【Wow! Concubine Hui is so courageous! 】

[No wonder the Queen is afraid of her. How can she not be afraid? 】

[I regard you as my sister, but you actually want to sleep with me! 】

Lu Chaochao's eyes were burning, but he didn't dare to move at all, for fear of disturbing the two people outside the curtain.

There were tears in the corners of Hui Fei's eyes, she bit her lower lip and sobbed softly.

"At that time, the empress was suffering from severe cold and fever, and the imperial doctor could not cure the fever. You kept shouting that you were cold. Hui'er felt distressed, and in desperation, she crawled out of bed!" Yes, she took off all her clothes.

"What's so good about men?"

"I snore while sleeping, and even if I wash myself eight hundred times a day, my body will stink."

"He has countless concubines in his harem. Unlike me, I only have Wanwan in my heart."

"Yes, he has given you great honor, but has he really cared about you? He has never cared about what you like to eat, what you think about, and what you can't eat."

"He gives you status, but he can't give you emotion. Are you really willing?"

"The palace is lonely and the nights are long. He has countless concubines, but what about Wanwan? He never cares about Wanwan's emotions, but I am different."

"I always pay attention to Wanwan. Wanwan entered the palace at the age of fifteen, and she is still a simple child."

"How frightening it must be for such a petite person to wear rich clothes and face a harem that eats people without spitting out their bones. He actually doesn't give you any support, leaving you to face the wolves, tigers and leopards alone at such a young age."

"At that time, you secretly hid under the quilt and cried. I knew it all." Thanks to the emperor's blessing, Concubine Hui finally had time to be alone with the empress. How could she not take the opportunity to show her sincerity.

"I feel bad, really feel bad."

While the queen was stunned, Concubine Hui suddenly grabbed her hand.

[Wow, Concubine Hui grabbed the Queen’s mother’s hand! 】

The Queen trembled with fright. Concubine Hui shed a tear and whispered: "Wanwan doesn't want to enter the palace. Wanwan can't help herself in her life. I don't dare to force Wanwan. As long as I can talk to Wanwan, I can see Wanwan." Wan, this is what I want in this life."

The queen paused, and Concubine Hui's eyebrows revealed a secret joy.

Just when I was about to take the opportunity to hug the queen, I heard Chao Chao dreaming from behind the curtain: "Yuyu, don't run away..."

Concubine Hui was so frightened that she let go suddenly.

The queen's heart was beating fast and she hurriedly took two steps back: "No nonsense!" Her normally solemn eyebrows showed a hint of panic.

"Chachao, are you having a nightmare?"

The queen saw Lu Chaochao sitting up while rubbing his eyes. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Concubine Hui leaving in despair. The queen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

How scary.

Every time Concubine Hui touches her, she gets goosebumps all over her body.

"Had a nightmare."

"I dreamed that someone was fishing in the sea, and all the fish in the sea were almost caught in one net..." Lu Chaochao said to Nuonuo, hugging the queen's neck.

"Silly boy, how can you catch all the fish in the sea..." The queen had no daughter, so she loved the soft and waxy Chao Chao very much.

Furthermore, Rong Che fell in love with Chaochao's mother, so she had to improve her favorability.

Gotta help my stupid brother out.

The queen put on Lu Chaochao's thick clothes, wrapped her up tightly, and personally carried her to the imperial study.

A group of old ministers came out of the Imperial Study Room and greeted Lu Chaochao and the Queen one after another.

The queen carried Lu Chaochao into the palace.

"Have you reconciled with Concubine Hui?" The emperor put down the memorial and pinched his eyebrows.

In the past few days, for some reason, his eyes were always twitching.

The Queen hesitated for a moment: "Yes."

A smile spread across Emperor Xuanping's face: "Concubine Hui is gentle and considerate, I knew you two could get along well."

"I think back when Concubine Hui entered the palace, the concubines in the harem were very resistant to her."

