asked for troops to be deployed. The chief of staff had no choice but to execute orders.

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