The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 190 The venomous little Chaochao

When Xu Shiyun was a girl, she was well-raised.

She is innocent, defenseless towards others, and always has a pure heart.

At that time, the beautiful girl stayed away from her mother's family for eighteen years for herself.

She loves passionately and without reservation.

Back then, he was tempted.

But later, something happened to Yanshu, and she became hysterical. As the years passed, she became tired and old.

The girl who once had light in her eyes now has gray eyes, always filled with an incomprehensible sadness.

But now, she has changed.

The sun is shining brightly, he is generous and cheerful, and there is no depression between his brows.

There was even a faint glimpse of her as a girl.

No, she is more beautiful and charming than when she was a girl.

Xu felt a little disgusted by Lu Yuanze's gaze.

How disgusting.

At that time, the inkstone was paralyzed and the old lady was seriously ill. She was so tired that she could not sleep all night.

The old lady deliberately teased her again and kept her awake at night.

Those years had worn her down to a very old age.

Taking care of a paralyzed old man is the most grueling job, and can even turn a person into a human being and a ghost.

Mrs. Pei scrubbed the old lady clean, and Mrs. Xu said calmly: "I heard that there is a high-ranking monk in the house?"

Pei's figure paused slightly.

The handkerchief was squeezed tightly.

"Yes, it was Jiaojiao who found her. She often goes to the Buddhist temple to copy scriptures." Lu Yuanze replied, his eyes unwilling to leave Xu's side.

It even drove Mr. Pei crazy.

After listening to the eminent monk, the old lady suddenly became excited.

She twisted her body vigorously and screamed like crazy.

He fell directly from the bed to the ground.

Lu Yuanze turned pale with fright: "Mother, mother, what's wrong with you?"

But the old lady held his sleeve tightly: "No, no, steal... steal..."

"Uh-huh, let's meet..." She couldn't speak clearly, her mouth was drooling, and she was sweating all over her head.

Crying and howling.

"I have been friends with the old lady for eighteen years, so I can probably guess something. Maybe the old lady wants to meet the eminent monk?" Mrs. Xu said with a smile.

He didn't pay any attention to Pei's panic.

Sure enough, when she heard the eminent monk, the old lady became even more excited.

"Send the eminent monk to come in." Lu Yuanze said in a deep voice.

The old lady leaned in Lu Yuanze's arms and cried. Her son's life was miserable, her son's life was miserable.

During this period of time, because she missed Lu Wanyi and was concerned about her title being reduced, she couldn't sleep well at night.

At night, she heard sounds coming from the small Buddhist hall.

By some strange coincidence, she went to the Buddhist hall alone under the moonlight without any maid or servant.

Her beloved daughter-in-law was hugging the so-called eminent monk and lying naked in front of the Buddha.

"When can Jing Huai call me daddy?"

"Every day I hear my child calling Lu Yuanze father, it makes me feel uncomfortable!"

Just one sentence made the old lady change her face.

She thought of the Xu family that she had expelled from her family, and her grandchildren who had crossed out their family tree and written a divorce letter, and her expression changed drastically.

The house is full of evil.

In a hurry, she wanted to leave, but she alerted the people in the house.

The man chased her. It was dark and the road was slippery. She accidentally fell down the steps and suffered a bloody head injury.

Originally, the man wanted to attack her, but the maid and slave followed the cry and saved her life.

At night, the imperial doctor comes.

She could feel Mr. Pei's slightly murderous gaze several times.

Until the news came that she had suffered a stroke.

The mouth cannot speak and the body cannot move.

The murderous intent in Pei's eyes gradually faded away.

"Master Lu, are you looking for a poor monk? Do you have something important to do?" The man was wearing a monk's robe, his eyebrows were lowered and his eyebrows were extremely peaceful.

The old lady was shaking like chaff, huddled in fear and huddled in Lu Yuanze's arms.

"Ah, ah, ah!!" She began to scream in fear.

"Mother, mother!" Lu Yuanze kept comforting her, but the old lady became more and more frightened.

Until the old lady rolled her eyes slightly and fainted from fear.

Mrs. Pei didn't dare to look at the fake monk. She just lay beside the old lady and wiped her tears with concern: "The imperial doctor said that after my mother had a stroke, her mood was unstable and her temperament might change drastically."

"Didn't the eldest son's temperament change drastically after he was paralyzed?" Mrs. Pei said cautiously.

The doubts in Lu Yuanze's mind dissipated. The inkstone writing in those days had indeed changed a lot.

From being the proud son of heaven to being a paralyzed man who needs help when peeing and peeing, it's like he has become a different person. Reject everyone's approach.

Pei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a smile on Mrs. Xu's lips, "Hey, isn't it too early to relax?"

"Where is this eminent monk?" Lu Chaochao asked while cracking melon seeds.

"It's an eminent monk invited by Huguo Temple."

"This eminent monk is a disciple of the abbot of Huguo Temple. He has been traveling abroad and rarely appears in front of the world." Pei replied casually.

Mrs. Xu nodded: "How about letting him pray in front of the old lady every day? Maybe the old lady can get better."

[Exciting, really exciting. 】

[Let the murderer accompany her day and night, life would be worse than death. 】

[Still Pei’s lover] Lu Chaochao secretly gave his mother a like.

Xu raised an eyebrow in return.

Hatred with fear, what a wonderful life.

The old lady should live a few more years, spend more time with Pei, and feel more despair and fear.

"Which part of the decision is yours?" Pei responded unwillingly.

"Why are you so stingy? Just do as Yun Niang says."

Pei agreed unwillingly.

She actually didn't want to irritate the old lady. After all, she was caught red-handed and felt guilty.

At this moment, Jiang Yunjin, Lu's eldest daughter-in-law, was standing outside the door.

His face was dark.

She had only been here for three days before Mrs. Pei handed over the stewardship to her. She was so happy that she gave Mr. Pei a set of face masks.

Who knows...

Taking over is a mess.

The first thing the housekeeper does is pay the money he owes! At that moment she was stunned.

What decent family can owe their slaves monthly money? There was no penny on her account, so she paid three months' worth of money on the spot.

There was obviously no money in the account, but ever since she took over the housekeeping power, Mrs. Pei had been clamoring to eat bird's nests to replenish her health.

It was as if she was the second Xu family sucking blood.

Fortunately, Jinghuai studied in the study every day. That is, the marriage has not been consummated so far.

"Are you Mrs. Jiang??" Lu Chaochao tilted his head and looked at her.

Jiang Yunjin saluted Lu Chaochao: "Yes, Princess Zhaoyang."

"Are you my original sister-in-law?"

Jiang Yunjin was blessed: "It's because Yun Jin has no fate with Master Yanshu."

"I heard that you don't like my brother..." Lu Chaochao looked innocent.

"But many people like my brother, and everyone wants to be the first lady." Lu Chaochao muttered, seeming confused.

When Jiang Yunjin heard Lu Yanshu's name, his breathing became heavier and he pinched the handkerchief tightly.

She naturally knew Lu Yanshu's current importance.

Jieyuan is nothing, but Jieyuan of the Imperial City is the pride of heaven.

What's more, he has not touched a book for ten years since he was paralyzed! Ten years!

"Why don't you like my eldest brother?"

"The eldest brother is good-looking, and he is a good candidate. He is going to win the first prize."

"Why did Lu Jinghuai miss?"

"Is it because you don't like it?" Lu Chaochao asked curiously.

Jiang Yunjin, I can’t stand it any longer! (End of chapter)

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