The dean tightly covered Lu Chaochao's mouth.

Add fuel to the fire, you have a way of doing it.

You almost persuaded King Jingxi to beat his legitimate son to death! !

The princess hugged Xie Yuzhou and cried. King Jingxi's face was purple, looking angry and breathing heavily.

Lu Chaochao opened the dean's hand.

"Actually, I don't blame Brother Yuzhou either."

"The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Brother Yuzhou is only six years old. Maybe he heard others dislike him..." She said while looking at Princess Jingxi who doted on her son.

King Jingxi clenched his teeth.

He has an ordinary appearance, but his wife is a beautiful woman. There is a strong contrast between the two standing together.

Could it be that the princess thinks he is ugly? At this moment, Princess Jingxi was sitting limply on the ground: "I didn't, I didn't!"

"Princess Zhaoyang is stirring up trouble and deliberately driving a wedge between our husband and wife." Princess Jingxi's eyes were filled with fear. After being married for many years, she knew the prince's feelings.

Lu Chaochao waved his hand: "Princess, you said it, I am a child."

"Tong Yan Wu Ji, Chao Chao was just kidding..."

[Hmph, your son called my mother Tong Yan Wuji, I want you to see how powerful Tong Yan Wuji is! 】

Princess Jingxi's face darkened.

The dean covered Lu Chaochao's mouth in embarrassment: "Please, ancestor, shut up."

On the first day when the King of Jingxi returns to Beijing, will the couple reconcile and divorce?

[Hmph, who isn’t a naughty kid? 】

[Can a child be mean-mouthed and hurt others wantonly? Only when the knife fell on me did I realize it hurt...】

King Jingxi stared at the princess, who did not dare to protect her son at this moment.

Xie Yuzhou didn't dare to cry. He just insulted Lu Chaochao. Why did he involve his parents?

Even parents are estranged!

King Jingxi went out angrily, and the princess hurriedly chased after him: "My lord, please listen to my explanation. I have never disliked you. I was wronged..."

Everyone looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Xie Yuzhou cried and pointed at Lu Chaochao and said: "I will tell the emperor's uncle and the emperor's grandmother, and you will be punished!"

"You go, you go, let's see who punishes whom!"

[If the emperor punishes my sins, I will no longer be his daughter]

【snort! 】

Xie Yuzhou went out crying and asked someone to prepare a car to enter the palace.

The dean tapped the tip of Lu Chaochao's nose: "Prince Yuzhou returned to the capital last night and liked the sword of the sixth prince. The sixth prince was unwilling to give it to him, so he hit his head with an inkstone. He is spoiled."

"I don't care if he is favored or not, he can't insult my mother anyway." This was Lu Chaochao's bottom line.

The dean's brows overflowed with a smile: "You are a good boy."

Mrs. Xu said goodbye to the dean, picked up Chaochao and went out.

It's noisy today and the morning classes are over.

"Thank you Chaochao for protecting my mother. My mother is very happy to have Chaochao." Mrs. Xu solemnly thanked Chaochao.

After the Xu family reconciled, they suffered a lot of rumors.

But she never thought that her children were also protecting her in their own way.

"I am very happy to have a mother."

"Hmph, he will complain, but Chaochao won't complain?!"

"Mother, I want to enter the palace too!" Lu Chaochao wanted to see for himself who the emperor's father was helping!

"Do you want my mother to come into the palace to help you?" asked Mrs. Xu.

Lu Chaochao waved his hand: "Children can solve their own problems. I have help..." Lu Chaochao has a pocket of jade pendants, and if he can't win, he will give them away.

It is estimated that it can shake up half of the emperor's court.

Lu Chaochao entered the palace riding Zhui Feng.

Feng Feng Huo Huo ran outside Kunning Hall and heard Xie Yuzhou crying and complaining.

"Grandma Huang, Yuzhou was bullied just after he returned to Beijing. You have to make the decision for Yuzhou..."

