The old lady took Yun Niang back to her room.

The old lady took Rong Che to the study to drink tea.

The maid pushed the door open and took out a small box from the cabinet. The old lady kept the key herself. After the maid left, she handed the key to Yun Niang.

"Go and open it and take a look." The old lady looked kind.

"In my life, the luckiest thing is that I picked you up. I always feel that it was God's will that pushed you to me." The old lady's eyebrows were gentle and there was a smile in her eyes.

There was a snap.

The lock was opened and Xu pushed open the sandalwood box.

With the passage of time and exposure to heavy snowstorms, the swaddling clothes turned slightly yellow. Mrs. Xu gently rubbed the swaddling clothes, her expression gloomy.

"That night, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. I squinted my eyes and felt extremely uneasy. I could hear a baby crying in my sleep."

"That night, for some reason, I felt an extremely strong urge to go out."

"Who knew I would actually pick you up?"

"You only have a swaddling clothes, and there is an inner pocket sewn into the swaddling clothes, and the jade pendant is hidden in it. Mother was afraid that you would lose it, so she lied to you that the jade pendant of the Xu family is passed down from daughter to son." The old lady joked with a smile.

"When I found you, the nanny beside you had already frozen to death. Even the money bag on your body was opened. It is estimated that the money was stolen."

"The only thing left to prove your identity is the jade pendant and the swaddling clothes."

"I will leave this thing to you. If your biological mother comes to look for you in the future..."

"Come here or not, I'm just a daughter of the Xu family." Ms. Xu knelt in front of the old lady and rested her head on her knees with an admiring expression.

"The me back then died on that snowy night. It was my parents who gave me a second life, and Yun Niang will always be part of the Xu family. Even if my mother chases me away, I won't leave." Mrs. appearance.

As soon as these words came out, the old lady felt at ease.

The old lady touched her hair. It was really not easy to raise a skinny baby back then.

"Over the royal family of the Southern Kingdom." Xu whispered.

The old lady held her hand in her hair and paused slightly.

"The relationship between the royal family in the Southern Kingdom is complicated. I just hope that no harm will happen to you. Your children must work harder and climb to a higher position to protect you." The old lady only pityed her for being a bad person, but I am also glad that my four children are talented people.

After lunch, Xu Yiting called the three brothers Lu Yanshu to the study.

Several children suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

I desperately want to climb up, want to work harder, and want to become the indispensable person in Beizhao.

Only in this way can they protect their mother.

Lu Chaochao was lying at the door, pointing at the room with an accusing look on his face: "Why don't you tell me?"

The third aunt caressed her slightly bulging belly: "You are still young, not suitable for children."

"Hey, my dog ​​can go in and listen?" Lu Chaochao wanted to push Zhui Feng inside.

The third aunt shook her head: "Chaochao and dogs are not allowed in."

Bah, Lu Chaochao was so angry that he stamped his feet.

It wasn't until evening that the brothers went out with heavy faces.

Chaochao is still young and emotionally unstable. Everyone is afraid that she will lose control and dare not offend her with this matter.

"It's against etiquette to live in General Rong's house. For the time being, I'm going to live with my mother-in-law, just in time to accompany my wife. We haven't lived together for many years." The old lady's eyebrows were filled with joy.

Rong Che knew that it was unreasonable, but he still couldn't help but feel sour in his heart.

Mrs. Xu smiled at him and then responded with a smile: "Okay, Yun Niang misses her mother too."

In the end, only Rong Che left the Xu family lonely.

Before leaving, Mrs. Xu glanced at him and said, "Open a door in the wall. Don't climb the wall all day long like a slut." After saying that, Mrs. Xu hid her face and left, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Rong Che's eyes were bright and burning: "Okay, okay!"

Rong Che grinned from ear to ear and left like a fool from a landlord's family.

The second day.

Before dawn, the emperor sent a message to Lu Chaochao to enter the palace.

