Lu Chaochao slept extremely well.

Better than ever.

The little guy sat up, rubbing his eyes in confusion with his meaty fists.

After rubbing his eyes and realizing that the environment was unfamiliar, Lu Chaochao said, "Am I sleepwalking?"

Yushu walked in with a copper basin in his hands, his eyes bright red.

Last night, one of the maids was from Lu Chaochao's courtyard, and she had a very good relationship with her.

"This is General Rong's house. It will take about three days to move back." Something big happened in the house, and General Rong was worried and wanted to pick the guards himself.

Lu Chaochao suddenly remembered what happened last night.

His face suddenly turned pale.

"Mother, mother!" Lu Chaochao jumped out of bed anxiously.

Yu Shu hurriedly stopped her and held her in his arms: "Madam is fine. General Rong has asked the imperial doctor to examine her and prescribed some medicine to calm her nerves. Don't be afraid, everything is over."

Yushu put on Lu Chaochao's shoes and socks, only to find that her feet were severely frostbitten.

She didn't ask, her eyes were hot, and she lowered her head while applying medicine and wiping away tears.

"Apply the medicine several times to avoid frostbite." The tender and thick feet were a little big and turned red from the cold.

Yushu feels distressed.

Lu Chaochao nodded obediently: "Okay, thank you, Sister Yushu." He spoke with a milky tone.

Where is the look of the murderous god from yesterday?

Yushu put on soft winter shoes for her and carried her to the next door personally.

"Do you want to treat Princess Zhaoyang?" The imperial doctor suddenly asked as he was about to leave.

Xu's eyes changed slightly, and she opened her hand to take Chao Chao: "That's all, Chao Chao should be fine. She is afraid of life." She declined with a smile.

After the imperial doctor left, Mrs. Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chaochao woke up?"

Lu Chaochao gave a muffled hum and lay on Xu's shoulder: "Fortunately, mother is fine." At this moment, she could only vaguely remember what happened before she knocked on the door.

After knocking on the door, she couldn't remember much.

"Did Uncle Rong save us?" she asked innocently.

Mrs. Xu was startled, but Rong Che came in just in time and said with a smile: "Yes, Uncle Rong came back last night. From now on, Uncle Rong will definitely protect you and never let you get hurt again."

The prince followed Rong Che and his heart fell back when he saw Lu Chaochao alive.

"Brother Prince, why are your hands so cold?" Lu Chaochao looked concerned.

The prince didn't say that he was too worried, he just laughed and said that he didn't wear enough clothes.

The prince would put his hand next to her nose from time to time to make sure she was breathing again and again before he could rest assured.

"Take it away, you're blocking my nose." Lu Chaochao was getting tired of it.

Why do you keep touching people's noses?

"Chaochao woke up and hasn't had breakfast yet. Let's go eat something first." The prince ordered Yushu to carry Lu Chaochao out.

Wait for Lu Chaochao to leave.

Rong Che then said: "The person last night came from the South Country. After investigation, it was found that many people came out of the South Country. It seems that they were looking for someone." Rong Che glanced at Yun Niang secretly.

"And Chaochao...she seems to have forgotten what happened last night."

The prince knew about Rong Che and the Xu family. Rong Che would know about it sooner or later, and he never hid it from Rong Che.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "Chaochao Wuxin will lose control after being strongly stimulated. Mrs. Xu should have seen it with her own eyes last night, right?"

Xu nodded with a pale face.

The Chao Chao at that time was not like Chao Chao.

Instead, he is like a god who dominates everything.

He has no thoughts of his own, no emotions of his own.

"Mrs. Xu, don't worry, Chao Chao's heart will soon return to its origin. She will be her complete self." After thousands of years of worship by the whole country, she will be completely reborn.

Mrs. Xu cried with joy: "Your Highness, are you serious about this?"

"Seriously." The prince's eyebrows were arched. This was also the reason why he was protecting Beizhao.

After the prince confirmed Lu Chaochao's situation, he returned to the palace early to resume his duties.

The emperor was worried about Lu Chaochao's situation. Furthermore, his father and mother had a big fight last night.

The prince was not very relieved.

When the Xu family heard the news, they hurried over without even changing their official uniforms as soon as they left court.

Xu Yiting looked at Mrs. Xu carefully and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was safe and sound.

"If I had known, I would have forced you to move back to the Xu family, but you were really scared to death. Your parents are also clamoring to come see you." The sister-in-law helped her into the house and sat down.

"Fortunately, General Rong is next door, otherwise something big would have happened."

No one publicized Lu Chaochao's murder.

After all, she was only two years old, and the murderer turned into thousands of pieces. It was so horrifying that it would inevitably cause everyone to panic about Princess Zhaoyang.

After everyone entered.

General Rong knew that the Xu family had something to talk about, so he closed the door and waited outside.

The sister-in-law nodded slightly: "Lu Yuanze, really can't compare to General Rong's character at all."

"You really scared me to death."

"When I heard the news, everyone in my family was so frightened that they almost fainted. You just made peace and escaped from the devil's cave, how could you encounter such a thing again! When the abbot of Huguo Temple comes back, I will definitely take you to pray for peace and success. .”

"It's such an unreasonable disaster."

Mrs. Xu shook her head slightly: "It's not an unforeseen disaster."

"On the contrary, it's all because of me. Sister-in-law, please go to the Lu family's account to get some money later. Give some subsidies to the family who suffered this time. You should do your best."

Just as the sister-in-law was about to ask, she saw Mrs. Xu take out a jade pendant with a dragon pattern from her arms.

Just now, she asked Chaochao for it.

The sister-in-law was startled and looked up at Xu Yiting.

Xu Yiting's eyes darkened: "What does this mean?"

Mrs. Xu smiled bitterly, her eyes full of bitterness: "Brother, are you still hiding it from me at this time?"

"That person came here last night for this jade pendant."

"I'm not of the Xu family, am I?" Mrs. Xu looked at her eldest brother with some tears.

She has lived in the Xu family for more than ten years, and her parents and three brothers love her extremely. She has never doubted her identity.

Xu Yiting sat on the chair slumped.

His eyes were far away, as if he was caught in the memories of the past.

"We picked you up."

"At that time, Dad was not yet the Tutor."

"When I found you, it was a winter night, and it was snowing like last night."

"At that time, my mother had just given birth to her third brother. In her sleep, she always felt that she heard the baby's cry in her ears..."

"She got up countless times to check, but the crying stopped suddenly. It was like her hallucination..."

"My mother was flustered and couldn't sit still."

"She always felt that something was calling her from somewhere. It was still dark at that time and there was a heavy snowstorm, but she insisted on going out to take a look."

"When our brothers were being naughty, we got on the carriage with our mother."

"Perhaps, there is a destiny somewhere."

"Mother followed the guidance in her heart and walked through the city. The group was shivering from the cold, and the blizzard could not see the road clearly, and they walked farther and farther..."

"I was about to leave the city when I heard a weak cry."

"The cry was extremely weak, like a kitten, getting weaker and weaker intermittently. A few of us jumped out of the car and searched in the blizzard." Xu Yiting sighed.

I thought this matter would be buried deep in my heart.

But he didn't expect that it would bring disaster to his sister.

Last night, I almost lost my life.

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