The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 212 Going to school in the morning

The old master of Zhenguo put his hands behind his back, hiding his merit and fame.

"A tree without bark will definitely die. A shameless person is invincible. I don't have shame, what's the matter?" Lord Zhen Guo had half of his feet in the coffin, so what else did he need to show his face?

Rong Che hurried out and saw his old father's proud posture.

"Dad, what did you do?" Rong Che looked confused.

"Give Lu Yuanze a good person plaque and thank him for his kindness to Li. If he doesn't get along with Li, how can our family have a chance? Look at how his family is running around, tsk, wait until those Xu children become successful. He regrets it even more."

"Son, please try harder."

"Thirty-five years old. Thirty-six years old. Thirty-seven years old. In a blink of an eye, he is forty years old. A forty-year-old man..." Zhen Guogong glanced at him with disgust.

Rong Che's feet went weak and he almost fell into the snowdrift: "Dad, you just took five years away from me! Did you live for me?"

I'm thirty-five, so why am I already forty? !

"It doesn't matter whether it's shaking or not, how is Yun Niang doing?"

"Is the Rong family expected to get a wife this year?"

"Does Yun Niang have any requirements? If you come to visit, do you want your mother and I to marry you together?" Zhen Guo Gong was eagerly looking forward to it.

Rong Che didn't know what to say.

"Three sticks can't beat him, so why did you give birth to a fool like you!" Zhen Guogong punched him in the face.

so stupid.

"Dad, why don't you come and sit in the house?" Rong Che asked hurriedly when he saw that he was leaving.

The Duke of Zhen Guo rolled his eyes in disgust: "You don't have a daughter-in-law or a grandson. Why should I come to see you? You only have one mouth and two eyes, how can you grow a flower?"

"You have sweet lips, be diligent, be attentive, don't believe those ghosts that say gentlemen are far away from the kitchen."

The Duke of Zhen Guo waved his hand and did not take away a single cloud.

Rong Che sighed quietly.

Early February.

Rong Che completed the renovation of the Lu family overnight, and the Xu family's original dormitory was in ruins.

Then he changed to the room next door to Rong Che again.

Oh, what a little sneak peek on his part.

The two courtyards are separated only by a wall.

There is also a small door on the wall.

Rong Che almost grinned, wondering, does this count as being in the same room with Yun Niang? There is only one wall...

"Yun Niang, this is the key to the small door on the wall..." Rong Che's cheeks turned red.

I don’t know where to put my joyful hands and feet.

"Thank you, Brother Che. After the inkstone examination and the general examination, I will personally entertain Brother Che." In a few days, the general examination will be held, and Mrs. Xu has been worrying about this during this time.

"You're welcome." Rong Che was very happy.

Yun Niang can leave the matter to him, which means she doesn't treat him as an outsider.

Xu moved back home, and Lu Yanshu was already preparing for the exam.

What gave her the most headache.

In February, it was time for Lu Chaochao to go to school.

On the first day of February, Xu dragged Lu Chaochao out of bed.

Lu Chaochao's cheeks were red as he slept, his thick eyelashes were tightly closed, and he hugged the brocade quilt and refused to let go: "I don't want to go to school, oh, oh, oh, I don't want to go to school..."

"Mom, Chaochao really doesn't want to go to school."

"My dear, we only go to school for half a day every day. We also give out snacks in the middle. We will go home after lunch."

"Your Majesty has opened a small class in the Imperial College just for you."

"There are dolls of various ages inside, here to accompany you."

"I heard that the chef is very good at cooking delicious food..."

Lu Chaochao opened his eyes, his eyes faintly moved.

"Shall I try it for three days first?"

"Okay, okay." Mrs. Xu didn't care how many days, as long as she could coax people into the academy.

Lu Chaochao changed into clothes, and Mrs. Xu also made her a small bag.

The bag is embroidered with a baby girl carved in pink and jade, which is exactly the replica of Lu Chaochao.

The little baby carries a bag and officially starts his way to school.

Yushu and Yuqin still accompany me in reading.

Before going out, Lu Chaochao kicked Zhuifeng awake: "Zhuifeng, don't sleep in, it's time to get up!"

When she goes to school, the dog can't sleep in.

