After Concubine Xiao was injured, the zoo was already covered in blood.

The ground was covered with blood, and everyone was shocked.

What is even more frightening is Xie Yining.

Concubine Xiao hurt her to the core, and she actually pushed her mother into the bloody mouth with her own hands, which was really cruel.

Everyone had no intention of fighting the beast, so they all said their goodbyes and left.

Uncle Xiao Guo was in a daze, his whole person looked very old, as if everything had lost its interest.

"Close the zoo and release all the beasts into the mountains and forests." Uncle Xiao Guo waved his hand.

Everyone was surprised, didn’t the uncle like fighting beasts the most?

What stimulation did you receive?

Thinking again, Concubine Xiao is his most beloved daughter, and he has no reaction today. This...

Lu Chaochao blinked, hiding his merit and fame.

[Don’t have any intention of harming others. I will deal with anyone who harms me. 】

[Hey, Uncle Xiao Guo is so miserable. 】

[I don’t know if I can save my only eldest son. 】She thought for a moment, kicked her feet, and slipped out of Xu's arms.

As soon as she approached Uncle Xiao, he suddenly backed away.

Uncle Xiao Guo, who had been fooling around for most of his life, wanted to raise his hands to cover his ears.

"I don't want to hear you talk anymore."

"I'm so old, I really can't bear it anymore." Uncle Xiao Guo was so scared, afraid that cold words would come out of her warm little mouth again.

He now doesn't even have the courage to live.

"Don't you want to hear the news about your eldest son?" Lu Chaochao grinned and saw Uncle Xiao trembling.

Uncle Xiao Guo had been reduced to the point where he was afraid of her when he saw her.

He politely invited Lu Chaochao to the corner and asked anxiously: "What's wrong with him? That's the only root of my Xiao family!"

When Zheng came in, he sent his eldest son away and did not return to Beijing for many years.

"On the eighth day of the first lunar month, a sudden snowstorm caused an avalanche. His family of four would be buried alive." Lu Chaochao thought about his original ending and told the truth.

Uncle Xiao Guo's face turned pale, his whole body was weak, and he fell directly to the ground.

He opened his mouth, his eyes were full of fear, and he couldn't say a word.

After a long time, he got up from the ground tremblingly: "Thank you Princess Zhaoyang, thank you Princess Zhaoyang. Xiao will definitely remember your great kindness."

Uncle Xiao Guo originally maintained his identity and was hesitant about how to deal with his eldest son.

But now, he couldn't bear it for even a moment.

He didn't even want to report the news and went there in person.

His only son, that is the only bloodline of his Xiao family!

"Hurry, hurry, prepare the carriage." Uncle Xiao hurriedly entered the palace to report to the Queen Mother, and asked people to pack their luggage and go out.

[The bad bamboos of the Xiao family produce good bamboo shoots, and his eldest son is still a decent person. 】

Lu Chaochao looked at Xu with a guilty conscience.

Mrs. Xu was so angry that she gritted her teeth: "Did you know that Xie Yining wanted to harm you?"

"Were you able to avoid it?"

Lu Chaochao shook his head guiltily: "I don't know, I can't hide."

[I know, I can avoid it. But, she can’t hurt me...]

Xu poked her little head with his index finger: "You still want to lie to me!"

[My mother has such a sharp eye, I can’t hide anything from her. 】Lu Chaochao was frustrated.

It’s obvious that my mother is just a mortal, so why can’t she hide anything?

Xu was furious.

She discovered early on that Chao Chao seemed to have a natural contempt for mortals.

No, not contempt.

Just like, mortals are never treated equally.

Even though she was only one year old when she was abducted to Fufeng Mountain, she was not afraid.

Lu Chaochao lowered her head. She didn't feel that she was wrong in her heart, but she quickly admitted her mistake: "Mom, I was wrong."

Xu didn't know, she was just fooling herself.

He immediately took her back to his house with a cold face.

After returning home, she was so angry that she was banned from eating snacks.

Lu Yanshu knew that his sister was in danger today and returned home early.

Lu Yuanxiao winked at his eldest brother: "My sister is so angry that her mother is crying, so my eldest brother is going to persuade her."

Seeing him entering the door, Mrs. Xu wiped away tears.

"I know Chaochao is capable, but she always puts herself in dangerous situations. As a mother, how can I rest assured?"

"When she was pushed down, my whole body felt weak and the sky fell. If something happened to Chao Chao, my life would have to go with her." Mrs. Xu is still frightened to this day, and even thinks about it with trepidation.

"Mom, do you still remember Chao Chao Wuxin?"

"She has no intention, and everything she does follows the instincts of the past. She once stood proudly in the world and was looked up to by others. Naturally, mortals are not worthy of her eyes."

For example, would a behemoth care about the ants under its feet?

She even found the ants' provocation amusing.

When you get tired of it, subvert it.

"Mom, Chao Chao's status is extraordinary. She cannot be bound by rules and regulations."

"She has her own ideas and is capable enough to protect herself."

"All we can do is keep letting go." Lu Yanshu had a hunch that the world of Chao Chao was not here.

Xu was silent, she didn't understand.

She often wakes up from her dreams. Chao Chao's abilities are so incredible that she is afraid that she won't be able to keep Cha Chao.

"I will also guide Chao Chao and not put her in danger. Mother, please relax."

Xu felt a little better.

Lu Yanshu went out and went directly to find Lu Chaochao.

The little guy was sitting on a big rock by the lake. Under the ice, countless fish were swimming around.

"Brother, have you coaxed your mother?" Lu Chaochao whispered.

"Coax her. Don't worry, Mom is just worried about you. She almost fainted from fright when she saw the big black bear charging at you."

"Don't sit on the ground, it's cold." Lu Yanshu picked her up.

Although Rao knew that Chaochao was capable of handling it, he was frightened when he saw that scene.

"Thank you, big brother. Big brother is the best." Lu Chaochao gave his big brother a kiss.

"Chaochao, do you know we love you very much?"

Lu Chaochao nodded.

"We can't afford to lose you, you know? Otherwise, everything will be meaningless."

"You are more important than ourselves."

"Mom is afraid of losing you." I am also afraid of losing you.

Lu Chaochao hugged his eldest brother's neck and said angrily: "Brother, Chaochao will protect you from now on, Chaochao promises!"

"Promise it with a chicken drumstick."

“Three chicken legs guaranteed!”

Three chicken drumsticks are her greatest sincerity.

Lu Yanshu smiled happily and pinched Lu Chaochao's cheek: "Brother, I believe in you."

In the evening, Lu Chaochao smiled and squeezed Xu's shoulders and legs to make Xu happy.

The next day is New Year's Eve.

According to the usual practice, he went to the palace to have a banquet, eat and drink.

The emperor, as Lu Chaochao wished, changed the palace banquet to noon.

In the evening, the whole family stays up together.

Mrs. Xu was an enlightened woman. She asked people to move the fruits to the pavilion and set up a barbecue table in the pavilion.

Lu Chaochao's greedy mind was drawn out.

This year, too many things happened.

The Lu family has undergone earth-shaking changes. They are no longer the sons of the marquis, they have established their own business and supported a family.

Rong Che lay on the wall.

"General Rong, aren't you going back to your home?" Lu Yuanxiao asked.

Rong Che rubbed his head: "My father said that people without wives are not worthy of going home. Can I... come to your house to celebrate the New Year?"

It's a miserable sell, but it really works.

Rong Che was delighted to have the opportunity to stay with Mr. Xu. (End of chapter)

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