Zhao Guo. Handan. Inside Zhao Jia's office.

"The military offensive of the Goguryeo people is extremely smooth. Under such circumstances, what should we do? End the war?" Zhao Jia asked his Minister of Defense and Secretary of the Army. After all, this war is a land war.

"Well, the prime minister, we think that we should meet as soon as we meet. Under these conditions, it is enough for us to achieve greater success. We do not need to continue to take risks. If we continue to take risks, it will be bad for us. Currently, Goguryeo People’s fiscal deficits are quite terrifying. Such good news can stimulate Goguryeo’s bonds to rise further. Under such circumstances, it is already the best opportunity for us to escape. We don’t need to continue the war." The Minister of Finance spoke first. The war is not a matter for the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army. There are more factors that affect this war, that is, the power of economy and finance. Such power is sufficient for them to make some correct choices.

"Does this affect us a lot?" Zhao Jia asked.

"The prime minister, I think we should pay attention to one thing, that is, the situation in the country of Yan has also changed. Prince Dan has already faced a huge defeat. It is said that he has been put under house arrest. Then the people of Yan will inevitably seek foreign aid. People of the Qin country, The Koreans are their biggest source of help. In this regard, we have not spurred the power of the two big countries, especially the Koreans. They are simply a dog of the Qin country. They are constantly competing with us. Under such a situation, it is difficult for us to avoid that the Koreans will not participate in it. At the request of the Yan people, the Koreans will inevitably participate. Because they will not see a weak Yan country being flanked by Zhao Guo and Goguryeo. Under such conditions, it is really difficult for us to fight further with them." The Finance Minister said.

"And the proper ending of the war allows us to get more benefits. This is the best way to end the current competition. Moreover, our Zhao Guoren's goal has been reached, but if there is further large-scale war, the Goguryeo people's financial The first is the collapse, and it is like the inside of Yan Guoren." The Minister of Finance persuaded.

"Do you think so too?" Zhao Jia asked the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of the Army. Their opinions are still very important. After all, he cannot allow such things to happen. If it happens, it will cause a very serious disaster, even though Zhao Jia is very He likes the huge economic stimulus brought about by war, but if the real stimulus to Zhao Guoren is fundamental, he will still avoid it. After all, he still knows that there is a bottom line that cannot be touched, and that is to maintain Zhao Guo's financial flexibility.

"We also agree to do this, Prime Minister. After all, we don't have much energy to pay attention to such things. This is a huge pressure for us. Faced with such a pressure, we should indeed make the right choice. Come." The Secretary of Defense said. This sentence sounds very esoteric. In fact, just one meaning, agree with the Finance Minister's idea, they really can't wage excessive war.

"Well, let me inform the people of Goguryeo and let them know about some changes in the situation. We really can't go into war excessively." Zhao Jia said.

"However, there is one more thing." The Secretary of Defense said worriedly at this time.

"That's it, Prime Minister, Koguryeo has ordered a large amount of military weapons and equipment from us, and these weapons and equipment will become surplus, how should we deal with it?" the Minister of Defense asked.

"This." Zhao Jia was a little embarrassed. He knew that the Goguryeo people would rather pay liquidated damages than continue to pay a high price to purchase these weapons and equipment. After all, the war is over. Naturally, these weapons and equipment can no longer play a greater role.

"Dispose of it, we can find the next buyer, do you think, which one will buy?" Zhao Jia asked a question like this.

"Perhaps the Mediterranean can do it. The Carthaginians may want some. After all, they also need a war victory, and we can handle it for them." The Minister of Finance thought for a while and said.

"Well, it's them. Tell them, let those weapons and equipment be shipped to the Mediterranean. I'll sell them to them." Zhao Jia decided in this way.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

Li Lin stood in front of the office window. They are about to win a huge victory. As long as it persists for a few days, a few days, the logistics supplies of the Yan people will be completely finished. They can enter the resource areas in northern Liaoning, which is extremely important for their development. But Li Lin was not happy at all.

