"When I found you, you were lying in swaddling clothes, which had been buried deep in the snow."

"You only showed a small face, which was bruised by the cold, and you struggled to make a sound. Your breathing has become shallower and shallower, and the clothes on your body are frozen with ice. If you are one step later, even the Great Luo Immortal will not be able to save you."

"At that time, there was a nanny beside you who had been frozen to death for a long time, maybe she was the wet nurse."

"She had no money on her. She didn't know she had any money, but someone had it stolen."

"Mom took you back and searched your clothes. There was a pocket sewn on the inside of your swaddling clothes, and the jade pendant was hidden in it. We asked the servant to bury grandma and take you back to the Xu family. Even after asking about it, we didn't hear anything. Tell me who lost their child. Half a year later, I will name you Shiyun. I think about how difficult it was for you to be born, and I just hope that things will turn around in the future."

Xu Yiting had a deep smile on his face. At that time, the happiest thing about the brothers was having a younger sister in the family.

Knowing that my sister can't find her family makes her happy.

"It's strange to say that my father originally had great ambitions, but his career didn't go well and he was always suppressed."

"After you came to our house, my father suddenly seemed to have changed his fortune. He had a prosperous official career in the court. In just six years, he reached the first rank and was selected by the late emperor as Taifu to enlighten the prince." Emperor Xuanping at that time. , or the prince.

"At that time, if my father had God's help, everything our family would do would be extremely smooth." It was so smooth that it was ridiculous.

Originally, the Xu family was just a member of the imperial court, with only a reputation but no real power.

However, after Yun Niang's arrival, the Xu family was at its peak. In just six years, they directly changed their families, if God could help them.

Mrs. Xu's eyes were filled with tears, and she was enjoying everything the Xu family had given her with peace of mind.

But I never thought that I was not the daughter of the Xu family.

Mrs. Xu stood up and knelt down in front of her elder brother and sister-in-law.

"Yun Niang, what are you doing! That's why we don't want to tell you, for fear of your psychological burden!" The sister-in-law looked anxious and hurriedly helped her up.

"Besides, your eldest brother is not lying. When I got engaged to your eldest brother, the Xu family was not yet developed. Since having you, the Xu family has been rising step by step."

"You must not feel any psychological burden because of this. Maybe it is because Yun Niang has such a precious life that the Xu family has been promoted and made rich." The sister-in-law pulled her with a smile.

Xu Shiyun was still a child when she came in, and she raised him as a child.

"Your swaddling clothes and a set of clothes were all kept in the Xu family. If you need them, my eldest brother will send someone to deliver them."

"Over the years, we have done some secret research. The swaddling clothes you are wearing seem to come from the South."

Xu nodded: "Last night, that person came from the Southern Royal Family. This jade pendant is an inheritance from the Southern Royal Family."

"Put this jade pendant away and don't show it to anyone. I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse, and you don't have to be afraid. Your family will definitely protect you." Xu Yiting is just glad now that Yun Niang has a good fate.

Although he and Lu Yuanze reconciled, his children were still alive.

Especially Chao Chao, who earned her a royal title and made the emperor value her extremely. Even if the Southern Kingdom really comes to look for someone, the emperor will never give up.

Xu Yiting frowned slightly, not knowing why.

I always feel like God is playing a huge game of chess.

It seems that all the roots lie in Chao Chao?

An idea flashed through his mind, but he didn't catch it or think about it deeply.

"You, please don't have any psychological burden."

"If you were separated from us, it would make us sad. We kept it secret from you, and we just want you to live a life without any worries, no words, no burdens." Xu Yiting said seriously. It was not just him, but the whole family thought so.

Mrs. Xu bowed deeply to her eldest brother.

Now that I think about it, how chilling it must have been for her to have a love brain attack, break up with her natal family, and marry Lu Yuanze.

Mrs. Xu held back her tears: "I want to go home and kowtow to my parents."

Today is the second day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day when the daughter of a foreigner returns to her parents' home to pay New Year's greetings.

Xu Yiting saw that her face was pale, but she was in good spirits, so he didn't stop her.

How dare Rong Che leave even half a step and drive them to Xu's house himself.

Lu Chaochao sat in his mother's arms: "Mom, don't cry, Chaochao will give you a kiss..." Lu Chaochao's little hands were warm and he was hurriedly wiping his mother's tears.

Mrs. Xu forced herself to smile. Fortunately, there was Chaochao, otherwise...

The Xu family adopted her, but the entire Xu family was slaughtered.

As soon as the carriage stopped, everyone in the Xu family was waiting at the door.

Even the old lady was holding a cane and standing in the cold wind, no one could stop her.

"Oh, the thing that kills a thousand swords dares to harm my mother Yun. Are you afraid or not... Mother is here, let's see who dares to bully you!" The old lady poked the ground hard with her cane, gritting her teeth in hatred.

Xu's eyes became hot and she knelt in the snow.

"Father, mother, Yun Niang is unfilial."

"You can repay your kindness by cutting off your fingers if you are born and not raising them. You can repay your kindness by cutting off your fingers if you are born and raising them. It will be difficult to repay your kindness if you are not born and raised. In this life, Yun Niang will never be able to repay your kindness for eternity." She kowtowed solemnly to the second elder of the Xu family. .

"Who wants you to pay it back!" The old lady's eyes bulged.

"If you don't get up quickly, your legs will be frozen, and your mother will cry in distress." The old lady glared at her, but her eyes were full of concern that couldn't be hidden.

Mrs. Xu helped her parents through the door.

"You, as long as you live a good life, my mother will feel at ease in this life. Although you are not my biological child, my mother loves you more than those others."

"I wanted to hide it from you for the rest of my life, so that you could live a life without worries about food and clothing, but that thing that can kill a thousand swords has actually found its way to you!" The old lady began to curse again.

When Yun Niang brought it back, she didn't even have the strength to suck it. The old lady personally held the bowl and fed it in bit by bit.

The three sons all slept with the wet nurse.

Only Yun Niang took care of her personally, ate and slept with her and raised her.

A lot of hard work was put into it.

"You used to be thin and small, and you could die at any time. Who wouldn't feel sad to see you?"

"In this life, the only thing that makes my mother sad is that you refuse to come back to see her." Because of this, the old lady became seriously ill and suffered from heart disease, lingering on her bed.

"It's also our fault. We pity you for suffering when you were young. We raised you too innocently, and you were deceived by Lu Yuanze."

Xu started to cry again.

The deep guilt almost overwhelmed her.

"Don't look at your father's fierce look. When he cries louder than anyone else, he cries louder than anyone else."

"When you got married, he cried at home for three days and took three days off from going to court."

"Later, when you didn't go home, he missed you again. After going to court, he didn't even change his official uniform, but secretly lay outside the gate of Zhongyong Hou's mansion to peek at you."

The old lady Fu Ergen was red, waving her hands and getting angry: "What are you talking about? I walked to the door of the Hou Mansion for a walk, who peeked!"

Xu's tears turned into laughter.

"Thank you, Daddy, for giving Yun Niang a home." She murmured softly.

The old lady touched her head: "It was God who sent you to the Xu family. It is our blessing to be able to raise you. You will always be the daughter of the Xu family. You must not think too much."

"If you are confused again, I will break your legs this time."

Rong Che said quietly: "Whoever beats me, I will take the beating for her."

The old lady blew his beard and stared, this love brain has been replaced?

"How could Lord Zhen Guo give birth to such a fool as you!"

Rong Che grinned.

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