South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"Zhao Guoren's stock market has fallen for a large part, and our market has also been affected, but not very much. From the perspective of the stock market, this belongs to the category of natural retracements." Zhang Liang comforted. In fact, there will be a big difference between the Korean stock market and the Zhao Guo stock market. The South Korean stock market is developing in a healthy way. Its rising speed is very slow, but at any rate it is rising. Unlike the Zhao Guo stock market, which is very volatile, it is very strong when it rises, and it is also very strong when it falls. Such volatility brings about The speculative nature is very large.

"Sir, I think what Zhao Guo should do now is how to solve Koguryo's affairs, but after Goguryeo's affairs, what goals will they choose to develop?" Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. I think the Mediterranean is their next target. Look at this, this Hannibal is too powerful. He actually eliminated a lot of the opponent's main force." Han Shu said.

"If they continue to support, I think this General Hannibal will create even greater disasters." Zhang Liang concluded.

"It's true, but it's not time yet. It's a pity that the Loma people don't know the situation they are facing." Han Shu said calmly. Indeed, the current South Korea really should not do this, because the Roma people still have not applied for any assistance, they think they can fix this situation, and the Koreans cannot take action rashly when the situation has not changed. Therefore, in this situation, neither of them launched any related military operations.

In the Mediterranean, a Loma battleship secretly left Spain. Because Carthage was closely guarding the approach of the Loma battleship in the coastal area.

"Will it be useful for us to go back?" Scipio asked worriedly.

"In any case, you have accumulated combat experience. I think that if an officer like you goes back, even if it is not very useful, it will be reused. Believe me, I think this is an opportunity." Li Fu said so.

"Why do you say that?" Scipio asked.

"It's very simple. Hannibal is not an ordinary person. This person is very dangerous. Have you seen it? In order to be able to defeat Lockheed Martin, he can accept any conditions. His army has the highest degree of reformation, while Lockhart can only achieve the same. In order to achieve the same combat capability, this requires a mission that is the same as Hannibal. Only in this way can all problems be completely solved." Li Fu said.

"This requires the authority above the governor to do this. My position is at most a legion commander. I can't do this yet." Scipio said.

"Emergency times, very treated, I think you should give full play to your family advantages and actively lobby, you have your advantages, you know what kind of person Hannibal is, and at the same time know the situation in Spain, other than that , You also know how powerful firearms are. To what extent such powerfulness can be achieved, you need to make some adjustments by the Loma people. Such adjustments will inevitably require you to make some huge developments." Li Fu said.

"In other words, to some extent beyond Hannibal, right?" Scipio said.

"Yes, when the enemy is very strong, we have to learn from them, and then continue to supplement some of our own situation, so that we can develop very well, you know what I mean, with such development, we can do a lot of things. For us, this is how things are. Only in this way can we solve all problems." Li Fu said.

"I understand." Scipio said. He began to understand what was going on. In fact, the Loma has always lacked a core military reformer. Every cruel military struggle inevitably requires the appearance of a great military reformer, or two, for example, Hannibal has appeared in Carthage. And if Lockheed to defeat Hannibal, he would need to pay much more cruel military reforms than Hannibal. As a rising star, Scipio must summarize the advantages of his predecessors, otherwise, he would not be able to surpass the opponent at all. .

This is the very urgency of the military viewpoint they are currently working on. If the Roma cannot surpass, it means all failures, if the Roma surpasses. It means that Lockheed Martin will enter a new era. This is a hero, era, and competition of everything. Although it is cruel, it is enough to cause them to cause a larger scale of battle.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"You know the situation on the front line better than I do. Everything is in a state of stagnation. If we want to make a breakthrough, we need to solve the situation of the mountain people. However, to solve the mountain people, we need five infantry divisions. But, to solve the mountain people, we need five infantry divisions. We can only provide one. They can only barely maintain our logistics supply line to transport materials, so that everything will become very bad. And the front line can only achieve a breakthrough with sufficient artillery and troops. . But we can’t draw up and provide more troops to support such military operations. This kind of military operations is a vicious circle for us, because our current forces cannot solve such things and are very passive. , But it is also very helpless." The Defense Minister said.

"So, what does the minister mean?" the secretary of the army asked him.

"I think we should take a risk. Maybe Zhao Guoren’s suggestion is right. I know that Li Zuoche is a very powerful person. Really, he can solve all many things. I know The thing is, he can solve all things. Under such circumstances, I think he can definitely solve such problems. My suggestion is that we can help them do this.” The Secretary of Defense said.

"I see. The minister meant that we support Li Zuoche's proposal and launch a flank attack." The Secretary of the Army said.

"Yes, that's what I meant." The Secretary of Defense said.

"I support this. After all, if we do this, we still have a great advantage. Otherwise, we will have to go back to the problem just now. We can't solve the logistical problem, and naturally, the frontline will not be able to achieve a breakthrough. Moreover, we have caused very serious casualties. The domestic sentiment is not very high. They are very disappointed with us. Under such circumstances, we cannot do such a thing. Otherwise, we will fall into one. A huge disaster, and a crisis of confidence.” said the Secretary of the Army.

"In this way, we need our navy, and our navy can also support it, but is there no problem with military operations on land? We are not worried about the Yan State Navy at all. Their navy has rusted in the navy port." The minister said lightly. Now there is finally a navy business. Their navy patrols every day. In order to participate in land battles, they also reorganize the Marine Corps military force. In fact, it is the army's combat force strengthened by naval personnel. In fact, the Navy wants to gain some military merit. After all, the army performed very eye-catching throughout the battle. The navy's situation is not good. So, in this situation. They will form a greater advantage, and with such an advantage, the Navy will be able to build greater credit. Why not the navy.

"We are all aware of the situation of the Yan State Navy. Their situation is very bad. Because of the lack of funds, their navy has not left the port, and even normal patrol missions are not available. Such a navy is no longer a threat. It's big," said the Secretary of the Navy.

"In this way, you will be fully dependent on the Navy." The Secretary of Defense said.

"However, how much risk is required for army operations. We still need to study this carefully. If Yan is unable to send their reserve team, it will give us a large enough advantage." The Secretary of the Army said.

Yes, risk. For such operations, they must consider the risks. Although they are unlikely to know that the Yan people will send their final strategic reserve team, under such circumstances, they must also consider using the reserve team. Once they encounter such a situation, how can they solve it?

Yan State, a border city.

"This, this, this, I want it all." A Yan nationale kept buying with a lot of new money, no matter how high the price, he sold them all.

"I said, this gentleman, you don't have to buy it like this. This thing, if you buy it expensive, then it's not good." The shopkeeper said.

"Cut, what do you know. This is a panic buying, don’t you know? Our Yan Guo won the battle. This will definitely increase taxes and need to attack. The Prince will definitely increase taxes. At that time, many things will have to go up. Now you can have money. If you buy something, it's the best, if you can't buy it, it's completely gone." The customer said. With that, he bought all the eggs.

"Oh, what this gentleman said is really reasonable. If this is the case, this thing, I, I will not sell it. I stock up, stock up." The shopkeeper immediately repented.

"Unfortunately, I have already paid. I took all these things. Hurry, hurry, go to the next store and buy everything back. Hurry." The customer said. Then he really ran out quickly. The shopkeeper saw that he quickly took out the money and went shopping. why. The price of Yan State cannot rise again. If it rises again, it will be completely finished. No one can survive. They don't know what is going on at all, but without material, they can't go down at all, buy, buy, noodles, and buy everything. This is what they are doing now.

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