The atmosphere solidified instantly.

Everyone stood there blankly, at a loss.

The old lady has a very good fortune in this life.

However, a good hand of cards was ruined by her.

Born in a farm family, there are several sisters in the family. All the sisters married off to exchange for the bride price and build a house for their only brother.

Some of the sisters married old widowers, and some married into wealthy families to fill houses, but they all ended badly.

As for myself, I married a thirty-year-old man who had never married a wife.

The old man had never read any books, so he married her with the bride price he got from hunting in the mountains.

The family is poor, but the old man loves others.

The day after the marriage, the old man had just consummated the marriage and went out to conquer the world.

The next year, he became a founding hero and was granted the title of Marquis.

With her belly full, she transformed from a peasant woman to the mistress of the Hou Mansion. Because she was the eldest son in the womb, she directly took the position of the mistress of the Hou Mansion.

Everything, extremely lucky.

She used to have an eldest brother, who was a farmer and died of illness shortly after their marriage. After her sister-in-law gave birth to a posthumous son, Pei Jiaojiao, she remarried.

When Pei Jiaojiao was fourteen years old, a letter came from home, saying that Pei Jiaojiao was so beautiful and wanted to have her fostered in the Marquis Mansion to find a good marriage.

In order to take care of her only niece, she had someone take her to Beijing.

Unexpectedly, he secretly fell in love with his son.

She is angry.

She likes Pei Jiaojiao more than her biological daughter. But she must never marry the Hou Mansion.

He and the old Marquis had no foundation, and it was difficult to move forward in the court.

The son must marry a strong foreign aid.

Later, the son married Mrs. Xu and took the initiative to raise Pei Jiaojiao outside. Just waiting to take Xu's place in the future.

Lu Yanshu, born to the Xu family, was a genius and famous throughout the capital.

She was shaken. Excellent heirs are the foundation of the Hou family.

Unfortunately, Lu Yanshu became paralyzed.

When Lu Jinghuai showed his talent for the first time, she was a little shaken until she met the abbot of Huguo Temple by chance and hinted that a noble man was going to be born in the Hou family.

She finally made up her mind to get rid of the Xu family.

In the first half of her life, things went smoothly, and all her wealth and wealth came naturally.

Just like, God sends wealth and honor to you.

Until she plotted against the Xu family and Lu Chaochao, and lost everything.

All the glory sent by God is being peeled off little by little.

She had always had a good face in her life, but now she was lying on the bed with incontinence of urine and feces, and her whole body collapsed.

"Why is such a big man still wearing his pants?" Lu Chaochao covered his nose and stood at the door with a look of disgust.

The maid was about to step forward.

Xu said calmly: "Mrs. Pei, why don't you go quickly?"

"When my mother was seriously ill, I couldn't take off my clothes, I was excreting and peeing, and I never did anything to others."

"Now the old lady is paralyzed in bed. Although I can't bear it, she is her ex-daughter-in-law after all. Now, I can only rely on you." Mrs. Xu smiled sincerely.

"Although there is a maid in the house, no matter how well the maid serves, how can any family members be dedicated?"

"Besides, the old lady has a good face and is not willing to be served by outsiders."

Smelling the stench in the air, Mr. Pei's face tightened.

Lu Yuanze seemed not to want to be looked down upon by Mrs. Xu, and glared at Mrs. Pei: "Why don't you go and serve me soon?"

"Mother loves you the most, why do you want to shirk such a trivial matter?" Lu Yuanze's words made Mr. Pei's eyes red with anger.

Where has she ever done the job of doing shit and pissing?

However, she could not tolerate her refusal at this moment.

The maid brought hot water, and Mrs. Pei took off the old lady's dirty clothes while resisting her nausea.

Seeing the scene before her, Mrs. Pei couldn't hold back any longer.

He retched on the spot.

The old lady, who finally calmed down, couldn't hold it back any longer and burst into tears.

"You dislike the old lady, you dislike the old lady..." Lu Chaochao pointed at Pei.

"You think she's disgusting..."

"You are not as good as my mother..." Lu Chaochao's childish words made Lu Yuanze so angry that he kicked Mr. Pei on the spot.


"Ouch..." Pei Jiaojiao covered her heart and moaned in pain.

His body curled up and he was covered in cold sweat.

But when she looked up and saw Mrs. Xu's joking expression, Mrs. Pei was furious.

"You have no good intentions. You deliberately laughed at the joke and caused discord in our family!"

【You really know my mother...】

[Guessed it right every time...]

Mrs. Xu coughed lightly, looked at Lu Yuanze and said, "I originally thought that you would be interested in some kind of knowledgeable and reasonable woman. It turns out that she is nothing more than that..."

"I've been married to you for eighteen years, and you don't understand who I am?"

Lu Yuanze looked ashamed: "Yes, you are the most virtuous and generous, and you disdain such unworthy behavior."

Mr. Xu smiled but said nothing.

Yes, that's who I used to be.

Now, I am Niu Hulu Yun.

"You judge others by yourself, do you really think that everyone is as despicable as you?" Lu Yuanze turned around and scolded Mr. Pei.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you go and serve mother! Mother has loved you for many years, do you still dislike her?" Lu Yuanze didn't look good. Mrs. Pei's heart tightened, and she had to endure the pain in her heart and get up.

While retching, he suppressed his nausea and scrubbed the old lady.

Xu even directed from the side.

"Be gentle, haven't you seen the old lady crying?"

"Paralyzed people are most likely to get bedsores, and their whole bodies will fester and die. Family members must take good care of them..."

"You remember to help the old lady up three times a day and stand more often to prevent her body from becoming rotten and pus-filled. Bedsores are terrible, and life is worse than death..."

"I heard that some people taking care of paralyzed elderly people will give them less food and water, and reduce the number of trips to the toilet."

"Of course, Mrs. Pei is the old lady's biological niece, and the old lady dotes on her as her own daughter. Mrs. Pei will definitely not be like this." Mrs. Xu's face was filled with concern, and every word of advice directly blocked all the ways for Mrs. Pei.

Mr. Pei's face turned pale, and the hatred in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

The old lady was facing her, looking at Mr. Pei in horror.

"Ah, ah, ho ho..." The old lady's eyes were full of fear.

A smile flashed in Xu's eyes. She stood at the head of the bed and looked at the old lady with concern.

"Is the old lady scared? Don't worry, Mrs. Pei is the daughter-in-law you have chosen personally. She will definitely take good care of you."

"For her, she would not hesitate to expel our family of five from home. She must be someone who knows how to repay kindness..." Mrs. Xu said slowly.

The old lady was probably extremely frightened, and her fingers were holding on to Mrs. Xu.

The finger bones turned white, showing the fear in his heart.

Her eyes were full of regret and prayer.

She was begging Xu to stay.

Xu said she felt distressed, but her eyes were fierce.

"The old lady can't bear to leave me? This can't be done. Your daughter-in-law is here." She took Pei's hand and shook it with the old lady.

The old lady's eyes showed no concealment of fear and resentment, and she screamed.

He held Pei tightly, as if he wanted to eat her alive.

"Don't worry, I will hire some personal maids for my mother, and I will never let anyone treat my mother lightly." Lu Yuanze looked at Mrs. Xu with a very moved expression.

[Hey, there is no filial son in front of a long-term illness, so the dog bites the dog...]

Lu Yuanze looked at Xu in a daze.

Why didn't you realize that Mrs. Xu was so beautiful before? (End of chapter)

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