The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3966: Zhao State Naval Aviation

Yan Guo, Old Yan Wang looked at the report extremely annoyed.

"These mountain people grow up with anti-bones. Anti-thief. Anti-thief." The mountain people controlled the area originally controlled by Yan Kingdom almost overnight, and they announced that they would establish a country of their own. The dissatisfaction of King Lao Yan, but the dissatisfaction is the dissatisfaction, but they can do nothing. Because the Yan people lack the strength to act. Most of their military power has been greatly consumed. The domestic situation has not stabilized. Under such circumstances, it seems that it is difficult for them to gather sexual forces to interfere with the actions of the mountain people.

Lao Yan Wang was very annoyed, but there was no way he could do it. This is the situation, what else can he do? It can only be so. This is a serious result of the lack of strength. Although the Yan people are very annoyed, they have to admit to doing so now.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The situation of the mountain people is really unexpected." Meng Yi found Shang Wen and talked about the news that the mountain people plan to establish a country. This news was sent by the Goguryeo people. The people of Zhao Guo did not respond. It seemed that they were trying to test the attitude of the people of Qin. .

"We also had this idea before, maybe it's not surprising at all. But the problem is that the current situation of the mountain people has been tilted to the Goguryeo people. The situation is not good for the Yan people. We can only appease the Yan people in terms of loans and end the battlefield as soon as possible. War is the key." Shang Wen said of Austria. Judging from the current situation, the situation of the Yan people is indeed very unfavorable. Many of them have encountered such a situation. The mountain people have actually belonged to the Goguryeo subject country, which means that the power of the Goguryeo people can enter the mountains. Among the people, it is conceivable that in the future, a large amount of Goguryeo funds will enter the mountain people, and more resources controlled by the mountain people will develop. Because the Yan people lose such a place, their industry and economic development will be affected. Judging from it, it was a heavy blow.

"The economy of Yan people is too weak. If they continue to work, it will only make their situation worse. So in such a situation, I think the most important thing at the moment is to provide as much as possible. Financial aid is given to the people of Yan to recover. Such things are already difficult to change. Persuade the people of Yan to accept this fact." Shang Wu said helplessly. Faced with such a situation, they can only do so.

"Well, I understand." Meng Yi nodded his head and recorded it. This matter can no longer be changed. The people of Yan will suffer heavy losses, but this is their choice.

State of Zhao, Handan, Admiralty.

"These are some reports we sent from the Mediterranean Fleet. It took me a long time to find them." The Navy Deputy Commander took out a report from his briefcase. The Secretary of the Navy looked through glasses.

"What do you mean?" the Secretary of the Navy asked after looking around.

"According to the situation sent from the front line, we need to treat it separately. Carthage is different from Spain. The Ministry of Defense is also considering this issue. After all, Spain has brought too much demand for arms. If we don’t If we act indiscriminately and indiscriminately, it may cause a lot of confusion in ourselves. In this case, the best way is to let our own people find something as pleasant as possible. What I mean is Said, let us be able to find some important foundations that can be replaced.” said the navy undersecretary.

"You'd better be blunt, what on earth do you want to say?" the Secretary of the Navy asked him with his fists in his hands.

"I mean, we have to take military action against Carthage, and at the same time we have to take precautions against Spain, and we have no foundation in the Mediterranean. Maybe Spain is a good choice, but after all, there is too far. I think We can choose Malta. Malta is a good choice. It is located in the middle of the Mediterranean. It can attack Rome in Italy, Carthage, and their Africa. It is a very good supply center. If we are there If a naval base is established, the situation will be very beneficial to us. And the naval fleet is even more advantageous in terms of voyage. It happens to be a place controlled by Carthage, and we can control such a place, and then control other areas." Navy Said the Deputy Chief.

