The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3941: Defense strategy

On the front of Goguryeo, the soldiers were listlessly hiding in the trenches. A heavy rain stopped the fighting between the two sides, and the soldiers had a rare opportunity to breathe. But now they are all lying in the trenches, and they are all turned into looters.

"This **** rain." Li Jiu's injury was not healed, so he was sent to the front all at once. Because the front line needs veterans like him. He was drenched all over, in this case, he didn't know if his wound would be infected. If he is infected, then he is finished.

"We should be grateful for this rain. If it weren't for this rain, I don't know how many people would die here." A second lieutenant came over and said. His clothes were soaked all over.

"Sir." Li Jiu said in the trench. It was impossible to drain the trenches because their terrain was originally low. Under such circumstances, the battle was naturally extremely difficult.

"Find a place to rest, I hope we don't have to fight." The ensign prayed. The Goguryeo high-level did indeed stop their offensive.

Inside the Koguryo Front Line Command.

"Our logistics has encountered a big problem. We do not have enough shells to ensure that we have enough firepower to shoot and suppress the firepower of the other party. In this way, we are in an extremely passive situation. This is for us. Say, it's not good news." A major artillery replied.

"The morale of the infantry is very low. They can't guarantee that we will have enough time to boost morale. The casualties are too high. The entire field hospital is full of wounded soldiers, and there are thousands of dead bodies to deal with. Offensive. , For the soldiers, it’s crushing their nerves. The last bit of morale is also in the final exhaustion, we." A major general didn’t know what to say. The entire offensive performance was very poor.

"You mean, let's not attack, right?" a lieutenant general asked as he looked at the other party.

"This. Yes, sir. We can't watch the casualties increase further, and there are still logistical problems." The infantry major replied.

"You cowards, there are casualties in the war. You are so timid and sacrificed so many people in vain." The lieutenant general scolded.

"Okay. Stop talking." said an admiral.

"I already know some of the specific situation. The situation of the war far exceeds our situation, and the telegram from the rear also told us something. We cannot get more reinforcements. This means that our battle will Will be greatly restricted. Under such circumstances, we may launch a decent attack." The Admiral said.

"So, sir." The lieutenant admiral looked at his sir.

"Let’s stop the offensive and let the General Staff, the Department of Defense, and the Department of War think of a way. If we attack again, everyone, at least, we will drop more than 10,000 corpses on the high ground. That’s how we can’t take them down. "The Admiral said seriously.

Hearing this, all the military generals present stopped talking. They know this very well. Although they don't want to admit it, the fact is like this. No matter if they don't admit it, the fact is like this, and they have nothing to do.

Goguryeo had to stop the attack. Lack of logistics, insufficient troops, low morale, various reasons directly caused their frontal offensive to become extremely unrealistic. Facing such a large casualty on the front line. The generals were helpless.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside the office of a Zhaoguo Motor Vehicle Company. A sales manager found their general manager with a newspaper.

"I think this is an opportunity to make a fortune." A sales manager said.

"Fa Cai. We are a motor vehicle company. This has nothing to do with us. I know what you want to do and you want to win orders for those motor vehicles. I tell you, this is impossible. Such things can absolutely not affect this kind of thing. The situation is now. These orders were taken away by those nobles. You know, they can take away any order, otherwise, we would not be in such a position." The general manager said. . Competing for military orders, only with absolute power can we win military orders. What is called strength is to have strong capital and enough contacts to be involved with the military. In this way, the orders can be taken. But their motor vehicles are just a small assembly factory, and most of the parts are purchased from other factories. They just help to produce some other brands of motor vehicles.

"No, general manager, we should see hope. On the entire Goguryeo battlefield, they did not see the benefits of armored vehicles. For example, if they had armored vehicles, they could avoid greater casualties and at the same time be able to quickly break through the enemy's defenses. , South Korea already has such a battle, and what we need is to promote and export our armored vehicles to them, or, we use these projects to find partners and cooperate with those big companies. They will be interested. After all, the weapons and equipment of the Goguryeo people are all high-tech things, and they don't." Said the sales manager. The general manager nodded, and he touched his chin to think about the problem.

"You're right. Maybe we should really try it. For things that humans can't do, machinery can do it, we can give it a try. There is always nothing wrong with this kind of thing, give it a try." Speaking of this.

"All, my general manager, we should give it a try. The Goguryeo people have this kind of demand. As long as they have this kind of demand, we can take such orders. This is very easy for us. , We can do this.” said the sales manager.

"Well, you try it, maybe we can start a very good project from it." The other party encouraged it. The sales manager immediately launched his plan, and he felt that what he did was pretty good.

When the battle on the battlefield is deadlocked in terms of manpower, people may be able to achieve a breakthrough from another angle. This breakthrough is a technological breakthrough. Machine gun positions are certainly difficult to break. This is because the human body’s defenses are weak, but the problem is that after the armored vehicles are equipped, their situation will be greatly changed. People have stronger defenses and face such defenses. , The other party had no way, and finally caused a huge failure. Koreans have had such examples before, and with such examples, they will naturally be able to eat each other.