All the concubines came from the draft or marriage, but she was brought back personally by Emperor Xuanping after being punished with a cane.

At that time, the concubines often gave her obstacles.

"Remember? Concubine Jiang, who had the most violent temper, pointed at her nose and cursed her as a vixen on the day she entered the palace."

"What now? Concubine Jiang always thinks of her for any good things she has, and she has a very good relationship with her."

The emperor couldn't help but feel happy when he thought of Concubine Hui.

[Your harem is all fish raised by her...]

Just as I was talking, suddenly...

There was a commotion outside.

"No noise outside the royal study!" Wang Gonggong shouted immediately.

There were bursts of crying outside the door, and the prince hurriedly came in to report: "Your Majesty, Concubine Jiang and noble Qin are fighting!"

As soon as they finished speaking, Jiang Concubine and Qin Guiren pulled each other's hair and entered the door crying.

As soon as they entered the door, the two of them knelt down with a bang.

"Please, Your Majesty, please make the decision, the Queen."

"Concubine Jiang is too domineering!"

"Obviously Mr. Qin is being unreasonable!"

The two of them grabbed each other's hair and refused to let go. There was a mark on their faces. It was expected that the beating would be extremely fierce.

The two accused each other.

The emperor was confused when he heard this: "What's going on? How unbecoming is it to fight?" The emperor looked ugly.

The queen hugged Lu Chaochao and sat on one side.

His eyes were blank, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Concubine Jiang is too overbearing. I got up early in the morning to make ginseng soup. It's hard work without any credit. She actually wants to throw it away!" Qin Guiren cried.

Concubine Jiang was not to be outdone: "Bitch, I was obviously the one who got there first. If you want to drink, you drink from me first!"

Sure enough, the maids behind the two of them were each carrying a food box.

"Drink mine first!"

"Drink mine first, I have a high position, drink mine first!"

The two actually fought in front of the emperor, who was quite surprised.

Jiang Concubine and Qin Guiren have not competed for favor in many years, and they have not given him soup!

"Wang Yuanlu, open the food box and take a look." The emperor waved his hand.

Two food boxes were opened and placed on the table.

"That's all, I'll give you a bowl of water! Drink it all, drink it all, okay?" It's strange to say that in the past years, the concubines in the harem used various methods to compete for favor.

In recent years, I have become much more settled.

The emperor was quite surprised when he suddenly encountered a fight for favor.

The emperor picked up the ginseng soup. Qin Guiren said anxiously: "Hey...wait..." She unconsciously let go of Jiang Bin's hair.

Looking at the emperor, he hesitated to speak.

The emperor smiled and said: "I have been exposed to rain and dew equally, and I will never favor one over another. Concubine Jiang, I have not forgotten you either!"

He picked up Concubine Jiang's bowl again.

"Ah?" Jiang Concubine looked at him and let go of Qin Guiren's hair.

"Your Majesty, actually..." Qin Guiren pulled Jiang Bin, who suddenly stopped talking, but her face looked ugly.

It was even uglier than the fight just now.

The emperor took a sip from the bowl on his left and a sip from the bowl on his right. He looked at the two of them and said, "Am I fair?"

The two of them were like eggplants beaten by frost, their heads drooped, their eyes dull, and they suddenly lost their souls.

"Fair... fair."

"Fair... fair." The two said.

Watching the emperor finish the ginseng soup without leaving a single mouthful, the light in their eyes went out.

"Next time, don't fight for me again."

"Concubine Xun Hui, let's go and relieve our boredom." The emperor waved his hand.

The two of them bowed and left, looking gloomy.

Lu Chaochao saw some signs and screamed like a groundhog in his heart.

[Look, it doesn’t seem like you are fighting for the Emperor’s father’s favor...]

[No, the fight is for Concubine Hui, right? ] Lu Chaochao felt that she might have discovered the truth!

【Yaoshou! ! 】

[Has it reached the point of a big fight? 】

[If there are too many fish, the boat won’t capsize, right? 】

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