The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4017: Take advantage of the fire

The waters near Malta.

"Damn it, these Carthage monkeys, where did they go?" Yang Jia said while looking at the navigation map.

"They were supposed to go back along the retreat route, but the problem is, if they don't take this route. We can't get around Malta and go back from other places. The Carthaginian navy has many other bases. They It can be parked at other bases, or, just spread out, we have no way." Zhao Hai said while looking at the map.

"Yeah, the trouble is here. Our search force is too small. The speed of armed merchant ships is too slow, basically equal to the speed of their warships, and the endurance capability is not very large. In other words, it was a huge disaster." Zhao Hai said helplessly. They did have many disadvantages. For example, their number of warships was too small, which reduced their search range a lot. Mines, they cannot be deployed. Not only that, they did not even have a search aircraft, which restricted the further expansion of their combat area. In the final analysis, this was caused by their insufficient military strength.

"Yes, the above has already noticed this. There will be more warships coming. Let's not worry too much. It won't take long for this kind of thing to happen. Under such a situation The problem we should be able to solve is to find the opponent's battle fleet as soon as possible and eliminate them. If we can't find it, we can only take one approach." Yang Jia said.

"Assault the docks and port facilities of the Carthaginians?" Zhao Hai said.

"Yes, it can only be this way. You know, it is simply impossible for us to find them in such a large sea area. This will cause us great losses. Faced with such a situation, our situation will It will be extremely unfavorable. This is definitely not the situation we thought. The only way is to get things done as well as possible. Warships, we can’t find them, but they can’t hide those ports that cannot move. Get up, so in this situation, the best way for us is to kill and let the other party know how good we are." Yang Jia said.

"It’s just that the Carthage’s port and dock facilities have caused a lot of damage in the previous shelling. We attacked again, I’m afraid, the effect is not very good. Our only way is to start from another point. We chose this kind of thing to solve. Otherwise, our situation is really not so good." Zhao Hai said.

"Well, we can only do this." Yang Jia said. Because they really can't find a target that can be hit.

Zhao Guo, Handan, the people saw today's morning paper, and they saw a very infuriating message.

"During the national funeral, it is really unbearable to do such a thing to my country Zhao, these **** Carthaginians." A Zhao countryman said angrily while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

"Carthages, white-eyed wolves, white-eyed wolves." An old man from Zhao State scolded. Their Zhao State supports the Carthaginians, but what they get in return is such a thing. During the national funeral, right Zhao Guo launched an offensive, which was undoubtedly a slap in the face, slapped all Zhao people in the face.

"This is national humiliation, national humiliation." A lieutenant soldier bit his finger and wrote two words in the newspaper, national humiliation.

"National humiliation, national humiliation." Many people in the Zhao country shouted loudly.

Although the Admiralty has known such news for a long time, these situations will become more real when the news is revealed.

"Protest against the atrocities of the Carthaginians." Some enthusiastic students shouted loudly, and they shouted loudly with newspapers in their hands. Under such circumstances, what they need to do is to quickly resolve these issues. In their view, this is what they should do.

"Protest against the atrocities of the Carthaginians!". When the slogan was shouted again, it was already at the gates of important military departments such as the Zhao State Navy Department, Zhao State Prime Minister's Mansion, Zhao State Army Department, and the General Staff Department.

It was originally a war invaded by the Kingdom of Zhao, but it should have been attacked by the Carthaginians, and it turned into a just war. This is a result that no one expected.

Inside Zhao Jia's office. The Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of Defense were all sitting on the sofa. They were silent, because Zhao Jia stood in front of the window and looked at the students and people who were protesting. It seems that only in this way can their prime minister know that they are fighting, fighting for this country, and they are doing what they should do for this country. As the main navigators of this country, they should follow the voice of the people and do what they should do.

"Originally I was thinking about doing something like this after the national funeral, but now it seems that the people's support is available and they occupy our side. This is a huge promotion for us." Zhao Jia said They are worrying about whether to launch military operations during the national funeral. However, public opinion has created a good opportunity for them. If they do not take the initiative to attack, Zhao will have no face.

"Prime Minister, our situation is very favorable. We can launch the offensive posture we need under such conditions. This will be a very favorable situation for us," said the Minister of Defense.

"Yes, Prime Minister, we agree to do the same." The Secretary of War agreed.

"However, Prime Minister, our force ratio is not too sufficient. There are only a few warships. Their power is still very weak. The Marines are insufficient and the supply line is too long. This is an extremely unfavorable thing for us. Not only that, but we still have a lot of things to solve. For example, what we need to do is to formulate a battle plan. Our goal cannot be chosen too deep, and the battle cannot be carried out for too long. Otherwise, it will be detrimental to us." The Minister specifically put forward a series of views. After all, the Army’s participation in this battle was almost zero, and the Ministry of Defense was only roughly coordinating some directions, and only the Ministry of the Navy was involved. After all, this was a naval battle.

"Well. The troops you need will be given to you, but we need some time, time, understand?" Zhao Jia said.

Indeed, Zhao’s navy is faced with various unfavorable conditions. They can only conduct a small-scale naval battle at most, but if they fight too much, they will inevitably be disadvantaged. Faced with such a situation, the best way is to formulate a Battle plan, control the rhythm, and then make this situation more favorable. This is what they need to do.

"The Prime Minister, I, I think, we should also accept the help of some other countries, such as South Korea. South Korea sent a telegram, they expressed regret about this kind of thing, and at the same time, considering that we are all Central Plains countries and happened in Central Plains countries. They also expressed regret about what happened to them. If needed, we will provide the same help. This is what we are going to do now.” The Foreign Minister suggested that since large-scale operations cannot be fought, they should consider it. For other things, such as how to end the war and how to strive for greater benefits in diplomacy, they need not only a partner, but also a mediator role. Otherwise, things will be difficult to proceed.

"That's right." Zhao Jia nodded.

"Our military strength is too weak, and it will cause us great disadvantages in that place. This is the most unacceptable thing for us, but there are too many things we need to solve at present. Many things have exceeded them. Our expectation is that in this situation, the only thing we can accept is to find a way to solve all the problems. Make this thing more beneficial." Zhao Jia said.

"Contacting Koreans and Qin people on the initiative to rescue such things, our situation cannot be delayed, otherwise, it will be a great disadvantage to us, and we cannot allow such things to happen." Zhao Jia said.

War is not the only purpose. The people of Zhao Kingdom hope to control the pace or progress of the war. They can't let the war drag down their financial strength. In that case, the command will make their situation worse. Therefore, what they have to do is to resolve everything as much as possible. In this situation, the only thing they can do is to solve the problem. Become their most advantageous degree.

And mediating the war seems to be a very good choice.

South Korea, Xinzheng, in the back garden of the Supreme Command.

"It seems that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Zhao Guoren will accept our proposal. After all, they cannot face a war thousands of miles away alone. Once the delay is too long, the Carthaginians know this very well, but Carthage People cannot carry out related military operations in the two strategic directions. After all, this kind of thing consumes a lot of time and energy. This is very detrimental to their military operations in Loma expedition." Zhang Liang analyzed.

"Well, they need people like us to help them solve some things. These things are things that people like us can do, of course. We are also good. As long as we can open the door to the Carthaginians, all mediation matters. , We can all do it." Han Shu said with a smile. Taking advantage of the fire, they have become extremely proficient. As for how many countries are involved, this is beyond their control.

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