Master Zhu had a headache.

Princess Zhaoyang, the youngest, cutest and most adorable, seems to have a prickly head.

The scariest thing is that she is not targeting you specifically because she is telling the truth!

A straight-up headache.

The first day of school is enlightenment.

Master Zhu took the children and paid homage to Confucius three times to show that he would respect his teacher in the future.

Next, the master took the children to worship Saint Confucius.

Raise your hands and bow: "Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the people, carry on the unique knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations..."

The children worshiped immaturely: "Establish a heart for heaven and earth, establish a destiny for life, inherit the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations."

The voice is childish, but sonorous and powerful.

"It's done."

Lu Chaochao stood in the leader's position and couldn't help but be affected by the atmosphere.

There was a hint of seriousness on the little guy's face.

Yuan Shoufu nodded slightly.

"My parents gave birth to me, and my master taught me. Once I become a disciple..."

"Second apprenticeship..."

"Three apprenticeships..."

"The ceremony is over."

The boy brought the heavy drum, and the master said, "It is wise to play the drum."

"The louder the sound, the greater the ambition, the firmer the confidence, the brighter the eyes, the brighter the ears, the enlightenment, and the achievements."

The master handed the drumstick to Lu Chaochao. The master paused and said, "Princess, you are very strong to pull out the Chaoyang Sword. You can be gentler..." With her strength, she was enough to penetrate the drum.

Lu Chaochao said oh.

Lu Chaochao held the drumstick in his hand and struck the first sound.

The children stepped forward to play the drums one after another, their eyes gradually becoming firmer.

Next was the cinnabar enlightenment. Yuan Shoufu dipped a brush in cinnabar and put a red mole on the middle of Lu Chaochao's forehead.

"Keep your eyes open, your mind bright, and your mind enlightened. I hope you will become fluent in everything you learn in the future."

All children have a red mole between their eyebrows.

By the time the enlightenment process is completed, half the time has passed.

Returning to the classroom, Master began to teach the Three Character Classic.

"At the beginning of human beings, nature is good. Nature is similar, habits are far apart..." Master Zhu shook his head, and after he finished reciting, he began to explain the annotations to the children.

The little guys seemed to understand.

Lu Chaochao raised his little hand unsteadily.

Master Zhu's head was pounding.

"Princess Zhaoyang, do you have any questions?"

Lu Chaochao sat obediently on the stool, his voice was soft and childish, which made the master feel a little relieved.


"It's time to give out cookies..."

He placed his little hands obediently on the table, raised his head expectantly, and looked at Master Zhu with bright eyes.

Master Zhu suddenly covered his chest.

Lu Chaochao looked at him suspiciously: "The Emperor's father won't lie to others, right?" It was agreed that snacks would be distributed in the middle!

Master Zhu's breath was stuck in his throat and he couldn't go up or come down.

What's even more frightening is that all the children looked at him eagerly: "Master, where are the snacks?"

The Master took a deep breath to calm down: "Bring over the snacks you prepared."

The book boy could hardly hold it in any longer.

Lu Chaochao ate the snacks as he wished, and his eyes were bright: "The emperor didn't lie to me. The snacks in the Imperial College are so delicious."

Come back tomorrow!

What makes her happiest is that the lunch is also super delicious.

"When did our academy's lunch become so delicious?"

"When I ate it, it tasted better than the royal food in the palace..."

Students of the Imperial College are either rich or noble.

On weekdays, the servants would deliver lunch, but today, people flocked to the dining room like a swarm of bees.

Someone pouted at Lu Chaochao: "It's not because of that one, these masters are all outstanding ones selected from the imperial kitchen. Some of them are found from all over the world."

Lu Chaochao held the bowl and ate hard.

Yuan Shoufu's grandson Yuan Man brought some food to Lu Chaochao: "Chaochao, eat more. Grandpa is not being aggressive today, is he?"

Lu Chaochao shook his head: "Your grandfather insisted on me becoming a disciple, so what...a closed disciple."

"Can't he close the door himself? He has to close it for me!" Lu Chaochao had rice on his cheeks and took a bite of the meat in anger.

"Pfft..." Yuan Man almost spit out the rice.

"Grandpa, do you want to recognize you as a closed disciple? Oh my God, Chao Chao, grandfather actually recognizes you as a closed disciple!!"

"Chaochao, closed disciple, I don't mean to close the door for you!" Yuan Man's face turned red with excitement.

In the dining hall, everyone was stunned when they heard the disciples closing the door.

Lord Chief Assistant, you actually want to accept Lu Chaochao as a closed disciple?

"Is Yuan Shoufu blind?"

"Even if she is a princess, it would be too childish to accept a two-year-old child as a closed disciple!"

"The chief assistant is afraid of power!"

"You have to tell your conscience, are you not as good as her? Are you not as good as a two-year-old child?" A young boy pointed at Lu Chaochao.

Everyone was silent.

Only Lu Chaochao slowly gnawed on the chicken legs, his face covered with oil.

"Anyone who wants it can take it, no matter what." Lu Chaochao said Nuonuo.

"Humph, that's ridiculous!"

"Except for her status as Princess Zhaoyang, how can she be worthy of being a close disciple of the First Assistant?" The young boy was so angry that he almost cried.

"It's fine if we lose to Lu Yanshu. She's only two years old! I'm afraid she can't even write her name and can't recite the Three-Character Sutra. Are you willing to do that?" the young boy said, making everyone faintly dissatisfied.

I heard that Yuan Shoufu was going to recruit his disciples.

All students work hard just to be ranked first in the exams again and again, just to get into the eyes of the chief assistant.

The young boy's eyes turned red with anger. His eldest brother and Lu Yanshu were equally matched. In this test, it was Lu Yanshu who solved the problem, and his eldest brother followed closely behind.

Who knew that the two-year-old Princess Zhaoyang would be the one to become the disciple?

Lu Yanshu walked into the dining hall at some unknown time.

"I'm not as good as Chaochao. If you are not convinced, you can compare with Chaochao." Lu Yanshu looked indifferent, wearing a green shirt and smiling at Lu Chaochao.

"Big brother!"

"Isn't Big Brother about to take the exam?" Lu Chaochao threw himself into Big Brother's arms, still holding the drumstick tightly in his hand.

"There are still three days of exams. Big brother is here to see if Chaochao is skipping school." Lu Yanshu glanced at her.

[If the snacks weren’t so delicious, I would have run away. 】

【Lunch is also delicious...】

[I don’t want to go to school, but I want to eat snacks and lunch here...]

It has to be said that the emperor has seized her life.

Lu Chaochao was counting the time and reminding his master to make snacks.

When the students saw Lu Yanshu, they looked embarrassed and stood up one after another and shouted: "Brother Lu..."

"Brother Lu has three days left for the examination. I wish Brother Lu the best in Toad Palace and be named on the gold list!" Everyone bowed their hands.

Everyone was convinced of Lu Yanshu's talent and learning.

He was paralyzed for ten years and even threw away all the books at home, but he still managed to win Jieyuan.

It can be seen that at only eight years old, he already has the ability to compete for Jieyuan.

"Brother Lu, did you just say, compare?"

"Us, and the two-year-old Princess Zhaoyang?" Everyone pointed at themselves and then looked at Lu Chaochao.

"Isn't this bullying?" Although they were dissatisfied, they didn't want to show their shame! !

Yuan Shoufu stood outside the door with a calm expression.


"I will convince you that you have lost!"

Yuan Shoufu did not want to attack the students, but if they humiliated themselves, they would be doing their own evil!

Just in time to suppress their arrogance.

"Please ask Jijiu and Siye to be the judges!"

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