Lu Chaochao was frightened yesterday. He did not dare to take Chaochao away from Xu. He waited until the next day before sending someone to pick him up.

She was deeply afraid that something might happen to Beizhao's baby.

"What a bastard, he actually attacked my Zhaoyang!"

Fortunately, Princess Zhaoyang had great supernatural powers and was able to avoid the disaster.

Rong Che did not hide anything from the emperor. He found that the emperor seemed to have an inexplicable admiration for Lu Chaochao. No matter how awesome it is, he accepts it well.

The emperor was relieved when he saw that Lu Chaochao didn't show anything strange.

"In the evening, accompany me to persuade the queen."

"Wan'er is angry with me. Most likely, it's because of Concubine Hui. For some reason, she has a very bad impression of Concubine Hui and is prejudiced against her." The emperor sighed lightly.

Although he is the emperor, he is also a mortal with his own selfish motives.

He gave the queen status and favor to Concubine Hui.

He personally raised the eldest prince and gave him all the tenderness.

Personally teach the prince and give him the glory he deserves and the future of Beizhao.

One occupies the emotions, the other occupies the intellect.

"Concubine Hui is a wonderful person. If you get along with Concubine Hui, you will also like her."

"She has a cold temperament. She seems to be keeping people away from her, but in reality, she is soft-hearted."

[Is it possible that she just rejects you thousands of miles away? 】

"The queen has a deep prejudice against her."

[That’s because she keeps hooking up with the queen, which makes the queen worried. 】

"Yesterday after the family reunion dinner, Concubine Hui went to see her, but she shut her out and made Concubine Hui look bad. I tried to comfort her, but she didn't appreciate it." The emperor always felt that the queen had a prejudice against Concubine Hui.

[Her husband’s sweetheart always seduces her, can she not be afraid? 】

The emperor held Lu Chaochao and talked while walking.

When talking about the past, the emperor began to talk more and more, and even had some aftertaste.

"Concubine Hui's temperament really hasn't changed in ten years."

"Back then, she was polite to me and never flattered me. This is still the case today." Everyone in the harem supported the emperor, but Concubine Hui was cold and indifferent.

The emperor felt that she was real.

The prince scratched his head anxiously, Chao Chao's thoughts made him feel on pins and needles.

Everyone came to the gate of the Queen's Palace.

Unexpectedly, he happened to meet Concubine Hui's sedan chair parked outside the door.

"Hui'er, it's okay if the queen doesn't appreciate her. Why do you always suffer in front of her door?"

"You bunch of dog slaves, why don't you invite Concubine Hui in? In this world of ice and snow, if you get frostbite, I will make sure you look good!" The emperor felt sorry for Concubine Hui, and saw that there was already a thin layer of snow on her body. How long have you been standing?

"Your Majesty, you are not allowed to rebuke the Queen!" Concubine Hui's eyes were full of seriousness.

The emperor was helpless: "That's all, you are still protecting her. She is the master of the middle palace. Every time you greet me, you can't even enter the palace door. How can you behave like this?"

The emperor didn't understand either.

It is clear that the Queen knows the general situation well and is even extremely tolerant towards the entire harem. Only when he saw Concubine Hui, he avoided her like a snake or a scorpion.

"Let's go, I'll take the decision today and take you in!" The emperor glanced at his grandmother.

Grandma, who wanted to stop her, had no choice but to retreat.

[Oh my god, Shura Field. I have seen cuckolds, but I have never seen them cuckolding themselves! 】

"What are you carrying in your hand?" the emperor asked casually.

Concubine Hui was holding a food box in her hand.

Concubine Hui smiled and said, "These are the snacks I personally made for your empress. They are her favorite chestnut cakes and Bazhen cakes."

"You have a heart."

"You never give them to me, but you often give them to her. She doesn't know what's good or bad."

The prince had already started to cover his face.

Can not bear to look.

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