Goguryeo, Heitucheng. Ministry of Defense.

"Sir, this is the top-secret information we obtained from the Ministry of National Defense of the State of Yan." The chief of MI5 took a copy of the information and handed it to the Minister of Defense.

The Secretary of Defense just watched silently, and the information provided in this intelligence was truly astonishing.

"You said, there are supplies from the Yan people, and they have been cut off a long time ago. Why are they still fighting?" the Minister of Defense asked.

"Sir, they distributed the materials early. I think the people of Yan will not last long. After all, their material reserves are very limited." The director said. The Secretary of Defense nodded, agreeing with this. This information is indeed true, but the Department of Defense is no longer able to deal with such matters. Because their country is already in a huge vortex. Riots began in many places, and the army could no longer suppress them in time. Many aristocratic congressmen secretly rushed to the old king of Yan. They demanded that Prince Dan step down immediately and imprison him. Only in this way can we ensure that the country of Yan is in a stable state.

Yan's economy completely collapsed. Their tax revenue has long been unable to meet the huge demand for war materials. This is the reason why the warehouse is empty. Because of the huge inertia of the war, the soldiers on the front can barely maintain it for a while. But after this period of time, the situation in Yan State will completely collapse.

The situation is very unfavorable to Yan's country, but this is the situation. Now the military actions of the Goguryeo people have given them a great advantage.

In the mansion of Yan Guo, Prince Dan, the entire mansion at this time has become very quiet. The elite troops of the Old Yan King of the Kingdom of Yan have completely surrounded this place, and Prince Dan has also been placed under emergency house arrest. The cabinet of Prince Dan’s government has completely lost its job functions, and all ministers have been concentrated under house arrest. King Yan once again controlled the situation, and he also sent a telegram to ask for help, because the situation in Yan State had completely changed.

When the Goguryeo people landed in Yau Magou, King Lao Yan had already made such a decision. Although he acted absurdly, or was accepting, it didn’t seem to be what a king should do, but he What I know now is that to maintain everything he needs a lot of financial protection without these, everything he has will be in vain.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The development of the aviation industry is very rapid, which directly leads to the rapid development of our aluminum smelting industry and a large number of aviation-related industries, especially the demand for oil. Our demand for this resource has become very large, even though the northern All regions can also produce a large amount of oil, but we believe that it will have a great impact on the Qin State in a short period of time. Therefore, we decided to establish a large oil reserve center in the Hexi Corridor and the Longxi region. This way If it is, the issue of oil prices can be effectively stabilized. Although it can only stabilize for 60 days, for us, these conditions will have a great impact on us." The Minister of Energy said.

Qin’s current main energy ratio has undergone a great change. Before the main energy was coal, then electricity took up a large part, followed by oil, which suddenly accounted for 15%. , And if this situation continues to develop, there will be an expansion of the situation.

Under such development conditions, ensuring the energy security of Qin State has become one of the important methods. Because most of Qin’s energy comes from South Korea, they need to import a large amount of oil from Qingcheng, South Korea. At the same time, a large amount of oil will be transported from Yueshi to Qin. Another important channel is the Caspian Sea. However, there was a war there, which had a huge impact on Qin's oil.

It seems that the people of Qin are born with a sense of crisis. This sense of crisis makes them always carry out large-scale reserves for certain things. This is a good habit, Shang Wen likes it very much.

"I think that the 60-day reserve is still a little less for a country as large as Qin. I think we can increase it up to 90 days. In this way, the impact on us will be small. Many." Shang Wen said.

"If this is the case, I personally agree to do so, after all, doing so is of great benefit to us." The Minister of Energy nodded and said.

"Dangdang." At this moment, Meng Yi knocked on the door and came in.

"There are extremely urgent things that need to be handled by you, and such things can only be carried out by you." Meng Yi said.

"I'll take care of this matter." The Secretary of Energy picked up the report and said that he was leaving here. Shang Wen nodded in agreement.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen asked.

