The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 208 Concubine Hui likes the empress

Lu Chaochao scratched his head and looked at Concubine Hui and then at the Queen.

Like a melon field, it is too busy.

[Exciting, really exciting. 】

[Concubine Hui is here to raise fish...]

The emperor, like an enemy, sat in the middle and tried to persuade the two of them to make peace.

"Look, how much Concubine Hui cares about you?"

"Every time you look at a dish, Concubine Hui will remember it in her heart. She will value you more than yourself..."

The emperor's eyes complained, and he was angry that the queen was so cold.

Concubine Hui looked at the queen cautiously, leaving the queen with a very beautiful profile.

She knows which angle of herself is the most beautiful and lovable.

Emperor Xuanping took Concubine Hui's hands and said, "Look at Concubine Hui's hands. She has never done housework since she was a child. I wash her hands and make soup for you. I don't know how many injuries it left." There were many wounds on her delicate and slender fingers. trace.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It's Hui'er's blessing if the empress can take two more bites."

"I heard that my mother was homesick, so Hui'er specially asked the cook of the Zhenguo Palace for advice and learned a few dishes myself. I hope it can relieve my mother's homesickness."

"After entering the palace, there are a lot of inconveniences. If I can eat the delicious food at home and comfort my wife, it will be Hui'er's blessing." Concubine Hui's eyebrows were smiling, looking extremely considerate.

These words made the emperor feel sour in his heart.

The queen glanced at her and saw her tearful look, with the emperor watching eagerly to support her.

He nodded immediately: "That's all, you can send it when you have time."

The emperor smiled and patted the queen with his left hand.

With his right hand, he patted Concubine Hui.

The emperor had a smile on his face, and Concubine Hui looked at the queen from beginning to end. The queen...

I wish I were blind.


[It’s really a Shura field. I’m worried about the Emperor’s father...]

[He is about to persuade the Queen Mother to do it! ! 】

The prince felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, with cold sweat appearing on his forehead.

"Father, I am hungry." The prince silently reminded Emperor Xuanping that he really couldn't stand it!

What kind of sin did he do in his previous life to make him endure such torture?

He originally thought that Lu Chaochao was the so-called Huifei Lu Emperor.

Just raising men.

result! !

She has fallen in love with the Queen Mother! !

The prince now wished that Concubine Hui's concubines were better than this Shura field!

The emperor let go of the two of them: "Pass the meal around."

Dishes were served one after another in the imperial dining room, and in a blink of an eye, a large table was filled.

The palace servants stood behind and served dishes to everyone.

The emperor personally picked up the vegetables and put them in the queen's bowl.

"This Kung Pao taro dish tastes good. Try it." He wanted to show respect to the queen after all.

The queen looked at the taro in the bowl and frowned slightly.

Just when he was looking for an excuse, he heard Concubine Hui say.

"Your Majesty, you and the Queen have been married for decades, but you don't know that the Queen can't eat taro?" Concubine Hui's eyes were slightly red.

"I remember that the Queen accidentally ate a dish a few years ago, and the raw material was taro. After eating at that time, the Queen left the table early. The next day, she had a few rashes on her face. I guess she couldn't eat it! Your Majesty was careless. , but Hui'er always remembers it." Concubine Hui looked distressed for her empress.

[Just say it, why do you still think that the emperor doesn’t care about you? 】

[One with a gun and a stick...]

【but I like it! Make trouble, make trouble! ! 】Lu Chaochao didn't mind watching the excitement and gritted his teeth in anger.

The emperor looked a little embarrassed and looked at the queen in surprise: "Wan'er, you can't eat taro?"

The queen nodded slightly: "I haven't been able to eat since I was a child."

She was only surprised that she left the table early without disturbing anyone, and Concubine Hui actually saw it.

The Queen sighed softly.

"I'm sorry, Concubine Hui." The queen's face softened a bit, and her eyes looked at Concubine Hui with a hint of warmth.

Not as conflicted as usual.

Concubine Hui smiled and said: "Your Majesty has so many concubines in the harem, how can I remember them all? Unlike Hui'er, I only remember the empress. Hui'er treats the empress sincerely."