In order for Emperor Xuanping to integrate her into the small class, all the children in this class were recruited from aristocratic families in the capital. The oldest is no more than five years old, and the youngest is two-year-old Lu Chaochao.

The entrance to the Imperial College was bustling with activity.

Because of the newly opened small class, there were countless crying children at the door.

When the students of the Imperial College saw this scene, their minds were buzzing: "Your Majesty has really worked hard to conquer Princess Zhaoyang..."

"I can't tell you, that's the deepest part of His Majesty's heart." Everyone hurriedly stopped him.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone said.

"Princess Zhaoyang's sedan chair has arrived." Many people have only heard of Princess Zhaoyang's reputation and have never seen her in person.

"Your Majesty is very doting on her, and I guess he is also an arrogant master. Your Majesty also asked Yuan Shoufu to teach her personally." Everyone was envious, and it was Yuan Shoufu who opened the door and cried with envy.

They were able to get guidance from Yuan Shoufu because the ancestral graves were filled with smoke.

The sedan stopped and everyone looked over with burning eyes.

A pair of young and tender hands opened the curtain, revealing round and cute chubby cheeks with two small buttocks.

Wearing a light green skirt.

Her eyes are round and her smile looks like a crescent moon.

"So cute..." Someone murmured.

It has been snowing heavily these past few days, and the boy has been cleaning it up, and there is still a thick layer of snow on the bluestone.

Princess Zhaoyang didn't wait for the sedan to stop before she jumped down from the sedan.


He fell upside down and stuck his head directly into the snow. His little feet stood in the air and he couldn't push them out even though he pushed hard.

Everyone was stunned...

Then Todoroki laughed loudly.

Hahahahaha, what kind of arrogant little princess is she? She is almost more funny than a little milk baby! !

Xuan Jichuan hurriedly took her out and hurriedly explained: "I didn't laugh this time!"

Lu Chaochao's head and face were covered with snow, and he put his hands on his hips angrily: "Who is laughing? Who is laughing!!"

Everyone suppressed laughter and looked away innocently.

His cheeks turned red from holding back.

Teeth clenched, hands on hips, he walked into the Imperial College angrily.

The Imperial Academy was full of descendants of the royal family and court officials. The Lin family of the emperor's merchants also made an exception because they donated a lot of money for the disaster.

The environment inside the courtyard is quiet and elegant, with the sound of reading loudly everywhere.

"It should be a good sleep..." Lu Chaochao couldn't help but comment.

The book boy led Lu Chaochao all the way inside. Before he got close, he could hear faint crying coming from inside.

The young master was sweating profusely and coaxing the child.

Just after coaxing the children, there were still tears in their eyes.

Lu Chaochao is here.

Seeing that Lu Chaochao accepted it well, Master Zhu secretly wiped his sweat and said: "Princess Zhaoyang is the youngest, so please sit in the first row..." Of course, the most important thing...

Everyone is her escort.

What a joke, Xiao Xiaoban is a carrot pit specially set up for her.

Targeted enrollment.

Just to recruit her.

"From now on, I will be your master. You can call me Master Zhu. I will teach you every day."

"Master Shoufu will spare time to teach. Yuan Shoufu is full of talents all over the world, and this opportunity is not easy to come by. Everyone must cherish it!"

Master Zhu had a smile on his face, and these dolls all took advantage of Princess Zhaoyang to ride on the wind.

In the entire Beizhao, there is no scholar who doesn’t want to be guided by the Chief Assistant.

The eyes of the students in the Imperial College were all red.

It is their blessing to be classmates with Princess Zhaoyang.

Lu Chaochao raised his little hands high.

"Princess Zhaoyang, do you have any questions?" Master Zhu looked expectantly and was quite curious when he saw her interest.

Lu Chaochao turned his head.

Seeing the little classmates who were crying and laughing, they shouted loudly: "Your parents don't want you..."

"From now on, I will wake up earlier than a chicken, go to bed later than a dog, and my master will beat his hands..."

"Whoever disobeys me will have flowers blooming on his hands!"

"It's pitiful..."

As soon as these words came out.

The whole audience howled and cried so loudly that it shook the world.

Master Zhu? ? ?

No, being a classmate with Princess Zhaoyang may be your disaster.

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