"I've already left someone in the house, don't be afraid." Rong Che then left with a smile, still thinking about it, and would come back to coax Yun Niang after finishing this work.

I am deeply afraid that someone will get there first.

Lu Chaochao looked at it, and sure enough, there were many more guards in the mansion.

Mrs. Xu was still laughing and joking: "I am an old lady, how can I need such a battle?"

"How can the flower-picking thief still like me, a woman in her thirties?"

Dengzhi removed Xu's hair accessories and said, "Madam, this slave will not accept what you say."

"You were wasted by them when you were in the Zhongyong Hou Mansion, and your complexion turned sallow."

"After we are separated, your face will become better and better day by day."

"Besides, this slave has heard..."

"This time the flower-picking thief is a little different. He doesn't enter the rooms of young women, only young women."

"It is said that four women have been killed, each of them around thirty-four years old." There is even speculation that the other party is looking for something.

Dengzhi was a little worried.

Xu is exactly thirty-four this year.

"Don't worry, there are secret guards from Chao Chao and General Rong's people in the house."

Dengzhi was worried and stayed outside the door all night.

Only last night, New Year's Eve, I stayed up all night and started dozing off in the second half of the night.

Lu Chaochao yawned and fell asleep on the bed, with a cold wind blowing outside the room.

The room was so warm that the little guy couldn't even open his eyes.

I don’t know when it started to snow again.

The blizzard is falling, and the fluttering snowflakes fall on the treetops, and the eyes are filled with white snow.

Everything between heaven and earth seemed to be quiet.

Lu Chaochao fell into a deep sleep.

It seemed a little cold in the house, and the little guy huddled in a ball.

Asleep, sleep...

Lu Chaochao opened his eyes suddenly and woke up from his sleep.

The little guy was breathing heavily, his eyes full of panic.

At some point, the candles in the house had gone out, and even the charcoal fire in the house had been extinguished.

This would never happen normally.

Lu Chaochao was wearing a thin undershirt, and the whole world seemed to be quiet.

She slid off the bed: "Sister Yushu?"

No response.

Lu Chaochao pursed his lips: "Uncle secret guard?"

Still no response.

Lu Chaochao's face turned pale, he hurriedly moved a stool and opened the door.

There was a blizzard outside, and the whole house was completely white. The patrolling guards had not seen it, and the whole house was filled with an eerie silence.

Lu Chaochao stepped on the snow with her bare feet, making her shiver from the cold.

As soon as she stepped on it, she raised her foot with difficulty.

The snow was too deep and she was too short, almost stumbling towards Xu's room.

"Mother, mother, mother..."

Sure enough, I saw him knocked unconscious in the snow.

The little maid who had already frozen to death.

Lu Chaochang hurriedly ran to the main courtyard. The maid in the courtyard fell all over the floor. Fortunately, she was only knocked unconscious.

There was a thin line of blood on the necks of the guards.

It was as if his throat was blocked instantly.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the main courtyard was also tense.

Dengzhi suppressed the fear in his throat, stopped in front of Mrs. Xu, and begged: "I am younger than Madam, can I take care of you?"

"Please spare Madam."

"Dengzhi, it doesn't have to be like this! We won't ask him!" Mrs. Xu's hands and feet were cold, and she clutched Dengzhi tightly, not allowing her to come forward.

The man shrouded in black was extremely cruel, and Mrs. Xu understood it.

The fact that he can get here means that the defense outside is almost completely broken.

The man's voice was hoarse, and the knife in his hand was dripping with blood.

"Are you thirty-four this year?" He pointed at Mrs. Xu.

Xu took a deep breath: "Yes."

Xu's heart felt cold to the core.

"Thirty-four, born in winter again. Have you... ever seen this thing?" The man's fingers were pale and he took out a piece of paper, and there was a jade pendant drawn on it.

Xu's eyes fell on the painting.

The Dragon Pattern Xiangyun Pendant is the ancestral jade pendant of the Xu family.

His eyes narrowed, and then he quickly lowered his head: "No."

Dengzhi's breathing was slightly tight, and the man noticed that he was only breathing irregularly.

Before she could speak, the man appeared in front of her instantly and strangled her neck.

"You have seen the jade pendant? Right? Where is it?"

Dengzhi was grabbed by the throat, his feet lifted off the ground, and he slapped the man's arm with difficulty.

But the man was unmoved at all.

"The jade pendant belongs to you, right?" He slowly looked at Mrs. Xu, his eyes filled with madness.

"Run...husband...run..." Dengzhi's eyes widened and were bloodshot.

"finally found you!"

"finally found you!"

"So you are hiding here!" The man looked crazy, his black one-piece hat fell off his head, and his face turned abnormally white.

Mrs. Xu ran out the door like a madman.

But we haven't reached the gate yet.

The man then threw the stick out hard and hit her.

He knocked Xu directly to the ground.

"Dengzhi, Dengzhi!" Mrs. Xu cried out in pain. Regardless of the pain, she hugged Dengzhi and burst into tears.

"Who are you? I have no enmity with you, why do you want to harm me?" Mrs. Xu burst into tears when she saw the shocking scars on Dengzhi's neck.

"I have been doing good all my life and never made enemies with others. Who are you!" Mrs. Xu doesn't understand now.

The other party is probably here for her.

The people who were killed in the past few days have all become her backers.

The man's voice was gloomy and cold.

"Why? Just because you deserve to die in the first place. You shouldn't have been born! Give me the jade pendant!" The man held the knife and pressed forward step by step.

"I have been looking for you for many years, and it turns out that you are hiding here!"

"It's easy for me to find."

Xu fell to the ground and backed away step by step.

"Do you have a grudge against the Xu family?" Mrs. Xu suppressed the fear in her heart and asked calmly. Her back was soaked with cold sweat and her whole body felt chilly.

The man sneered.

"The Xu family? What does the Xu family count? Is he worthy of being our enemy?"

"It seems that the Xu family has done a good job of hiding you. The Xu family has never told you that you are an adopted daughter, right?" The man chuckled.

Xu was slightly startled, adopted daughter?

She is not the biological daughter of the Xu family?

The Xu family has three sons and one daughter. She is the only daughter. Her parents love her more than her three brothers!

"How, how is it possible? Absolutely impossible!" Xu shook his head wildly.

"Whether you believe it or not, you won't be able to get out of the door alive tonight!" There was a cruel smile on the corner of the man's mouth.

"Hand over the jade pendant, and I'll let you die happily."

Mrs. Xu bit her lip tightly, the jade pendant had already been given to Chao Chao, she could not lead him there!

The man looked at Xu's beautiful figure with his eyes, and there was madness in his eyes.

"In that case, don't blame me!"

"I didn't expect that one day, I would be able to sleep with such a noble bloodline..." The man looked at Mrs. Xu wantonly, grabbed Mrs. Xu, and ruthlessly tore the clothes off her shoulders.

Revealing the snow-white fragrant shoulders.

Xu's screaming voice was about to spill out of her mouth when suddenly, she heard a thin knock on the door.


"Mother, are you asleep?" Lu Chaochao's childish voice, mixed with the sound of the wind, made Xu shiver violently.

She no longer screamed or resisted, she held the man's hand tightly.

She could still remain calm, but her eyes showed panic.

This is her only weakness.

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