"Hui'er, you are wronged by following me into the palace."

"Now, you are so interested in even the concubines in the harem, how can I bear it?" The emperor held Concubine Hui's hand and was deeply touched.

He had numerous concubines in his harem, almost all of whom were daughters of draftees or courtiers.

As an emperor, whether he likes it or not, he can only get the rain and dew equally.

To balance the harem is to balance the front dynasty.

His only true love becomes even more precious.

Concubine Hui said seriously: "I have never thought about competing with the sisters in the harem for favor."

"I have never thought of monopolizing Your Majesty. Your Majesty belongs to the harem and belongs to everyone."

The only choice he made in his life was Concubine Hui.

Only Concubine Hui was begged by him personally.

Even though Concubine Hui has been in the palace for many years, the traces of time can now be seen faintly. There are countless concubines younger and more beautiful than her, but no one can shake her status.

Concubine Hui had a cold temperament and never begged for his favor like a concubine.

After so many years of having no desires and desires, it only made him more interested in it.

Now that he saw Concubine Hui fawning over his concubines, the emperor was deeply moved.

【Unjust injustice, great injustice...】

[The emperor was almost moved to tears, right? 】

[Of course she doesn’t monopolize you, she only wants to monopolize the sisters in the harem...]

Before entering the door, the queen greeted him outside the door.

Seeing Concubine Hui, the queen's eyebrows suddenly drooped, and the smile on her face faded a bit.

[Hey, the dignified and generous Empress is so embarrassed, what on earth did she do? 】

Lu Chaochao was very curious.

"Concubine Hui has been waiting outside the palace gate for half an hour, why don't you let her in?" The emperor frowned. He and the queen treated each other as if they were guests, and he had never seen the queen act so petty.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, is taking a nap because I didn't inform you. Please punish me." The eldest maid knelt at her feet.

Concubine Hui's face turned dark when she saw the emperor humiliating the queen.

"I am willing to wait, I am willing to wait."

"It has nothing to do with the Queen."

As soon as she approached the queen, the queen quickly avoided her.

It seemed as if it was extremely uncomfortable to be touched by her.

When the emperor saw this scene, he became even more angry.

"Wan'er, you have always understood the general situation and have never been jealous. Why can't you tolerate Concubine Hui now?" The emperor entered, and Concubine Hui diligently poured tea for the queen.

A pair of bright eyes looked at her, as if his whole person came alive.

The teacup in front of the emperor was empty, and the emperor coughed dryly.

Concubine Hui seemed to notice him now, and with difficulty pulled her eyes away from the queen, and hurriedly poured him a drink.


The action is just a little perfunctory.

Even the water splashed onto the emperor's sleeves, but she didn't even notice.

"Your Majesty, this is a pastry made by me myself. Please try it, my Majesty. It has some hawthorn in it and is quite refreshing." Concubine Hui looked at her with bright eyes, much more enthusiastic than when she faced the emperor.

"I don't want to eat it. Concubine Hui, please take it away." The queen's face was cold and she didn't even want to glance at it.

The emperor put down the tea cup heavily, but at least he did not say harsh words in the presence of the prince.

"This is Hui'er's heartfelt wish." When the emperor saw that Concubine Hui was fawning over her, but the queen did not appreciate it, he felt depressed and resentful in his heart.

The queen sneered, looking at the emperor as if looking at an injustice.

"I am so considerate of you. Concubine Hui, please don't come looking for me if you have nothing to do!"

"Look at you, how do you look like the queen of a country? You are so petty. Is this the upbringing of the Rong family?"

The emperor was really angry and put the tea cup down suddenly with a loud sound.

The palace people knelt down tremblingly.

Concubine Hui saw that the queen's eyes were red and her face was distressed and anxious.

"My queen refuses to eat without knowing it. What are you forcing her to do? You don't understand women at all! Women are not your appendages, you should respect them." She also did not forget to give the emperor eye drops.

emperor? ?

I always felt like there was something behind her words.

Concubine Hui looked at the queen carefully: "Unlike Your Majesty, I understand your Majesty. I will never force you to do anything, and I respect all your choices."

Lu Chaochao suddenly trembled and had goosebumps all over his body.

The emperor also felt a little... unwell.

"That's all, Hui'er will plead for you and prepare a meal." The emperor pinched his brows. He still didn't understand why the queen was so hostile to Concubine Hui.

Although he loved Concubine Hui, he gave the queen the dignity and status she deserved. Why couldn't he tolerate her?

The queen looked gloomy and didn't want to say a word.

She looked at the emperor with sad eyes, full of helplessness.

"The eighth day of the lunar month next month is your Majesty's birthday, and I am planning to give you a surprise."

"Your Majesty will definitely like it." Concubine Hui smiled.

The emperor has some taste for it, and Concubine Hui treats the queen better than herself. But thinking about Concubine Hui's humiliation for herself, she couldn't bear it in her heart.

"Look how much Concubine Hui cares about you. She prepares gifts early for your birthday every year."

"When you catch a cold and get sick, she can't sleep at night and doesn't even want to sleep with you."

"When you sneeze, she rushes to make medicine for you. Her hands are so hot that they blister. She doesn't even have time to bandage it, so she has to bring it to you in the rain."

"She cares more about your birthday than her own affairs. She copied Buddhist scriptures for you last year and couldn't lift her arms for half a month."

The prince made a fist with his right hand and coughed violently, interrupting his father's words.

[It’s been a long time! It’s been a long time! The Queen is moved! 】

[He actually almost persuaded the empress to fall in love! ! 】

[What is he doing? He is going to die! The Queen raised her head and glanced at Concubine Hui! ! Wow wow wow...]

The emperor looked at the prince and saw that the prince was coughing violently and his face was red. He couldn't help but said: "Let the imperial doctor take a look this afternoon. Be careful of catching wind and cold."

The prince put his fist to his lips and bowed his head in response.

"Remember to ask the imperial kitchen to send duck stuffed with glutinous rice, mutton stewed with deer sinew wine, and a Luo Han Zhai. The Queen loves it."

She thought for a while and then said: "Drinking some black-bone chicken soup during this period will be good for your health. The weather has been cold recently and the moisture has been eliminated, so your stomach will not hurt." She even remembered the Queen's menstrual period.

Even the queen knows that she has a stomachache!

The emperor's eyelids twitched. He didn't even know that the queen liked to eat these!

"Do you still remember what I like to eat the most?" the emperor asked unintentionally.

The cold Concubine Hui's face was slightly dull, and her handkerchief was clenched tightly.

Just as he was about to change the topic, he heard Lu Chaochao shouting.

"The three fresh shark's fins in the palace are delicious." She got excited about eating.

"That's what Concubine Xian likes to eat." Concubine Hui raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Crab meat soup is also delicious." Lu Chaochao continued.

"That's what Qin Guiren likes to eat..." Concubine Hui didn't even pause as she picked it up at her fingertips.

The emperor gradually showed his shock. Concubine Hui actually knew the preferences of the concubines in the harem so well! !

"Hui'er has a heart, and you actually put so much thought into me." The emperor was quite moved. Concubine Hui was so cold and cold, and she didn't care about people in the world, but she spent so much thought for him.

Concubine Hui opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say a word.

remain silent.

Everyone fell silent.

The silence was deafening.

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