The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 211 The whole family criticizes like crazy

Lu Chaochao's head was buzzing.

How many people did Concubine Hui tease? Wouldn't she let her flirt with everyone in the harem?

"Wan'er, Concubine Hui has a simple temper. Could you please take more care of her?"

"She was originally cold-tempered, but for me..." The emperor looked guilty.

"For me, she tried hard to remember each concubine's preferences and flatter each concubine. How could I not be moved?" The emperor sighed deeply. He only hoped that the queen would treat Concubine Hui better.

The queen looked strange, but she couldn't say it directly. Concubine Hui climbed into her bed!

Every time Concubine Hui came to the palace, she would steal her used handkerchiefs.

Concubine Hui even invited her to take a bath.

"Concubine, please do your best." The queen was really afraid of being in the same room with her.

Concubine Hui's temperament is not cool at all.

He was as eager as fire, and his eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

The queen did not stay long, she only sat for a while before getting up and leaving.

After all, Lu Chaochao couldn't bear it anymore and reminded him kindly: "Emperor father, you should pay more attention to the concubines in the harem..."

"If you don't care, others will care for you..."

The emperor raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"You little guy, you know so much. At such a young age, you have to worry about my harem."

"Don't worry, there are Concubine Hui and the Queen in the harem, everything will be fine."

The emperor didn't take it to heart at all.

He never thought in his life that Concubine Hui would poach him and steal fish from his harem.

When Lu Chaochao left, he happened to meet the sixth prince who was returning to the palace crying.

The sixth prince was extremely embarrassed. In just three days, his face lost a lot of weight. The hair on his face and body was covered with mud, and he cried as he walked.

"Father...wuwuwu, father, I know I was wrong."

"I will never leave the palace again."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu It's so hard to get along outside. The beggars are so evil that they kicked my bowl to pieces, snatched my coat, and even my steamed buns!"

"I want to study, woo woo woo, I want to study. I will never leave again."

The sixth prince asked Lu Chaochao tearfully, with tears and runny nose running down his face.

"Have you met the black boss of the Beggar Clan?"

"He is arrogant and the leader of all beggars. People in the world call him Brother Biao!" The sixth prince wiped away his tears, leaving a few dark finger prints on his face.

"It's too bad, Brother Biao is too bad. Sooner or later he will ask Father to raid his house!"

"Sister Zhaoyang, how did you survive?"

"Did Brother Biao bully you? Did he smash your bowl?"

"Why can you get a month's vacation in exchange?" The sixth prince felt extremely aggrieved and kept accusing Brother Biao of his evil deeds.

The emperor couldn't hide his smile.

Lu Chaochao glanced at the Sixth Prince and said quietly: "Because I am Brother Biao."

? ! ! !

The Sixth Prince's crying stopped abruptly.

He stared at her blankly, blowing bubbles from his nose.

Lu Chaochao said with regret, "If mother comes one day late, I will take over the Beggar Clan! What a disaster!" The little guy looked regretful.

The sixth prince's throat was clogged and he couldn't even cry.

Watching Lu Chaochao get on the sedan chair and swagger out of the palace.

Why are there such big differences between people who both ran away from home?

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Father, why is the distance between people so big!" The sixth prince stamped his feet angrily.

The emperor glanced at him and pulled out the wicker.

"There are bigger ones!" The wicker was drawn straight towards the Sixth Prince.

The Sixth Prince screamed: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,why,why! Same people have different fates,oh, the little cabbage, the ground is yellow, I forgot about my son after I had a sister..."

The sixth prince who ran away from the palace received a severe beating in return.

"Do you dare to run away from home next time? Do you dare to run away from home next time?! You don't learn well at a young age, you are so audacious!" The emperor scolded while slapping.

"If you have the ability, fight Zhaoyang..." The sixth prince said this.

The beating was even harder.

Lu Chaochao sat on the sedan chair, dozing off while thinking about how many concubines Hui Fei had flirted with.

In order to eat melon, I didn't even take a nap.