"We should continue to move forward, occupy more and go away. This is very important to us. There are many things. We will win a huge victory." The Secretary of War knows that the Army has achieved a decisive victory. he thinks. Under such circumstances, they should quickly expand their results and gain more political advantages. In this way, their situation will be in an extremely favorable state.

"There is a new situation, we need to pay attention." The Secretary of the Navy looked at the Secretary of the Army with disdain. The Secretary of the Army behaved like a monkey. Under such circumstances, they would not develop more. The plan came.

"The South Korean navy is dispatched. They decided to conduct military exercises in the northern area of ​​Wadao Island. The Qin Navy also participated in the exercises. Know what this means?" The Secretary of the Navy looked at the Secretary of the Army and said.

"This means that if the two countries want to, they will cut off the logistic supply of our landing combat troops in the north at any time, and defeat our main naval fleet. In the face of such a fleet, we simply cannot fight further. Our situation, It is not optimistic. As long as we are unwilling to end the war, it will definitely be such a situation. I know that such a situation will form a huge suppression on us.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"This." Many people stopped talking. Even with the Zhao Kingdom, they know that it is difficult to resist the intervention of the two Central Plains countries. Moreover, this war is no longer a pure land war. If it continues, they will face the continuation of a larger scale of war.

"Our fiscal and financial situation will not be much better. I think everyone should understand such a situation. Although the price of bonds has risen a lot, the government can profit from it, but from the long-term trend, the price of bonds It should be a decline. After all, the government’s ability to repay in the future will be very large. We do not have enough funds to fight this war. If the war continues, the government will go bankrupt and it will be difficult to fight for a longer period of time. Ours The economy will collapse completely. Under such circumstances, we should end the war. Use the economic resources of the North to repay the debts we owe." The Minister of Finance said.

"Just do it. If we don't stop the scourge of fighting, we will face even greater disasters. We can't face such disasters and plunge us into a huge desperate situation. Goguryeo people absolutely cannot enter this kind of situation again. The situation is now." The other party said so. Then I stopped talking. I didn't say anything else.

The situation is already like this. What else can they say. Zhao Guo’s enterprises, banks, and Qin’s investment banks are all selling Goguryeo bonds in large quantities, and some of the Goguryeo ministers who have received information have also begun to take action. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult to have enough power to do this. Added. After all, such a thing should be over.


"I didn't expect that there are snow mountains here." Li Wei said in surprise.

"Indeed, is it amazing?" Hannibal asked.

"Indeed, it's amazing. We don't have such mountains in Central Plains. In this season, there are snow mountains." Li Wei said.

"Perhaps you said that there are more such mountains in this world. If this is the case, we can go to see such mountains in the future, for example, to create miracles and conquer them." Hannibal said.

"Let's conquer the Loma first." Li Wei said when he collected his coat.

All soldiers have their own coats, and their boots are specially thickened. Such boots help them solve all problems and can greatly avoid large-scale frostbite and discomfort on their feet. This is the best equipment for them. With such equipment, they can cross the Alps completely and safely. Because their boots were all exposed before, soldiers generally don’t wear socks. In this case, they are more likely to get frostbite. But now they have socks and boots, and the officers must also check the dryness of their socks in time. To the extent, the merchants of Zhao Kingdom were very meticulous. They provided more than one million pairs of socks to allow the Carthage army to cross the Alps.

In addition to socks, there are also military coats. The blended fabric solves the problem of lightness, and at the same time, they have made great progress in their cold protection. They used to wear animal skins. Such military uniforms are difficult to satisfy in a short time. Their needs are not only that, those clothes are also extremely heavy. In that case, wearing such military uniforms will increase their burden. But with military coats, socks, and military boots, this greatly increases their overpass. Possibility of the Alps. The army continued to advance, and they had already traveled three-quarters of the distance. Victory is just around the corner. Maybe their forward troops have reached the foot of the Alps and appeared in front of the Loma people. This will bring great surprises to the Loma people. Hannibal felt that such a surprise was worth celebrating.

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