"Prince Dan is under house arrest. This is a telegram from King Yan. Now the whole situation is under the control of Yan State, and the situation is very unfavorable to the people of Yan State. Not only that, but the military posture of the Goguryeo people is very favorable. They occupy it. With the logistic supply center of the Yan people, this means that if the Goguryeo people continue to increase their troops, they can completely eat all the military power of the Yan people. The Yan people.” Meng Yi said.

"It seems that the situation is developing very badly." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, it is true. So King Yan reacted immediately. Prince Dan has been placed under house arrest. However, the situation of the people of Yan is not very good. They hope that they can adjust and provide support. This is the kind of thing that should be done. How to solve it. There is no final conclusion yet." Meng Yi said.

"If the people of Yan Kingdom do not exist, the power of the people of Zhao Kingdom will expand wildly. We also want people from the Kingdom of Yan. Zhao Jia is an important representative of Zhao Kingdom's expansionism. We cannot allow them to develop this situation further. It seems, Peace is the most important issue." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, I think we must work with the Koreans to do this. They have a great advantage in the navy. If Goguryeo occupies the rear logistics supply base, it means that the whole situation will be in one place. In this extremely unfavorable situation, they will directly threaten our naval base from the sea. Our entire supply plan will be devastated, especially the supplementation of the entire Americas, which will lead to a more catastrophic situation. , We can't let this situation happen." Meng Yi persuaded.

"Yeah. You are right. Tell the Koreans about our ideas. We need their support. If they want, we can provide them with more help." Shang Wen said.

"We still need the help of the South Korean Navy. The time it took to mediate this war is definitely beyond our comparison." Meng Yi said.

While Shang Wen and Meng Yi were discussing specific countermeasures, South Korea's Xinzheng, Supreme Commander, and Han Shu were also paying attention to such a matter.

"It's time to come, we can mediate such a war, but what benefits can South Korea get?" Han Shu asked the ministers.

"This is what we need most, and it is also the most critical place. We must know that during the Prince Dan government, our investment in Yan State could not be further expanded. This has had a great impact on our capital operation. Impact, if we can change this situation this time, it will have a great impact on us." Han Shu said.

"My lord, I think that at present we should send the navy to the Liaodong waters as soon as possible to conduct a demonstration there, or conduct a naval warship inspection near the Goguryeo waters. We need to join the Jeju navy to act together." Zhang Liang Persuaded.

"My lord, it is most important to stabilize the situation. At the same time, we must let the people of Yan see that our existence is of great significance. If there is no such existence, the people of Yan will not solve such a thing." Zhang Liang Speaking of this.

"Well. It makes sense. Such a matter should indeed be handled like this. What do you think?" Han Shu asked the Secretary of the Navy.

"We agree to do this, Sir, we do need such an attitude to express our situation. After all, under such circumstances, no one can make our situation more stable. More information we currently have Judging from the perspective, the situation of the Yan people will continue to deteriorate. In that case, our situation will be completely out of control." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"My lord, I support this. After all, it is only good for us," said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Well, to stabilize part of the situation, the key is the war on land. The logistics supplies of the Yan people have been occupied. If they can't maintain it for long, they will collapse. In that case, the situation will collapse and the whole situation will collapse completely. Once the de facto negotiation conditions are established, the whole opportunity will become very passive." The Secretary of War is not worried about maritime matters. What he is worried about is the war on land, after all. The war on land is the key.

"Yeah. We need to send special envoys to the country of Yan to solve all the problems, so that the people of the country of Yan can agree to all our conditions as soon as possible. Only in this way can we quickly solve such problems. I think, I should understand what I said. What do you mean?" Han Shu said.

Zhang Liang and others nodded. In fact, when the situation of Yan people was extremely unstable, the Koreans provided limited help, but behind this help was a great price, and they needed Yan people to pay a great price to solve this. Otherwise, they would not do such a thing. Under such circumstances, it is natural for the people of Yan to make some changes.

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