In the most difficult times, it has become a common practice to seek technological breakthroughs. In other words, they have become a continuation of a way of thinking.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"How is the job?" Shang Wen asked Meng Tian with the report in his hand. Meng Tian was transferred to the Ministry of National Defense. The outside world judged that Qin Guo was the new Minister of National Defense. In fact, many people think that Wei Liao will appoint Meng Tian to replace his squad. The older generation of Qin is getting old, and their physical condition is getting worse. Wang Jian went to the hospital recently and suffered from stomach bleeding. Drink too much alcohol. This aroused the attention of Qin people.

"It's okay. The work of the Ministry of National Defense is like that. It is much better than the work of the General Staff. The General Staff heard that it is very busy every day. They have made various plans and have to track various war situations at the same time. , The situation is like that." Meng Tian said lightly. Let him be an office. Sometimes, he himself feels a little uncomfortable, but there is no way. Qin needs civil officials to manage the country. Meng Tian also knows that this is for his political capital accumulation. He would not object to doing such a thing.

"The conditions of the Parthians are still normal. They have received a lot of financial support, and their affairs are progressing smoothly. They expanded two infantry brigades and two cavalry brigades. This is the accumulation of their strength for the next attack." Shang Wen Said this after reading the report.

"Yes. We also think so. There is no suspense about the Armenian war. Their weapons and equipment are very backward. And facing a group of well-equipped troops, there is nothing to worry about in such a war. What we worry about is whether there is oil there. After all, that is a guess. The guess is correct and wrong. After all, there are accidents. All kinds of accidents will eventually lead to deviations in our situation and, if there is an accident. , It will become a sinful investment." Meng Tian said.

"This also requires an accurate report of geological prospecting. Since the Parthians are very relaxed about the Armenian war, I think this can also greatly reduce our dependence on the war situation, for example, on resources. It’s a kind of appeal of the above.” Shang Wen said.

"Well. We have reduced the risk as much as possible. But what about the specific situation? It depends on how the next military battle is resolved." Meng Tian said.

"So, I want to hear from you, regarding Armenia and the future development of rest, do you continue to develop fighting or stop such military operations?" Shang Wen asked.

"Well, the problem is that I think we must maintain a certain offensive rhythm, that is, every time we can't eat too much, too much, it will make us very greedy. Special cases of greed will eventually It killed us. At the same time, we have to be greedy, that is, we have to attack, because if we do not attack, our situation will be in a bad state. Under such circumstances The pressure in our country is also great. Those military enterprises and bankers are constantly putting pressure on us. I attended a meeting as an officer of the Ministry of National Defense. There is an atmosphere of expanding gunpowder. I feel very It’s uncomfortable. However, as a national military officer and the main person in charge, I don’t think that large-scale expansion can completely solve all problems. We must stay sensible.” Meng Tian said.

"Well. I think so too, but the problem is that the government is now kidnapped by those governments. They eagerly hope that the government can borrow on a large scale and then make various purchases to strengthen the government's series of military functions. It's the same as Qin in the past." Shang Wu said.

"The prime minister said that the former State of Qin was constantly launching wars, right?" Meng Tian asked.

"Yes, although I personally do not deny that such a policy will cause Qin State to fall into one financial crisis after another, but it is undeniable that if Qin State does the same in the future, it will inevitably fall into a huge During the crisis, during the huge economic crisis." Shang Wen said.

"Qin's most terrible enemy is not the existing enemy, but the enemy in our own heart, our greed. If we don't control well, Qin's machine will have problems." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah." Meng Tian nodded, expressing understanding. He didn't know what Shang Wen meant by saying this.

"The future Qin’s strategy should be limited control of wars, rather than unlimited expansion of wars. Wars can be conducted, but the problem must be to reduce large-scale war expenditures. In this way, Qin can be avoided to the greatest extent. The country is trapped in an environment of endless war. And the current and future wars will be like this." Shang Wen said.

"The prime minister meant that we, the Minister of Defense, should effectively control the pace of the war, right?" Meng Tian asked.

"Yes, the State of Qin cannot go to war like in the past, and the situation of the war has changed a lot. The war has a certain stimulus effect on the economy at the beginning, and we are only seeing part of the benefits of this stimulus effect. , But the problem is that, like the trajectory of a bullet, after a certain degree, and a certain degree, a kind of decline begins. We can’t see this kind of decline. This is the beginning of his power decline. We can’t keep on It is wrong to rely on such a method to stimulate domestic demand." Shangwen said.

"Yeah." Meng Tian still didn't understand part of it, but it didn't matter. Because Shangwen will tell him what kind of strategy Qin needs.

The development of the Qin State is inseparable from the correct strategic guidance, and the current situation of the Qin State is not considered very good by Shang Wenbi. Qin State is just at the transfer point of the two ways of thinking. The Qin State Council has made the right choice according to the past. It is still unclear that he was caught in a huge disaster and difficult situation, and finally led to the bankruptcy of the whole country, but during his term of office, he would never have such a situation. Shangwen absolutely did not allow such things to happen, because the occurrence of such things meant that Qin State had deflected a lot of places that he could not control.

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