The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4016: Expansion too fast

Goguryeo, Heitucheng, and the No. 1 steel plant in Goguryeo are very busy here. The scale of the steel plant has reached 100,000. This is an extremely large number. When solving the employment problem, other problems will also arise. , For example, housing, teaching, roads, and other infrastructure, etc., these things need to be resolved in time.

"The current efficiency of the factory is very good. Orders from Qi, Chu, and Zhao continue. Our orders may have to be produced and will be scheduled for the next year." The steel plant director excitedly explained. Li Lin just listened patiently to the factory director's explanation with his ears. After all, he doesn't know much. At present, the main focus of Goguryeo has shifted to economic construction. After all, the war has passed. For them, everything is over.

"The efficiency of the factory is very good. There are a lot of orders from all over the world, especially the shipyards, the number of orders is quite large." The Minister of Economy said excitedly to Li Lin.

"The operating rate of the factory is very sufficient. I think we will need another steel plant soon." The Minister of Economy introduced excitedly. Indeed, an increase in the scale of factories will drive employment and increase economic efficiency. This is simply the most favorable situation for them. They can continue to expand their scale, increase efficiency, and increase economic benefits.

"Don't you think your steel plant is developing too fast?" Li Lin said.

"Too fast?" The Minister of Economy looked at his prime minister unexpectedly, and he felt that his prime minister suddenly disappeared. How could he come up with such a view.

"Yes, too fast. I feel that the development is too fast. Look at what you did before, isn't it the same? I feel too fast is not a good thing, slow down, pay attention to the rhythm, the rhythm." Li Lin said. To. indeed. In the last financial crisis, he saw this, and said that because the speed was too fast, it caused great fluctuations, which in turn caused a great crisis. After Li Lin passed by once, he was scared. I was really scared. He didn't want to let this happen to Goguryeo anymore. Therefore, under such circumstances, his only idea is to avoid such similar things as much as possible. He has to keep the rhythm down, so that many things can be properly resolved and similar things can be avoided.

"However, Prime Minister, if we do this, we will not be able to meet the needs of our customers. As a result, their situation will be very dissatisfied with us. The current factories are expanding vigorously. Only expansion can make our situation better. The development is better." The Minister of Economy said.

The development of Koguryo's industry is mainly resource-consuming. Their steel consumption is very large, reaching an alarming level. Under such circumstances, it will have an extremely negative impact on them. In order to increase the output, they will inevitably expand the scale when the demand increases. In this case, the demand for energy and personnel will further increase. Under such conditions, their situation is naturally unfavorable. Because it is very simple, after their scale expansion, many situations have changed. If the demand suddenly decreases at this time, their scale expansion will directly lead to a brand new situation, which is a large-scale situation. Cut staff. Reduce the scale, which will inevitably lead to a kind of cycle. This is the economic crisis.

Li Lin seems to have seen such a drawback, so he can speak out the rhythm and control the rhythm.

"I know you need to produce and expand the scale, but you can find some other methods from other methods. For example, I think you can use technology. If the technology improves, it may not necessarily expand the scale. In short, we cannot Blindly expanding the scale of production, once the demand decreases, our situation will be extremely unfavorable. In the face of such a situation, we can't have such a thing, understand?" Li Lin said.

"I. I understand." The Minister of Economy said that Li Lin also felt a great threat in the face of extensive development. After all, the initiative of the market is not in their hands. If they cannot develop, it will be difficult for them to develop. When a new situation arises, under such a situation, the only solution is to improve the technology. Only by improving the technology can all the problems be solved. This is his solution. Although this approach seems very tough and takes a little longer, it is the most beneficial option for Goguryeo. With such a thing, they can solve more situations. This is a very good choice.

Extensive development is like this. They simply copy and expand the scale. Finally, when the market is saturated, the larger the scale expands, the greater the loss. Faced with such a situation, their situation will become Be extremely passive. Therefore, in such a situation, the best solution is to develop technology. On the surface, they invest little, but they can take the initiative in the market in the future. This is still a very advantageous choice for enterprises.

Loma, Carthage Expeditionary Force. Not far from them, the Loma dictator led their Roman legion to come up. Their number has reached 25,000, and the number is still quite large, but they do not have the advantage. They have begun to dig trenches to defend. Not only that, they can also get the support of nearby city-states. Once the expeditionary army turns around to bite them, they may have the opportunity to be surrounded by the opponent at once. This is not a very favorable thing for Hannibal.

"Lee Wei, I'll come to you to discuss some things, maybe we can get rid of each other, I think we should divide our troops." Hannibal thought for a long time, he felt that he should divide our troops, maybe dividing our troops is the best way , After all, Lockheed Martin’s main force is only one, and if they divide their forces, on the one hand, they can hold the opponent, and on the other hand, they can disperse the opponent. If necessary, they can gather at once to hit the opponent by surprise. It is a very good plan.

"What's the matter?" Hannibal looked at Li Wei. Li Wei has been staying in the tent where the telegram is sent and received these days. He looks very bad. There is no way. There has been no good news for them these days. The bad news. Faced with such news, they are all used to it.

"Look at this, your navy has launched an offensive. I think our Navy Department will definitely launch an offensive. The War Department has ordered us to retreat quickly and will not let us in again until the situation becomes clear." Li Wei Handed the telegram in his hand to Hannibal. Hannibal looked over quickly. Although he didn't understand much of the content, he knew that all that Li Wei told him was true and would definitely happen. For Hannibal, it was absolutely amazing. news.

"We, we attacked?" Hannibal asked.

"Yes, we attacked. Not only did we attack. We also launched an attack on the island of Malta that Zhao had just occupied. It is estimated that the loss will not be too small. Otherwise, the Zhao government will not retaliate against you in the first place. It's really not time to come." Li Wei said.

"If we Zhao Guo act on you, you will be under a lot of pressure in two strategic directions. Under such circumstances, I can hardly believe that you can withstand such things. For you, it will It's very unfair." Li Wei said.

"Yes, it's true, it's really **** it, I really don't understand why this is done, I don't understand such a thing." Hannibal said painfully.

"The advisory team is going to retreat. But I will stay, but what I need to point out is that you made a big mistake strategically. I can't make up for this mistake from a tactical or operational perspective. This is for us. Said it is a huge mistake, and we cannot make up for this mistake." Li Wei said.

"I know this too, but there is no way, how can we solve such a thing? There is no way to solve it." Hannibal said.

"Well, we can only find another way to solve these things." Li Wei said. Strategic mistakes are difficult to make up in tactics and campaigns. Regardless of whether there is such a possibility in military theory, they all know that this possibility is almost zero. Under such a situation, They can't do this at all. This is an inevitable result. Faced with such a situation, it is very difficult for a military turning point to happen. This is their saddest situation.

In the mountain country, more and more merchants from the Zhao country came here, and they only came here for one purpose, to open a coal mine. Mining more coal resources and selling them to the Goguryeo people. In this way, they can make a fortune in a short period of time. This is what they want to do.

And such mining will inevitably result in waste of mineral resources, but mountain people don’t care about these, they want investment, drive employment, increase taxes for them, and increase the level of fiscal revenue of their government. As long as these Zhao people give them Pay taxes, they won't care about other things. Sometimes, some government officials will give some legal and financial assistance. For example, coal mines are easy to die, and they can use their legal power to suppress them. This kind of thing is not new anymore. It can be said that if such a thing does not happen, it is abnormal. Many people have a clear understanding of this, and they won't care about it anymore.

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