"Why are you staring at Ning'er?"

"You scared Ning'er!" Concubine Xiao glared at Mrs. Xu, she didn't like Mrs. Xu.

When he was young, Xu was quite famous in Beijing.

Later, when Xu left the Xu family for love and married into the royal family, she gradually became proud and proud.

"If anything happens to Chao Chao, I will kill you even if I risk my life!" Mrs. Xu is a very measured person.

At this moment, he seemed to be mad.

"Ning'er didn't mean it. Why did you go online? No, the door is open, just take it out." Concubine Xiao sneered, even a little regretful, why didn't the wild beast tear Lu Chaochao into pieces?

"She's not dead. Why are you yelling? Be careful to scare Ning'er." Concubine Xiao protected her daughter tightly.

Xu's face was gloomy and she hurriedly went to find Chaochao.

Who knew...

The black bear frantically knocked everyone away, let out a terrifying howling sound, and headed straight in the direction of Concubine Xiao.

"Quick, guard!" Concubine Xiao shouted loudly.

A group of guards blocked him, but they were slapped away by the violent black bear.

The beasts in the zoo have been given medicine in advance so that they can fight fiercely and fiercely. Just now, he was suppressed by Lu Chaochao, and now he is also angry.

The bear's paws are so huge that one slap can knock over the guard.

"Fire the arrow, let go the arrow." Concubine Xiao could even smell the snort of the big black bear, and she was so frightened that her whole body became weak.

Xie Yining was even more frightened and huddled tightly behind Concubine Xiao.

"You can't shoot arrows. All the nobles are gathered together. If you accidentally injure a noble, who can take responsibility for it?" Uncle Xiao Guo shouted angrily with a cold face.

Concubine Xiao was startled.

When he raised his eyes, he saw his father's cold gaze.

She shivered.

There was already blood on the black bear, but it was so big that it rushed straight towards Concubine Xiao with its body covered in blood.

Ha, Lu Chaochao is scarier than death.

Concubine Xiao hurriedly grabbed a maid and stood in front of her.

The maid was photographed on the spot and vomited blood.

Xie Yining was so frightened that she screamed: "Don't eat me, don't eat me, mother, save me!" She pushed Concubine Xiao out, and then backed away crazily.

Concubine Xiao felt the push coming from behind her, and she lost her balance and fell directly towards the black bear.

No one thought that such a situation would occur.

Concubine Xiao was stepped on by the black bear. The black bear licked her face, and the skin and flesh on her face was severely scraped off. The exposed white bones make people keep retreating.


"Dad, dad, help me!!"


Black bears have barbed tongues that can separate human flesh and blood using only their tongues.

The big black bear didn't seem to dare to eat people. It only dared to lick the flesh with its tongue. Pieces of flesh and blood peeled off, making Concubine Xiao scream.

It turned to look at Lu Chaochao.

At this moment, Mrs. Xu was already holding the lost and recovered Lu Chaochao and crying loudly.

Lu Chaochao shook his head gently when he saw that half of Concubine Xiao's face had lost all flesh and bones, revealing white bones, and saw countless blood stains on her body.

At this moment, the soldiers arrived and suppressed the big black bear.

The little guy had tears in his eyes: "What did Chao Chao do wrong and you want to push Chao Chao away?"

"Why are you pushing Concubine Xiao?"

"Isn't she your mother?" Lu Chaochao pointed at the miserable Concubine Xiao, who was only breathing.

Concubine Xiao frantically touched her face, and found that half of her face was covered in blood and bones, so she howled crazily.

After hearing Lu Chaochao's questioning, she looked at her daughter.

Xie Yining's face turned pale, "Mother concubine, mother concubine, Ning'er didn't do it on purpose."

"Ning'er is too scared, Ning'er is too scared."

The imperial doctor rushed over and saw Concubine Xiao's cheeks with bone-deep bones, and sighed deeply.

Concubine Xiao's appearance is stunning, but now, she's afraid it's over.

"Sister Ning is only six years old, and she is the only daughter of Concubine Xiao..."

"Concubine Xiao will definitely not blame her." Lu Chaochao sighed faintly.

Xie Yining went crazy and confessed her mistake to her mother, but Concubine Xiao had no expression on her face and refused to look at her again from beginning to end.

Lu Chaochao, this move is simply heartbreaking.

[If you didn’t push me, you could have escaped this disaster. 】

[Bear children, all have bear parents, tsk tsk...]

Concubine Xiao, the only one who loved her, how could she love her anymore now? I'm afraid, only resentment will remain!

"Grandfather, mother and concubine, I know I was wrong, Ning'er knows I was wrong." Xie Yining cried.

Soon, the prince came with a decree.

"By God's will, the emperor issued an edict that the Xiao family allowed their daughter to commit murder and break into Beizhao's heart... with the intention of murdering Princess Zhaoyang..."

"From now on, I will be relegated to the cold palace."

As soon as the emperor's decree came out, Concubine Xiao burst into tears on the spot: "Your Majesty, I am wrong, I am wrong. I don't dare to do it anymore. This is all... Ning'er's fault."

"Ning'er, come and tell Eunuch Wang that it's you who wants to push Princess Zhaoyang!" Her eyes were bloodshot, her face was covered in blood, and she looked extremely scary.

Xie Yining remained silent.

"Ning'er, speak!"

Xie Yining lowered his head, not daring to look into his mother's eyes.

The prince smiled and said: "Your Majesty is grateful for Concubine Xiao's companionship for many years, and finally hired an imperial doctor for you. Please do it, please." But that face could never be restored.

All the flesh and blood were swallowed up by the big black bear.

"Your Majesty also said that Princess Yining cannot live without her mother, so he asked the princess to accompany the queen."

Xie Yining raised his head suddenly.

"I am my father's only daughter and the only princess. How dare you send me to the cold palace!"

"I want to see my father!" She couldn't follow her mother.

She knew that the concubine valued appearance very much, so she pushed her mother into the bear's mouth. The concubine must have hated her to death.

She cannot follow her mother-in-law.

"I don't want to follow my mother and concubine, I want to follow my father."

"Eunuch Wang, I want to see the emperor!" Xie Yining cried and wanted to see the emperor, but how could Eunuch Wang make her wish come true.

Xie Yining was really spoiled.

Concubine Xiao was carried away, her eyes were as silent as death.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, Grandpa, please save Ning'er, Ning'er will never dare to do it again." Xie Yining once relied on being favored, and often beat and scolded the palace people, and even the concubines who were not favored were ridiculed by her.

How would she live if she followed her mother into the cold palace?

Moreover, the way her mother-in-law looked at her gave her a premonition.

Her life will be worse than death.

Uncle Xiao Guo felt a chill in his heart, Chu Anmin was extremely cold-blooded. Even his bloodline is very similar.

Once upon a time, he still couldn't let go of Xie Yining, whom he had loved for many years.

Now, seeing that she could push even his biological mother into the bloody mouth, he felt chilled.

Xie Yining was forcibly taken away.

Once again, everyone felt how favored Princess Zhaoyang was.

Concubine Xiao, who had been favored for many years, and the only princess, only offended the emperor.

Instant downfall.

Lu Chaochao looked towards the corner.

Lu Jingyao trembled.

She kept Xie Yining low and coaxed her into taking action, but she didn't want to...

"Why is this happening? Why can't it be defeated..." Lu Jingyao almost collapsed.

"No, no, this isn't right."

"What went wrong?"

Lu Chaochao smiled and said nothing, probably...

Because I have seven cheating disciples. (End of chapter)

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