Lower Rhone River. It is four days away from the estuary.

"On the left bank, a large number of Gauls appeared. They were barbaric and brave in combat. They tried to prevent us from crossing the river." Hannibal said to Li Wei.

Hannibal's army progressed rapidly, because he only had 30,000 elite troops in his hands, which was more than three times less than the force that entered Lockheed Martin in history. However, the combat effectiveness should not be underestimated, because they are equipped with a large number of firearms. Especially the artillery has been strengthened. For example, the machine gun unit was formed as a separate regiment and placed in the artillery team. Hannibal would rather sacrifice the infantry and keep the machine gun formation. Although they were not used in the past battles, Li Wei told him that the machine gun would cause considerable losses to the Roma.

"Sir. This is something about the Ronnie River." A lieutenant came in and reported the latest situation. The engineering unit planned to build a pontoon bridge, but it didn't succeed.

"The Ronnie River is turbulent and turbulent. This is not a good thing for us." Hannibal said.

"If we launch an offensive tomorrow to defeat the Gauls on the other side, if we do not fight smoothly, we will be in trouble." Li Wei said.

"That's true. I have a bold plan. We let the commandos cross the river from the upper reaches and enter the back of the Gaul. We used the signal flare as a signal to launch an attack. They took the opportunity to attack the Gaul camp and burn it. Kill their camp, in this case, everything will be beneficial to us. We can completely defeat them." Hannibal said.

"Why don't we carry out artillery bombardment?" Li Wei asked.

"Hehe, you know our factor. We don’t have a lot of shells. We need to wait a long time to replenish one round. This is not a good thing for us. If we can save some, I Think, in the future combat operations against the Roma, to consume too much ammunition is a waste for us." Hannibal said.

Due to the lack of sufficient supplies, Hannibal had to limit his ammunition consumption in some battles. Sometimes, this consumption was a waste in Hannibal's view.

"Okay. But if we don't solve this problem, it's really difficult to conduct large-scale operations." Li Wei said helplessly.

"There is no way," Hannibal said helplessly.

"Sir, here are two telegrams from Chief Li Wei. For expedited, these are sent by Zhao Guo merchants." A lieutenant came in and reported. Hannibal handed it to Li Wei. Li Wei opened it quickly and took a look.

"This is good news. We will get a part of the funding from the Zhao government. They will buy a batch of munitions to provide us. At least we are not alone anymore." Li Wei said.

"Oh my God. Your government actually supports us. Our government does nothing." Hannibal was very excited when he heard the news. At least, he got the support of the Zhao government. It shows that he is not alone.

"Yes, but we still need to do something to attract our government to focus on this. In this way, we can get more funding, maybe we can find a way to solve this problem from this aspect. For example, launching an offensive from the sea allows our logistics supplies to be resolved to a large extent." Li Wei said. If their Zhao State navy appears, or finds to enter the Mediterranean area, their situation will be supplemented by a lot of supplies, which is a great help to the Carthaginians.

"The other one is about radio telegrams." Li Wei said.

"Our diplomatic ambassador sent a wireless telegraph team to follow us for military operations, and one of our logistics teams is following along with us." Li Wei put the telegram away and said.

"Isn't the radio very unstable?" Hannibal asked.

"Perhaps, this is the case at a certain stage, but most of them can complete our necessary communications, and we can also establish a wireless telegraph team in Spain. Help us receive such information, no matter what, if we do this, it will allow us Calling for the support we should have, in this way, our situation can be greatly improved." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. Well, starting tomorrow, we will start to act." Hannibal said. The Gauls on the left bank continued to make provocative actions against the Ronnie River. They even took off their pants and revealed their ***. This is an extremely serious act of provocation. But soon they stopped doing so.

Carthage's snipers knocked out the xiati of a Gaul man. This was a very serious provocative counterattack. At the same time, the Gaul had a new fear of the Carthaginians.

The next day. The Gauls gathered on the left bank of the Roni River. Their goal is clear. It was to prevent the Carthaginians from crossing the river.

