The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3967: New development momentum

Although South Korea actually owns two aircraft carriers, one modification is experimental, and the other is modified from cruisers, which is also experimental. However, neither of these two aircraft carriers explained that the status of naval aviation in naval operations has undergone great changes. Because the offensive threat launched by naval aviation is not great, and his voyage is also limited to a certain extent, the aircraft carrier is still an auxiliary battleship, and his dominance has not yet come.

After South Korea built an aircraft carrier, many countries began to pay attention to this point, but they first focused on the construction of naval aviation. Rather than aircraft carriers, although aircraft carriers have already appeared, it will still take a long, long period of time for the aircraft carriers to rise to the status of the main body.

At the foot of the Alps, in Hannibal’s headquarters, Hannibal was engaged in diplomacy with the Gauls during this period. He continued to use bewildering methods to meet each other. Sometimes he was a young man, sometimes he was an old man, and sometimes he was dressed. The clothes of the civilians are amiable, and sometimes they become very majestic. His uniform seems to make him extremely serious, and all of this is to win over, demonstrate, and make the Gauls obey their orders.

"According to the latest telegrams we have received, this Sempronia seems to be very anxious. In the past few days, his troops have completed the landing, the leading troops have reached us, and his main troops are also actively gathering. Pounce on our side." Li Wei handed a telegram to Hannibal. Hannibal looked quickly and nodded in agreement.

"Since the other party is coming in such anxiousness, we should lie in wait and eliminate them completely." Hannibal said. Although they can't come up with a specific combat plan for the time being, because the combat area has not yet been determined, they have a great advantage. They are weak after crossing the Alps. After a period of rest, they quickly recovered, and Loma People rushed over directly. They seemed to think that a counterattack in such a short period of time might shock the Carthaginians. According to their understanding, the Carthaginian soil was not equipped with a large number of telegrams. As a result, their reaction speed would be extremely slow, and such an offense would be extremely fierce to the Carthaginians.

"Although from the intelligence analysis, the opponent's offensive is very fast, but I personally think that it is better to be cautious about such things, as you have seen. Sempronia is too fast, is there an army behind them, or is it , Is this bait?" Li Wei said cautiously.

"It shouldn’t be. Our scouts have deployed a large number of reconnaissance forces in the surrounding area. Under such circumstances, it seems impossible to accomplish things. There are not many Loma regiments, and we have not deployed Loma’s eyeliner. Many, under such circumstances, how could the Loma people deploy a large number of troops at once." Hannibal analyzed that this is completely unrealistic, you must know. The Loma people are fighting with cold weapons. Because they are fighting with cold weapons, the combat team needs a large number of dense formations, which means that it is difficult for the army to hide its whereabouts. Unlike the commandos, they are small, but the combat threat is huge. Under such circumstances, they can indeed hide their whereabouts to cover themselves.

"Why did the Loma people do this? This is a big mistake." Cautious Li Wei said. He really couldn't understand why the other party did this, because fast marching and decisive battles would bring great dangers, and such dangers are very great. Obviously the other party knows this, but he clearly knows that this is a great danger, but still has to proceed. Why is this? I really don't understand this matter.

"It's better for us to pay attention." Hannibal became more cautious under the influence of Li Wei, but to destroy the opponent, he still had to eliminate the opponent. At this point, they will definitely not be merciful. The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to themselves.

Next to the Suez Canal. A barren slope, where bones are exposed under the sand. These people were formed by the slaves who were thrown here after their deaths. Of course, there are still some dry corpses in the sand, because the water evaporates and the muscles atrophy, forming a terrible dry corpse, which makes people look shuddering.

In the distance, the Suez Canal is extremely busy. A large number of merchant ships continue to arrive here from all over the world, crossing the Suez Canal, entering the Mediterranean, and storing water through sluices. The transportation capacity of the Suez Canal has suddenly changed from the past two thousand. The ton level has been upgraded to the four thousand ton level, in some necessary cases. Special methods can also be used to upgrade to five thousand-ton warships, which is a big thing for the Suez Canal's capacity increase.

Increased capacity of the Suez Canal. Inseparable from the help of these corpses and boneless slaves, in order to build and expand this canal, I don't know how many people were exhausted alive, and many large gullies nearby were filled. Then it is covered with a lot of sand, and after a period of time, the entire ground will sink, and a lot of bones will be exposed.

No one can tell exactly how many people died on this canal. One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, maybe more, because a lot of people came in each time, but few people were able to get out.

After the Suez Canal began to use a large amount of cement, the Koreans built a large number of cement factories here. The main purpose of supply is to expand the Suez Canal. It is precisely because of cement that the expansion of the Suez Canal has developed rapidly, otherwise , A lot of engineering problems are difficult to solve, of course. In Indy, the Koreans built a steel plant, where a large amount of steel was produced and transported here. All production here is to improve the transportation capacity of the Suez Canal.

The source of Korean slaves is divided into two parts, one part comes from the north, the other part comes from the south, the north is mainly provided by Jews, and the other part is provided by Carthaginians. In the South, there are mainly a large number of black slaves. These labors are mainly responsible for some rough work, such as the transportation of earth, and the excavation, and the more detailed work is usually done by slaves from the north, thinking that their IQs are higher. The status of black slaves was very low, and the casualties were high.