The emperor smiled and nodded.

"Wan'er is the mother of the world, and Concubine Hui is the love of my heart. If you can live in harmony, I can feel at ease." The emperor was very pleased. The two settled their differences, and the queen changed her mind towards Concubine Hui. He was really happy.

"Chaochao, why don't you even eat chicken legs today?" The emperor was extremely surprised. Lu Chaochao's persistence in chicken legs was tantamount to the world's heroes vying for the throne.

Lu Chaochao gnawed on the chicken leg with waning interest.

"I'm so scared."

[Hey, I ate too much Bagua and I was so stuffed that the chicken drumsticks were all tasteless. 】

[Chicken legs are nothing compared to the drama in front of us. 】

Inadvertently, the snacks in his arms fell to the ground, and Lu Chaochao slid off the stool to pick them up.

【Wow! ! Stimulate! ! 】 Lu Chaochao screamed in his heart.

The prince was so frightened that he couldn't even hold his chopsticks steady.

[Hahahaha...] Lu Chaochao laughed heartily.

[I’m laughing so hard, Emperor Daddy, do you dare to squat down and take a look? 】

[Concubine Hui is secretly hooking the Queen’s leg! 】

[Ah, she hooked up with the Queen! 】

【Eat a big melon, eat a big melon! 】 Lu Chaochao screamed in his heart.

The anxious prince broke out in cold sweat on the tip of his nose.

That's my mother, that's my mother! You eat melons and you are worried about me, but I don’t want to be an orphan!

The prince was like an ant on a hot pot, vomiting blood anxiously but not daring to reveal any clues.

"You were saying you were hungry just now? Why don't you want to eat?" The emperor looked at the prince.

Although he was emotionally partial to the eldest prince, he had never wavered in his position as prince.

The prince is an excellent prince.

He is the successor he has trained hard.

He was very satisfied with the prince.

Preference is preference, reason is reason, and he still remembers that he is an emperor.

The prince's hands were shaking as he held the silver chopsticks.

Lu Chaochao crawled out from under the table, his little face flushed with excitement, looking as if he was satisfied with eating a big melon.

The prince looked at Lu Chaochao sadly as if he were chewing wax.

A lunch, only the emperor enjoyed it.

Everyone is distracted and has different thoughts.

As soon as lunch was over, the emperor hurried back to the imperial kitchen to review the memorial.

"I feel relieved if you can get along well with each other." The emperor was extremely happy.

The prince really couldn't see this Shura field, so he said: "Chaochao takes a nap after lunch every day. I will pick you up after nap."

Lu Chaochao nodded in agreement.

After the emperor left, Concubine Hui's eyes fell on the queen unscrupulously, and the queen felt uncomfortable all over.

Then he hugged Lu Chaochao and said, "Mom, can I put you to sleep later?"

Lu Chaochao responded with a smile.

After a while, the sound of even breathing came.

The queen carried her back to her bedroom, and Concubine Hui followed closely behind her, even closing the door thoughtfully.

Lu Chaochao was lying on the bed, while the Queen and Concubine Hui stood outside the curtain, whispering something.

Lu Chaochao secretly opened one eye, hehe, she must eat this melon today!

She narrowed her eyes slightly and raised her ears high.

"Wanwan, don't always avoid me. You make me feel uncomfortable..." Concubine Hui's eyes were red and she was about to cry.

Last time, the queen was seriously ill with cold, so it happened that Concubine Hui was sleeping with her.

She simply abandoned the emperor and came to visit him in the rain late at night.

Not long after entering, he was kicked out of the door.

Rumors spread throughout the palace that the queen was dissatisfied with Concubine Hui's favor and wanted to set rules for her. From then on, the Queen did not allow Concubine Hui to enter the house!

Today, Lu Chaochao overheard the truth.

The queen suppressed her anger and asked through gritted teeth!

"You don't know why I am avoiding you?"

"Last time you came to visit me, what did you mean by stripping off and crawling onto my bed?"

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