"Gauls have a lot of troops." Li Wei said with a telescope.

"Shoot and fire with our only artillery. Each artillery can only shoot three rounds." Hannibal added immediately.

"Three shots?" The artillery officer heard the order. Three shells were not enough for them to warm up. As a result, such a thing happened unexpectedly, which made them feel uncomfortable.

"Swish. Swish." The shells roared. The first shell hit the Gaul's assembled team, and the quality of the Carthaginians' artillery improved a lot. This caused a lot of casualties to the Gauls.

"Boom. Boom." The shell exploded among the Gauls, causing a lot of casualties.

"The first hit, our artillery has made a lot of progress. If this continues, I think it will definitely catch up with our artillery." Li Wei said. The landing operation began.

Three red flares soared into the sky. This means that the offense has officially begun.

"Tutu. Tutu. Tutu." Aiming at the Gaul over there and shooting. A Carthage ensign officer arrived with his rifle and commanded the knife.

In order to increase the success of armed landing operations, the Carthaginians creatively placed machine guns on the bows of the landing ships. In this way, they could increase the success of their offensives. This could be considered a success.

"Aim at that side and shoot, stabilize, the ship must be stabilized." The ensign shouted loudly. He found that the bullets were fluttering when they were shot. This would not kill the opponent on a large scale. Doing so would be torture for them. I thought that once they landed, it meant that they would be counterattacked by the Gauls frantically.

"Smoke? Sir, is it smoke?" A soldier told his sir. Just as they were about to dock, they found that the Gaul camp was up, and suddenly a lot of smoke rose up. It was a Carthaginian action. signal of. The Gaul who saw the smoke collapsed suddenly. They could not accept the attack on their camp. After the attack on the camp, the Gaul collapsed. The Carthaginians easily occupied the left bank, and then the engineering troops quickly built a pontoon bridge. They wanted to cross the Ronnie River in the shortest time.

"The battle went smoothly. It seems that our later military operations will proceed very smoothly." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. Great." Hannibal said with a smile.

The next goal of Hannibal's army is to be in the Alps, which is the starting point of their new journey. Hannibal's wish will be fulfilled.

Zhao Guo, Handan, in the office of the son Zhao Jia.

"The Prime Minister, according to what we have received, the Hannibal army of the Carthaginians is very good at fighting. They also bought a large number of arms and weapons from our merchants. Their demand is the most exuberant. I think we They should be supported to further solve such problems." The Minister of Defense said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, the situation of the Goguryeo people is at a deadlock. They will buy new arms. However, it is inevitable that no matter what methods we take to delay the war, the war will still end. This is an inevitable situation. It is impossible for the Goguryeo people to continue to fight, and if they continue to fight, it will be detrimental to the Goguryeo people and our financial situation, because the profitability of Goguryeo will have big problems. Speaking of.

"Yeah." Zhao Jia nodded.

"The bonds of the Goguryeo people must allow the Goguryeo government to be well maintained and achieve a huge victory. Such a victory will greatly contribute to the further expansion of our interests. Therefore, we need to avoid such a situation and replace Goguryeo. The best thing for people is Carthage. According to the telegram sent by our consultant, General Hannibal is planning a larger military operation, and their military operation will bring greater profits. Faced with such a situation Profit. It will form a greater advantage for us." The Minister of Finance said.

"In other words, the Carthaginians will be our next substitute, right?" Zhao Jia said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, the situation of the Carthaginians is far better than that of Goguryeo, and he is still a brand new market. This kind of market is very important to us. They will be our future. A new economic growth point and a place where a large number of weapons are dumped.” The Minister of Economy suggested.

"Well, increase our support for them, and let our navy find another channel into the Mediterranean as soon as possible. We can't fully pass through the important waterways controlled by the Koreans. In that case, it is equivalent to them getting stuck in us. Throat. We want to avoid such a situation, you know?" Zhao Jia said to the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Navy.

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