Xu's voice trembled, and she fell to her knees with pride: "She is only two years old and doesn't understand anything. Can I serve you personally? Please let Chao Chao go."

"She's just a toddler and doesn't understand anything."

"I won't resist. I'll give you the jade pendant and let Chao Chao go..." Mrs. Xu shuddered.

The door started knocking again: "Mother, mother, can Chaochao come in?"

"Chaochao, get out!" Xu's voice was sharp.

"Don't come in. You always get into trouble. Mom doesn't want to see you today! Get out!" Mrs. Xu suppressed her panic and yelled loudly.

Outside the door, the little girl suddenly became quiet.

Her cheeks puffed out in grievance, and her watery eyes were about to cry.

The man pinched Mrs. Xu's chin, seeming to be pleased by Mrs. Xu's low and small gesture.

His eyes lingered on Xu's body wantonly, and his big hand slowly moved down.

Xu closed her eyes in humiliation.

Before the man could do anything, he heard a "boom..." sound.

A cold wave hit him, and the door cracked open.

Biting cold wind mixed with blizzard swept in.

"Mother!" Lu Chaochao's voice became clearer and clearer.

The little child, standing outside the gate, saw the scene in the house and felt that the blood in his body almost solidified.

"Mother!" Lu Chaochao stared at the scene in front of him with tears in his eyes.

This scene had a great impact on her.

She was so excited that she completely lost her mind.

"Go to Chaochao!" Mrs. Xu hugged the man's leg and screamed miserably.

The man in black looked at Lu Chaochao, glanced at the jade pendant around her waist, and looked startled.

"The dragon-patterned pendant is actually on your body? You can't find it anywhere without wearing iron shoes. It took no effort to find it! I found it, I found it, hahaha!"

"The jade pendant of the royal family of the Southern Kingdom is actually on you!" The man looked like he was crazy, with a hint of joy.

"She is of your blood?"

Mrs. Xu tightly hugged the man's legs, not allowing him to get any closer to Chao Chao.

"Chaochao, hurry up!" Xu's eyes were about to burst.

"You are looking for death!" The man raised the sword dripping with blood in his hand. The cold sword made Xu tremble hard. But she didn't dare to let go, and she couldn't let go.

In the front is her daughter, who is only two years old and has never seen the beautiful scenery of Beizhao.

Mrs. Xu gritted her teeth, suppressed all the fear in her body, and looked forward to death.

The sword energy was overwhelming, and Xu felt a strong murderous aura, suddenly...

The tip of the sword stayed in front of his eyes.

The sword could no longer move an inch.

The man was startled and looked at Lu Chaochao suddenly. The little girl who was just soft and soft now had a cold look on her face, and her fingertips were pointing at herself.

"How could this happen?" He tried his best and could not control the sword in his hand.

The cold wind was blowing, and the little guy's eyes were calm and penetrating.

"Why did you hurt my mother!" Lu Chaochao's voice was unusually sharp.

With a wave of his small hand, the black iron sword in the man's hand instantly turned into countless fragments and broke instantly.

The cold wind howled, as if even the heavens felt her anger.

"Why did you hurt my mother?!" Lu Chaochao whispered.

The round finger pointed at the man. The man felt as if someone was holding his throat, and his whole body was held up in the air by an invisible force.

All the strength in his body was trapped, and he couldn't use it at all.

The strong wind swept up Lu Chaochao's broken hair, revealing a faint red mark.

The man stared at her in horror.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

"Nan Guo... it's you, it's you..." The man looked at her in horror, his eyes frightened and shocked.

How could it be, how could it be here?

In the Southern Kingdom, people mainly serve the gods throughout their lives and are also the agents of the gods in the mortal world. They pray to the gods to descend, and the gods grant some power for the believers to use.

There are only a few people who can pray for God to descend.

Those who can pray for God to descend must be the most devout believers of this God.

Everyone in the southern country spends their entire lives just to get a little bit of power given by the gods.

There is a legend in the southern country that if a person with the divine mark between the eyebrows appears, the divine descending will be broken, and the divine will step down from the altar for her.

After thousands of years, the Southern Kingdom has never seen a trace of this person. It was originally thought to be a legend.

"It's out... it's out... it's out..." the man yelled crazily.

The real pearl of the South is in Beizhao!

"Ho ho ho ho..." An invisible force strangled his throat and he couldn't say a word.

Lu Chaochao's eyes were red at the moment and he couldn't hear any sound from the outside world.

"You tore off my mother's clothes."

"I will tear your soul into pieces!"

"Let you never be reincarnated forever!" Lu Chaochao was stunned.

The man's eyes widened, bloodshot eyes bulged, and veins appeared on his forehead, as if he was in extreme pain.

"Help...save..." A large mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth.

His eyes were blood red, and tears of blood fell from the corners of his eyes.

Blood began to ooze from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

"You deserve to die, you deserve to die, you deserve to die..." Lu Chaochao's eyes were in a trance, as if he had lost his soul.

The man's hands and feet were shaking, as if his whole body was about to explode.

"Chaochao, Chaochao..." Mrs. Xu hugged Chaochao tightly, as if she was still holding back her emotions, and she was crying loudly.

"My Chao Chao, wake up, Chao Chao!"

"I am mother, Chaochao, look at mother." Mrs. Xu hugged Chaochao, her whole body was freezing cold. She could not imagine how difficult it must be for such a small baby to walk through the snow barefoot.

The man's frightened eyes were fixed, suddenly...

It turned into a rain of blood all over the sky, and the whole person exploded.

Scarlet blood, mixed with a thick fishy smell, exploded instantly. It spread, and the fishy smell rushed into the nose.

But Lu Chaochao didn't stop yet.

"Damn, damn, damn..."

The once bright eyes became dull, and the soft and cute little face was filled with ruthlessness.

Her bare feet were covered in blood.

Step by step towards the door.

Snow was falling heavily outside the door, and Lu Chaochao left bloody footprints.

Mrs. Xu cried and hugged her: "Chaochao, it's mother. Look at mother, please look at mother..." Mrs. Xu gently stroked her cheek, and her hot tears fell on Lu Chaochao's hand. She seemed to It felt like it was burned.


Chao Chao's skin was white and tender, and his face was stained with blood, which looked shocking.

Xu gently wiped away the blood on her cheek.

"Are Chaochao tired? Is Chaochao cold? Can Mom hug you?" Xu asked in a gentle tone.

Seeing that she was filled with murderous intent, how could he dare to let her out?

She was afraid that Chao Chao would be lost in murderous intent.

Her Chao Chao was so kind and lovely, and she was afraid that Chao Chao would not be able to look back.

While shaking, Mrs. Xu picked up Chao Chao, held her in her arms, and hummed a lullaby.

"Go to sleep, mother, hold Chao Chao and wake up." She held Chao Chao and sat in the snow, using her body temperature to warm Chao Chao's body.

The mother and son sat cuddled in the snow, and Mrs. Xu gradually calmed down Chachao's loss of control.

The eyes full of murderous intent were a little more sleepy in the lullaby.

Leaning in Xu's arms, he fell into a deep sleep.

PS: Three updates will be sent today, see you tomorrow

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