"Yuzhou only said a few words, and then his face was scratched. Wuwuwu..."

"Uncle Huang, isn't Yu Zhou your favorite nephew? Woo hoo hoo... Could it be that people in the capital don't recognize Yu Zhou just because Yu Zhou grew up outside?" Xie Yuzhou showed the wounds on his face, The Queen was furious.


"Yu Zhou, my grandma's good grandson, who scratched your face?"

"The dearest one to the Imperial Grandmother, she was scratched in the face just one day after she returned to the capital! Grandma feels distressed. Come and take a look at the imperial doctor quickly..."

The emperor's face also darkened.

He and Xie Jingxi are brothers from the same mother, but Xie Jingxi has been in the fief all year round, and because he once blocked a knife for him, he loves his younger brother very much.

My brother's only legitimate son also felt pain in his bones.

"I want to see who is so lawless that he even dares to hurt Jade Boat!"

"I will seek justice for you!"

"Yuzhou, who hurt you?" the emperor asked coldly. Xie Yuzhou paused and twisted his face for a moment.

Uncle Huang loves him the most, yes, loves him the most.

How could Lu Chaochao, an adopted daughter, be able to escape his own favor?

"It's Princess Zhaoyang!" Xie Yuzhou said loudly and righteously.

The emperor is really sweating profusely.

"Who are you talking about?" The queen mother loosened her hold on him and looked at him in shock.

Xie Yuzhou sobbed and showed the marks on his arms, and secretly gave Lu Chaochao eye drops.

He injured the sixth prince yesterday. As long as he showed his grievance, the imperial grandmother would feel distressed. This move will win every battle against adults.

"Princess Zhaoyang, the emperor's new adopted daughter."

"She relies on the favor of the emperor's uncle to be lawless and bully others. She even dares to hit her grandson, which shows her arrogance and domineering."

"Royal Grandmother, you love Yuzhou the most, right?" Xie Yuzhou looked at the Queen Mother eagerly.

Hey, why is the distress on the Queen Mother's face gone?

I was still wiping tears of distress just now...

Uncle Huang was furious just now, why is his face twisted now?

After a long silence, the emperor asked seriously: "Did you fight back? Did you hit her?"

The corners of Xie Yuzhou's mouth tightened, and tears were about to roll down again.

"She couldn't win. She was so strong that she pushed Yuzhou to the ground and beat her. Wuwuwu..."

"Well done! Well done!" The emperor breathed a sigh of relief and said loudly.

The Queen Mother also caressed her heart and said: "Fortunately, fortunately Zhaoyang was not injured. What did you do to provoke Zhaoyang? You have rough skin and thick flesh. Be careful to hit her palms."

Xie Yuzhou? ? ? ? ?

Tears hung on his face and he looked at them blankly.

"Zhaoyang must have her own reasons for hitting you. Zhaoyang has never had a mischievous temper."

"What the Queen Mother said is that the Xu family raised this child Zhaoyang extremely well!" The emperor couldn't help but nodded.

What's even more valuable is that Lu Chaochao still has a sincere heart.

Every winter, the little guy uses his pocket money to build porridge and shacks outside the city to accommodate refugees and beggars.

She used her power to bully others, and the emperor didn't believe her.

"Did you offend Zhaoyang?" The emperor couldn't help but ask, thinking of Lu Chaochao's lazy temper.

Xie Yuzhou shrank his neck and did not dare to say a word.

When the emperor saw it, he didn't understand anything. He was afraid that he would beat him up.

What a guy, how dare you confuse right and wrong.

"Jingxi really spoils you so much! You are telling lies at a young age. Come on, please send me back to Jingxi Palace and discipline you well!" The Queen Mother, who had just called her a darling, now had a stern expression on her face.

The little bully cried heartbreakingly, why, why! !

The sixth prince had a white gauze tied on his head and smiled proudly.

"Who asked you to kick the iron plate?! You deserve it!"

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