When we returned to Xu's house, it was almost evening.

Lu Chaochao stole two sticks of Zhui Feng dried meat first, put them in his arms, and walked slowly towards the main courtyard.

Inside the house, a low cry could be heard.

Lu Chaochao's heart tightened and he hurriedly chased after him with his short legs.

"What's wrong? Mother!" Lu Chaochao asked hurriedly.

Mrs. Xu cursed with red eyes: "Your second brother is such a fool, he actually went to the border battlefield with the army!" When Mrs. Xu got the news, the sky fell.

She held the letter in her hand, trembling all over.

"He wants to join the army, and I have no objection. But there are constant wars on the border. If he does something bad, how will I live?" What makes Xu even more guilty is that she is afraid that her child wants to work hard because of herself.

Since she was almost killed, Yan Shu studied harder.

Lu Zheng traveled further and further to the border.

Lu Yuanxiao's book is almost rotten.

Seeing her crying sadly, Rong Che said, "Zheng Yue has ideas and motivation, and there's no stopping him. Don't worry, I'll have someone take care of him."

Rong Che has been stationed at the border for more than ten years, and Lu Zhengyue will not be excluded there.

"Mother Yun, you can get promoted fastest on the battlefield."

Xu's lips trembled. She didn't understand that her son was risking his life for his future.

Mrs. Xu let out a low whimper, and Rong Che also had distressed red eyes.

"Lu Yuanze's abandonment of these children was the biggest mistake in his life." The old lady sighed. No one could compare to her daughter and these children.

Yun Niang is not bad luck.

These children will surpass the Xu family sooner or later.

Lu Yuanze really made a mistake.

The second day.

Before dawn, the maid heard an announcement: "The Pei family from Lu Zhai and the elders from Qingxi's hometown are fighting!"

"I heard the beating was quite powerful."

"It is said that the clan elders were originally given three thousand taels of silver every year. But the new mistress Pei was unwilling to pay."

"The clan elder said that three thousand taels should be changed to one thousand taels."

"Pei still refuses."

"The clan elders were scolding each other in front of the gate of Lu's house. They called Pei a whore, scolded Pei for being a little slut who crawled on the bed, and even scolded Pei's children for not being able to see the light of day."

"Mr. Pei was so embarrassed. In the end, Jiang Yunjin couldn't stand it anymore, so he paid a thousand taels to settle the matter. He coaxed all the elders back to Qingxi."

Everyone in the Xu family was amazed when they heard this.

Without the Xu family, Lu Yuanze would not have the same glory as he once had.

"A blessed daughter cannot enter the door of unblessed people. You and Li are the ones who are unlucky." The old lady is not a holy mother. She wishes that Lu Yuanze's life would be miserable.

The more miserable her enemy is, the happier she is.

The Zhenguo Palace is the most outstanding.

Adding fuel to the fire!

They customized a very large plaque, beat it and sent it to Lu Yuanze. It was blocked with red silk and attracted a large number of people.

Lu Yuanze was asked to go out.

When he saw the plaque carried by the town government, his face turned livid.

Damn it, these lunatics in the Zhenguo Palace are not really so crazy about giving out plaques to good people, are they? ! !

We all serve as officials in the same court, why should we be so shameless? !

"Hurry up and lift the red silk to see what plaque you have been given!" Someone with good intentions shouted loudly.

"Master Lu, hurry up and lift the red silk."

"Master Lu, look at what people are thanking you for?"

Under the urging of everyone, Lu Yuanze lifted up the red silk, and the huge good person plaque was exposed to everyone.

“Good guy plaque!”

"Master Lu, what good deeds are you doing? To provoke the Duke of Zhenguo's government to send you a plaque?"

Everyone was suspicious and curious, but Lu Yuanze refused to mention it as if he was insulted.

He doesn't understand.

This is a thank you to yourself and Li! !

His fists were clenched.

Shameless Zhenguo Government!

The whole family, young and old, are all crazy.

He can't afford to offend him!

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