"You mean, we are not attacking Carthage, but Malta? Will the prime minister agree?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"But we don’t have a naval base, sir, you know, the Mediterranean fleet actually operates in Thebes, the area controlled by the Koreans, and our Mediterranean fleet has only a few broken ships and no fleet or base. This is a very bad thing. Sir, my idea is that we can build a base there as much as possible so that we can attack the Carthaginian soil. Otherwise, our fleet can only be docked in a base controlled by the Koreans. , This is very bad for us." said the navy deputy.

"Yeah. It is very reasonable. If we have other things, we can also quickly adjust to solve such problems through other methods. At the same time, this is an important traffic road. We can get stuck in many surrounding areas. Place," said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Yes, sir, this place is very good. I think the officer named Zhao Hai has a strategic vision." Said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"You can transfer him over, you have such authority, but I also hope you can see this. I need to report the base matter to the prime minister, and I hope he can agree to such a plan. After all, the navy can't do it all at once. In the past, we needed a large island, and this report of mine can make the prime minister more determined.” The Secretary of the Navy took out a report and handed it to the Deputy Chief of the Navy. The Deputy Chief of the Navy swiftly Take it over and look.

"Navy aviation?" The undersecretary of the navy opened the report and took a look, startled.

"Yes, naval aviation. According to what I know, all countries are actively developing naval aviation. Although their speed may be slower, such as Chu, their aviation has just started. But this is not a bad thing. Important basic needs." Shang Wu said.

"As for our country Zhao, the development of the army aviation is very fast, and the **** air force, but our navy is very slow, and the equipment we get is very old. According to the latest intelligence, the Koreans have made A brand new type of warship, called an aircraft carrier, has actually done this for a long time. It is said that they will build more such warships. We don’t know the exact number, but there may already be two such warships, one. We already know, but for the other ship, on their Queen’s Island, our spies currently cannot know such specific conditions." The Secretary of the Navy said.

The deputy commander of the Navy quickly checked the information. With the large-scale preparation of large-caliber artillery and the launch of naval steel battleships, the protection capabilities of warships have been further improved. Steam turbines using heavy oil are being equipped with various warships on a large scale. The increase in power naturally makes warships The defense and offensive capabilities have reached a balance, but this balance is not a good thing for naval warships. The Koreans did a very boring thing. They took the latest warships to conduct defensive tests. The purpose is very simple. , Is to find out the weaknesses of the new-style warships, but unfortunately, they spent a long time without being too clear to find out the weaknesses, because the bombardment of a large number of shells, especially the bombardment effect of the 150mm artillery, is very It’s not obvious. Only an offensive with artillery over 230 mm can have a heavy impact. But in that case, a large number of artillery shells are required. If the opponent’s warship cannot be destroyed, the opponent’s warship can still be used for combat as long as it is repaired. This means As a result, naval battles will become more intense and time consuming longer.

Perhaps in order to speed up this kind of naval battle, aviation has appeared. They were only used for reconnaissance and observation at first, and the Koreans also planned to use airplanes for torpedo shooting. Because they found that, in comparison, the shells consumed by warships are quite serious, but if torpedoes are used to attack, the effect is extremely effective. Aviation only exists as a necessary weapon for launching surprise attacks. In such a competitive environment, countries naturally develop their own aviation forces.

"We also need to develop our own aviation force. I think this is an opportunity. We can build a base there. Then, we can develop our own aviation force and let the aviation force solve such things. In this way, we can solve all the problems. Now." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Well, this is indeed a good opportunity, but if you do this, it will increase the Navy's funding. I don't know, the Prime Minister." The Navy Deputy Chief was still very worried.

"In order to punish Carthage, it is necessary to establish naval aviation. We also have airship units. They can carry out long-distance raids and bombard other important cities. I believe that only a large number of bombs can be dropped on the heads of the rest. In order to solve all the problems.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"In this case, the establishment of the naval aviation force has great rationality, and the prime minister can approve our plan with such a purpose." The Secretary of the Navy said with confidence.

"Yeah. I hope so." The Navy Deputy Nodded and said. He believes that the development of naval aviation does not rely on airships, but aircraft, but it seems that such equipment is still difficult to meet their needs.

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