“Your Excellency may be a little too unconcerned about us snow ninja, right?” Seeing that the night bird did not bird itself, the anger in the eyes of the wind and flower was slowly brewing.

Ye Xuan sneered disdainfully. “Yuki Shinobu? Sorry, I haven’t heard, I don’t bother to pay attention to those nameless ants, otherwise I have to remember the names of so many people every day, wouldn’t it be exhausting me. ”

“Arrogant, Ice Escape Double Dragon Storm Kill”

Wind and Flower Fu Tao unsealed his hands, and two black ice dragons flew out from his cuffs, more than twice as powerful as just now.

“Kakashi, look at it, that’s how Broken Wind is used. Breaking the wind and breaking the thunder blade broke the sky. ”

A crescent-shaped thunder blade with Ye Xuan’s swing of the knife quickly faced the wolf-tooth avalanche of the wind and waves, strangely, this thunder blade did not choose to clash with the double dragon, but hit the seven inches above the two black dragons, with a loud noise, the double dragon storm killed and fell, but the thunder blade continued to fly towards the angry wave without abating.

“What?” The wind and flowers were frightened, and they dodged Ye Xuan’s knife in embarrassment. “How is it possible, how can you break through my Double Dragon Storm Kill.”

On the side, Kakashi had already surged with earth-shattering waves in his heart. He clearly felt that the power of this knife Ye Xuan deliberately suppressed was exactly the same as the one he used 983 when facing Fu Tao just now, but his own sword only barely offset each other with the Black Dragon Storm Kill, but Ye Xuan’s knife defeated Double Dragon that was stronger than the Black Dragon Storm Kill, and it was also undiminished to attack the Fu Tao who cast the spell. If it is the suppression of strength, Kakashi is not surprised, but that sword, obviously the same power as his own.

“Why is that?” Kakashi was puzzled. “Why is the same knife two different effects,”

“Don’t blindly pursue the power of the sword art and ignore the essential things, the sword technique that can defeat the enemy is the strongest sword technique.” Ye Xuan said lightly. “You have a chakra eye, as long as you are a little more serious, you can observe the weakest point of a ninjutsu or a ninja chakra, this place should be the place where your short knife attacks, instead of blindly going to fight with others, such a simple truth you don’t understand now, it’s really stupid.”

“Yes, Yorugen-sensei,” Kakashi replied sheepishly, but his eyes were extremely fanatical as Yogen, who danced like a dragon.

“Lord Nu Tao, this person is very strong, it is difficult to deal with, let’s withdraw first.” Wolf Tooth Avalanche whispered in Feng Hua Futao’s ear, and there was also a trace of fear in his eyes when he looked at Ye Xuan.

“It’s okay, we still have Chakra armor, neither his ninjutsu nor illusion can hurt us.” Feng Hua snorted angrily and coldly, pushed away the wolf tooth avalanche and was about to rush towards Yexuan.

“It’s not good, take Lord Nu Tao and go first.” Looking at Ye Xuan’s playful smile, Wolf Tooth Avalanche was shocked, and hurriedly ordered the other three to take the wind and waves away, and he faced Ye Xuan alone.

“It seems that you are a smart person, just run away by yourself, why do you have to come and die.” Ye Xuan pulled a knife flower and said softly.

Wolf Tooth Avalanche smiled faintly. “Lord Nu Tao’s grace to fate, I must save him, just with the sword you just made, we can’t beat you, but in the territory of my Snow Country, it’s still okay to drag you with my life.” This life will be returned to Lord Nu Tao today. ”

“Alas.” Ye Xuan sighed lightly. “Why are you suffering here?”

“Ice Escape Wolf Tooth Avalanche Technique”

The Wolf Tooth Avalanche did not answer, his hands were sealed and he went to the ground hard, and in an instant, thousands of ice wolves rushed towards Yexuan.

“Thunder Birds”

Ye Xuan held the long knife in his mouth, and his hands were also sealed, and a purple thunder light appeared on his left hand, and the dense sound was like thousands of birds chirping.

The wind attribute Chakrab on the leg gave Ye Xuan an unparalleled speed, those ice wolves that looked terrifying, (ccbf) were completely vulnerable in Ye Xuan’s hands, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Xuan had rushed to the front of the wolf tooth avalanche.

“Uh” Wolf Tooth Avalanche looked incredulously at the hand inserted into his chest, the layer of Chakra armor that he was proud of, he didn’t even have the qualifications to resist it, it was penetrated like a blank piece of paper.

“You are a good man, although you and I are enemies, I still respect you, regardless of strength, regardless of identity, go all the way, in the next life, and then be an enemy.” Ye Xuan said in a flat tone.

Wolf Tooth Avalanche showed a grateful smile, and fell limply to the ground, silently.

“Lord Yorugen.” Kakashi walked in front of Yogen, who was struggling to remove his long knife while holding the seven- or eight-year-old Kazeba Koyuki, who was struggling to remove his long knife.

Why say laborious, the reason is simple, the weather is too cold, the knife is on the mouth. I don’t know if you have experienced it, when I was a child, I was tricked by older children to lick the lock outside with my tongue in the cold, and the tongue was glued, and the feeling was very painful. It’s just like Ye Xuan now.

“Lord Yexuan, I’ll go after them.” Kakashi tried to rush up and kill the fleeing Kazehana, but was stopped by Yogenichi.

“Okay, poor Kou Mo chases. The task is important. Ye Xuan said while covering his mouth. Damn, it sticks off a layer of skin, it hurts.

Looking at the seven- or eight-year-old Fenghua Xiaoxue, Yexuan felt a touch of kindness, but this little girl of the same age as her daughter had completely different eyes from Ziyuan, Ziyuan’s eyes were full of innocence, and the wind and light snow in front of him were full of dead silence and despair.

“This little girl is Kazeka Koyuki, the daughter of the daimyo Kazehana Sanyuki of the Snow Country, her father was killed by a ninja hired by Kazehana Furyao, and I received the task and fought desperately to save this single seedling. Lord Yexuan, shall we call back. Kakashi asked tentatively. He also felt a little sorry for this little girl and wanted to help her snatch back what she lost.

“You’re crazy, Mo said that this is people’s territory, even if you fight back and snatch the Snow Country back for Xiaoxue, how do you let this little girl handle the Snow Country in the future?” You’re not going back to Konoha? Looking at her the whole time? Ye Xuan reprimanded angrily.

“This…” Kakashi muttered, speechless.

“First hand her over to the employer of this mission, since you saved Xiaoxue, then it must not harm him, if you have the heart, help this little girl more in the future.” He whispered to Kakashi.

“Yes, Lord Yorugen.”


Ye Xuan thought that this story had nothing to do with him, but how could he think that his bond with Fenghua Xiaoxue had just begun. _

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