However, Koreans usually do not care about these, because in their view, the main problem they solve is the upgrading of the Suez Canal.

When the canal is upgraded to the 4,000-ton level, a large amount of goods can be transported in, which means that the dumping of goods in South Korea will become more serious. In Carthage, the most severely affected place, many handicraftsmen went bankrupt. For example, the Carthaginians who mastered the secret formula were the only ones who could make glass, but South Korea transported a large amount of glass. There are more equipment for dumping. Korean products are of higher quality. The price is cheaper, which greatly affected the export of Carthage goods in Greece. A large number of products have been promoted there, and the market share occupied by Koreans has become more terrifying as their Suez Canal capacity increases. Faced with such a situation, their situation will become very unfavorable. But the Carthaginians became helpless, because they couldn't compete with the Koreans at all.

In addition to glass products, there are also a large number of cotton textiles and silk. This caused the local handicraftsmen to go bankrupt. At one time, many people lost their jobs and became slaves. This also made the economy of the Carthaginians more withered. It can be said that the Carthaginians supported the war but did not support the war. The war is justified, because in their view, they have a lot to do, but their financial funds are very limited. Their taxes have been reduced a lot, because their trade has been severely impacted.

State of Zhao, Handan, Admiralty.

"The transportation capacity of the Suez Canal is very limited. We should be aware of this. Therefore, our warships can only be limited to about 4,000 tons, preferably a destroyer of about 3,000 tons. You can control this by yourself. . Dispatch," the navy deputy said to a navy lieutenant colonel.

"Yes, sir, I understand." The navy lieutenant colonel recommended Zhao Guo's Yunzhong class destroyer. This destroyer is only three thousand and five hundred tons and meets the transportation restrictions of the Suez Canal. Not only that, but his firepower is considered to be good. Very fast, relatively, equipped with two double-mounted four 120mm caliber artillery, powerful, in addition to six 75mm artillery can support the land, the entire destroyer has no torpedoes. All the torpedoes were disassembled and replaced with a large number of machine guns for air defense and ground shooting. After all, their main role was to conduct combat.

"Sir, is the naval aviation plan still going on?" the lieutenant colonel asked. In order to meet the needs of the Mediterranean fleet, they have to do another thing, that is, make large-scale adjustments. This adjustment is to transform a kind of merchant ship into a destroyer or a transport ship. Specially used to transport airships and combat aircraft, the Zhao State Navy tried to use such a project. To develop one's own aircraft carrier, at the very least, one must form a technological accumulation for one's own construction technology.

"It must be carried out. This is an order issued by the chief, and we must carry it out. We must carry out such a thing," said the Undersecretary of the Navy. This plan is very important to them. Although many times in the future, they still don’t know how far this kind of warship can go. It is of little significance. However, if other countries have it, they must have it. Even if they don’t, they must have it. After a certain degree of accumulation of related technologies, they can develop rapidly.

"I see. Sir." The lieutenant colonel nodded, and then got busy. In any case, there are many things they need to do, and only by doing can they have a chance to solve them.

In the prime minister's house, Zhao Jia looked at the report submitted by the Admiralty.

"I just attacked Carthage. Why did it cost so much?" Zhao Jia obviously didn't believe that there was such a bill. This bill made him feel crazy, or felt that it was too much.

"We need to build a new fleet. We need more than twelve destroyers and three cruisers. This is only the initial cost, and there will be more in the future. There will be a lot of personnel and equipment. I cannot accept this. The bill is up." Zhao Jia waved the report in his hand and said.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Zhao Jia felt that the cost was too much.

"This, Prime Minister, this is something that must be spent. Prime Minister, you also know that at present, Carthage is far away from us, and they seriously threaten our trade. Not only that, but in the future, there will be The threat from the Koreans, we must prepare for such a thing, this kind of thing is still very difficult to carry out. Under such a situation, we need to solve this kind of thing." The other party said.

"I understand. You said, we have to make some preparations in advance for the future, right?" Zhao Jia asked.

"Yes, the Prime Minister, for example, the Maltese plan. Our Mediterranean fleet still lacks the necessary fleet base. That is a very good place. If our navy can build a base there, we can control more than half of the Mediterranean. , But if the Koreans occupy there, our naval base and maritime trade will be reduced by half, and maybe in the future, we will lose the Spanish market in the Mediterranean.” The Secretary of the Navy explained.

"No, we can't lose that market. Although his share does not seem to be large, it has a great impact on us. This thing cannot be done. You know, this will have too much impact on us." Zhao Jia Speaking of this.

"In this way, this matter should be carried out according to your ideas. I have supported these expenses. Approved. But you must occupy Malta. Well, we can consider what we did in Goguryeo, for example, let our The shipyard’s shares can be issued. Bonds, stocks and so on.” Zhao Jia suddenly expanded some financial business from the industry, which is also a good thing.

"You don't have to think about financial matters. I need the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economy to discuss this matter." Zhao Jia felt that he had come up with an excellent idea.

If the shipyard starts, it will drive their shipbuilding companies to develop wildly and expand, because the shipbuilding business will expand, the company’s operating capabilities will increase, and the turnover will naturally increase. This is a good thing. He suddenly discovered , Zhao Guo suddenly found another driving force for the development of the enterprise. This incident was too exciting for Zhao Guo. He can achieve this goal and develop.

Soon, this matter was brought up.

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