Princess Zhaoyang went to the palace to complain.

The emperor gave a ruler to the Jingxi Palace overnight.

At night, the little bully was spanked so hard that the King of Jingxi personally slapped him twenty ring feet.

Xie Yuzhou was beaten for the first time in his life.

Princess Jingxi couldn't bear the stimulation and fainted in anger.

"Chaochao, I'm lucky to have you. He snatched my sword as soon as he came."

"My grandfather was a military general, but he later died in battle. This was his first birthday gift to me before he died. I couldn't bear to give it away..." The sixth prince looked at her with bright eyes.

"Yesterday, he hurt me with an inkstone, and my mother-in-law cried for a long time. She blamed her low status for not being able to support me."

"King Jingxi once blocked a sword for his father, who favored him. I thought I was going to suffer." Although his father rewarded him with treasures yesterday to make up for it, he was not happy in his heart.

Who knew that he would kick Princess Zhaoyang's ass off?

"You are so stupid. If he bullies you, you will beat him back hard."

"You are a prince, can he still kill you? You will be detained for a few days at most..."

"This is everyone's first time, so why should we spoil him?"

"When you meet a naughty child, you have to be more naughty and crazier than him." Lu Chaochao hated iron.

The Sixth Prince said softly: "I know, thank you Chaochao."

After Lu Chaochao left the palace, he made a special detour to Jingxi Prince's Mansion to listen to the cries.

No matter how loud Xie Yuzhou cried, she would smile happily.

The second day.

It was still dark, so we could hear fighting and commotion outside the door.

"What's going on?" Lu Chaochao was about to go to school. Standing at the door, he heard crying coming from the corner and was very curious.

The boy looked surprised and uncertain.

"Go over and take a look." Lu Chaochao sat on the carriage.

Across the long street, there were cries everywhere.

Lu Chaochao saw Jiang Yunjin from afar.

Jiang Yunjin's face turned pale, and the maid could hardly hold her up.

The small vendors around him didn't even do business, and just watched the gossip carefully.

"The Zhongyong Marquis Mansion... ah, we have already won the title, what kind of marquis mansion!! Mr. Lu's eldest son, Lu Jinghuai, was caught and raped by his wife!" The street vendor's face was full of shock.

Oh my God, it was him and three big men who were captured, a story that had to be told.

"Children, don't listen to gossip." Yushu covered Lu Chaochao's ears.

As for myself, my ears were raised high.

"What's going on? Tell me carefully!" Yushu didn't pay attention at all. He covered the back of Lu Chaochao's head and only concentrated on eating melon.

The vendor was very excited: "Aren't you going to try it out these days?"

"Who would have thought that Lu Jinghuai never participated in the examination!"

"His wife, Mrs. Jiang, accidentally saw him and suspected that he was having an affair. So she had someone follow him!"

"I took someone to catch the traitor, but I caught him and three big men!"

"Tsk, you didn't see the scene, you're going to go blind! Please give me a pair of eyes that haven't seen it before!!"

The whole capital was in an uproar. He didn't even open his shop in the morning and came over to join in the fun.

"There is a commotion all over the capital right now. Mr. Lu is disgraced. He just came over and slapped him twice... He called him a misfortune to his family!"

"Lu Jinghuai is afraid it's over."

The boy from the medicine hall came out to testify while cracking melon seeds: "Lu Jinghuai was originally a libertine. He was a man of both sexes and was generous with his time! He took medicine several times, but it was always on his buttocks..."

"Last time, he also took the sweat medicine and other... pleasure-enhancing drugs." Although he was wearing a mask, the boy at the medicine hall recognized him at a glance.

Yushu's eyes were as wide as copper bells: "Oh my god, what a fun game!"

Jiang Yunjin's eyes went black and white for a while. She felt Lu Jinghuai's murderous gaze and complained endlessly.

She didn't want to make a fuss at all.

But who would have thought that the moment the door opened.

Countless little beggars poured out outside, shouting, "Catch her, catch her, put her on the fire. There is no turning back."

At this moment, Jiang Yunjin bit her lip: "I want to reconcile!"

"Lu Jinghuai deceived me so hard!" Jiang Yunjin has no way of turning back. If she goes back, Lu Jinghuai will beat her to death.

Jiang Yunjin immediately took the people back to her parents' home.

This farce was aroused.

"It's true that the top beam is out of alignment and the bottom beam is crooked. Mr. Lu has been raising a foreign wife for eighteen years, so it's backfired, right?"

"This is retribution. He raised his wife for eighteen years, gave birth to a son and raised a strong man!"

Lu Chaochao glanced at the little beggars mixed in the crowd and narrowed his eyes at them.

"Brother Biao, Brother Biao..." Scar lay in front of the car window and faced Lu Chao.

"You asked us to keep an eye on him, and there's really something wrong with that."

"It's not that our brothers don't give him a way to survive this time. It's true that this kid has a vicious heart."

"This boy, how dare you think about it."

"He brought the Mongolian sweat medicine to trick Mr. Yanshu into coming over. He wanted to destroy Mr. Yanshu! How dare we let him succeed, so we knocked him out and sent him back."

"His bag of sweat medicine and other fun things were all given to him!"

Lu Chaochao frowned.

"How dare he think!"

"Well done."

Lu Chaochao took out two gold ingots from his pocket: "Brothers, please have a cup of tea. Thank you all for your hard work..." Lu Chaochao had no princess pretensions and still called everyone brothers.

Scar took the money: "Thank you, Brother Biao. Don't worry, we'll keep an eye on it."

"Brother Biao's name is still nice, but Princess Zhaoyang is not as loud as Brother Biao." Most of the brothers in the Beggar Clan only knew Brother Biao and not Princess Zhaoyang.

After Scar left, Yushu said angrily.

"This slave is so stupid. I just saw Lu Jinghuai's miserable condition and actually sympathized with him." Yushu's face turned blue with anger.

"He wanted to use those dirty tricks on the eldest young master. Now, he only deserves it!!" The eldest young master has been paralyzed for ten years and finally stood up again.

If this happened again, it would be a disaster.

"You deserve it, you deserve it!"

At this moment, Lu Yuanze was really angry to the extreme.

He held the whip in his hand and looked at Lu Jinghuai fiercely: "Why didn't you go and try?"

"Why didn't you go try it?"

"When did you like men?" Lu Yuanze cried out every word, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

Holding the whip, he could not stand firmly.

"For you, I gave up my inkstone, my legitimate son and daughter, and my real wife, just to let you in and have a serious identity. How can you not try? How can you have an affair with a man?!" Lu Yuanze said in his heart Severe pain.

Lu Jinghuai felt weak all over, with bruises and bruises all over his body, and a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes.

Why not Lu Yanshu?

Why not Lu Yanshu! !

Lu Yuanze whipped him with one whip after another, until his skin and flesh were torn.

"You said you wanted to take the No. 1 exam, you said you wanted to shine on your family, have you learned all the knowledge you have?" Lu Yuanze asked loudly.

Mrs. Pei knelt on the ground, looking flustered: "Jing Huai must be plotted by someone, he must be plotted by someone!"

Lu Yuanze struck Pei with a whip, which made her scream in pain.

Writhing on the ground in pain.

"A plot? He went to the medicine hall several times to buy medicine for injuries. Is it all a plot?" Lu Yuanze didn't dare to think about it.

I just can’t think of it.

"He had an affair with my mother and killed her. Now he is even more shameless!"

"That's right, Mrs. Pei, you are shameless. You are just an extramarital affair without a matchmaker. How can your son be any better!"

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