The Land of Snow is extremely far from Konoha, and almost all the journey must be spent on the ship, even if Yogengen is anxious, there is no way to do it.

For the country of snow, Yexuan is still relatively unfamiliar, just know that this country is covered in ice and snow all year round, the climate is extremely cold, and after arriving here, Yexuan found that the country of snow is really worthy of its name, the cold of the Tai Tei Niang, even if Yexuan has a Chakra protective body, it has a little coolness, not to mention ordinary people, I’m afraid they don’t dare to go out without wearing two big cotton jackets.

The country of snow is sparsely populated, Ye Xuan got off the boat and walked for half a day, not even a pedestrian found it, just when he was at a loss, due east of him, there was a shocking explosion, in the country of snow, this kind of explosion is not common, if it causes an avalanche, even the shadow-level powerhouse may not escape death, in front of nature, the manpower is too humble.


At this time, Kakashi was really embarrassed, Konoha’s forehead was hanging casually around his waist, his body was full of traces of ice thorns, and behind him, there was a little girl about seven or eight years old, staring at Kakashi in front of him, his eyes full of despair.

“Sure enough, it is worthy of being a ninja of Konoha, it is really strong, and it can withstand the siege of the five of us, presumably you are not a nameless person, report the name.” On the opposite side of Yogen, five Yuki Shinobi in strange armor looked at Kakashi with eyes like cats who saw rats, full of teasing.

“I am Kakashi Kiki of Konoha. The wind is angry, you not only killed your own brother, but you didn’t even let your niece go, and it was really a beast among beasts. Kakashi’s eyes looked at the strong middle-aged man in the center of the five without blinking, and his eyes were full of vigilance.

“Hehe, what is that affection, can it be eaten as a meal? No, only if you have the right and have the strength, so that you will be respected by others, Kiki Kakashi, you might as well come to the Snow Country to join me, I will let you sit in the second place of my Snow Country, our secret Chakra armor made in the Snow Country can also give you a set, in time, don’t say that the five major countries, even the entire ninja world is not our opponent. Fenghua Futao’s face was arrogant, and his expression was annoying.

Kakashi pulled out the dagger behind his back. “Don’t say that your remarks are just foolish dreams, even if you really have this strength, I will not be with beasts like you, you can even hurt your own relatives, let alone your companions, I am afraid that they are only your realization in your eyes.” The tools of the goal are just that. ”

“I don’t know how to lift, the ice dragon storm kills”

The wind and waves instantly froze, and a black ice dragon flew out of his hand, looking extremely terrifying.

Kakashi hurriedly jumped high, and the white fang short blade in his hand swept across, and what he used was the sword move that Yogengen had taught him.

“Breaking the wind and breaking the thunder blade breaks the sky.”

Kakashi is not good at wind escape, many of Yagen’s sword moves are not suitable for him, fortunately, both Yagengen and Kakashi are rare geniuses, after the research of two people, escape to replace the wind escape to urge the wind to break, although the speed is slightly worse, but the victory is in the attack power, this move is changed by Yagen’s crescent sky to break the sky, and the power in Kakashi’s hands is also good.

The black dragon and the thunder blade collided violently, resulting in a huge noise that Ye Xuan heard.

Kakashi stood vigilantly on the side and looked at the five people opposite, he did not dare to attack, because the mission target he needed to protect was behind him, if Kakashi took the initiative to attack, then this little girl’s life could not be saved.

It is estimated that Kakashi has not fought a boring battle in his life, can only passively defend, can not take the initiative to attack, while fighting with the enemy, while dividing the energy to see if the wind behind him will not be hurt, on the other hand, but also to watch out for the sneak attack of the snow Shinobu, even though Kakashi’s strength has entered the shadow level, for a while it is also scorched, and he has suffered a lot of injuries.

“Haha, Konoha’s ninja is just like this, I really think how strong the five powers are, it seems that in a few years, my snow ninja village will also occupy a place in the five major countries.” When it came to the rise, the wind and waves couldn’t help but hesitate, as if he was already invincible in the world.

“Hmph, my Konoha Village powerhouse is full of talents, how can you, who sit in a well and watch the sky, imagine.” Kakashi’s eyes were red, but he still controlled his emotions, and he clearly remembered that on the first day he became a ninja, Watergate taught himself that a good ninja should never be controlled by emotions and handle tasks rationally.

“Strong? All four generations of your Hokage in Konoha died in their own villages, let alone others? Do you mean that Night Sword God Ye Xuan? Haha, even if he’s here, I can beat him up. Feng Hua said arrogantly, and from time to time there were a few annoying laughs.

“Oh, Yuki Shinobu? So powerful? It scares me to death. A faint voice came from directly above several people, and hearing this voice, Kakashi’s heart was ecstatic. Lord Yorugen, you are here. ”

A handsome young man wearing a white haori and a black sword at his waist stood at the top of the cliff, and the howling cold wind seemed to have no effect on him, giving people the feeling that this young man did not belong to this world.

Yorugen lightly jumped down from the top of the cliff and walked towards Kakashi, and before Kakashi could greet him, Yogengen slammed him hard.

“Kakashi, I taught you the sword technique for half a year, and you gave me such an answer?” Yorugen’s tone was flat, but it sounded particularly terrifying to Kakashi’s ears.

“I met the weasel a few days ago, his strength is very strong, he opened the kaleidoscope blood wheel eye, and has broken through the peak of the shadow level, you are so hanging, how can you save him?” Yogengen continued, his voice as flat as ever, but Kakashi was weak.

“I’m sorry, Lord Yorugen.” Kakashi lowered his head, not daring to refute a word.

Ye Xuan sighed and said with hatred that iron is not steel. “Kakashi, although you are not my own disciple, but I really value you, after Watergate left, I taught you the sword technique, taught you the art of forbearance (good money), even more attentive to you than to Akai and Red, this is the answer you gave me?” Your talent is high, and the strength should not be like this. Do you know that this chakra eye that does not belong to you has delayed your progress? You treat him as a relic with soil, relying too much on him, Kakashi, if you don’t move forward again, then I will gouge out your chakra eye with my own hands, did you hear me? ”

In the last sentence, Yogen-hyun added mental coercion, and Kakashi was in a cold sweat and subconsciously covered his eyes.

“Your Excellency is Konoha’s God Killer, White Tiger Night Sword God Yagen?” Feng Hua asked the fox tentatively.

Yorugen didn’t bother to pay attention to him and said to Kakashi. “Give me your knife.”

“Huh?” Kakashi looked confused.

“Ah, you big-headed ghost, hurry up.” Ye Xuan reprimanded angrily.

Kakashi nodded and handed the White Fang Blade to Yorugen.

“I’ll teach you, break the wind, that’s how it’s used.” _

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