The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 222 The stolen article is exposed

Mr. Pei felt like he was struck by lightning.

She stared at Lu Yuanze blankly, hearing Lu Yuanze's curses in her ears.

He once boasted of true love and drove away the unloved Xu.

Now, after only one year of marriage, they got into a fight and officially broke up with each other.

"Xu is dignified and virtuous, and the children he teaches are upright and aboveboard. And what about you?" Lu Yuanze pointed at Lu Jinghuai.

"He doesn't even have the courage to enter the examination room. He hangs out all day long. He looks so much like you!"

Mrs. Pei seemed to be crying and laughing, hahahahaha, looking at him as if crazy.

"Like me? Like me? How ridiculous."

"Lu Yuanze, are you shirking your responsibilities now? It's you who raised the wife for eighteen years. It's you who wants to enjoy the blessings of everyone!"

"It's because you dislike Mrs. Xu's old-fashioned and boring nature, and you dislike her for being like a puppet and not lively enough. What, now you regret it?"

"It's a pity that the Xu family doesn't want you anymore. The Xu family has General Yourong, the only son of the Duke of Zhenguo, how could he care about you!" Mrs. Pei scolded without hesitation.

Lu Yuanze was so angry that he was trembling all over. He gritted his teeth and whipped Mr. Pei.

Pei's whole body was shaking from the convulsions and he was wailing in pain.

"Now you only have one son, Jing Huai. Beat him to death. Beat him to death. Hahaha. If you beat him to death, he will die without a son."

"Lu Yuanze, you can't survive. Don't think I don't know. You're going to hurt a man's roots. You only have Jinghuai as your son!"

"Lu Yanshu, Lu Zhengyue, Lu Yuanxiao, and Lu Chaochao were all kicked out of their homes and their family trees were wiped out by you. You only have Jinghuai, so beat him to death."

"Beat him to death, hahaha, let's make the Zhongyong Hou Mansion extinct."

Mrs. Pei cried and laughed, tears falling continuously.

Lu Yuanze felt a sharp pain in his heart, so much that he couldn't straighten his back.

The former Hou Mansion was bright and beautiful.

He was always clean and tidy, and no matter when he returned home, Mrs. Xu always kept a light for him. With both children and a daughter, Cheng Huan is at your knees. That time is like a dream.

Nowadays, he is tied down by worldly things, and it seems that he will never be able to break free of the shackles.

Since leaving the Xu family, one joke after another has been made in the family, and it has almost become a joke in the whole capital.

Lu Yuanze lost his strength in his hand and the whip fell to the ground.

How come life is like this?

"Why don't you want to try?" Lu Yuanze's voice was hoarse.

"You can't lose to Yanshu, you can lose to anyone, you can't lose to Yanshu!" He seemed to have some kind of obsession.

For the sake of Lu Jinghuai's talent, he kicked the paralyzed eldest son out of the house.

But now, Lu Jinghuai was being beaten by the paralyzed eldest son.

Doesn't it make him look stupid?

Lu Jinghuai fell to the ground, his eyelids too heavy to lift up.

The little maids were too trembling to get close, and one of them was shaking like chaff and didn't dare to look at Lu Jinghuai.

A maid suddenly said loudly: "I know why he didn't take the exam!"

The little maid was originally a sweeper in the Xu family's house, but she had to stay because she was deeded to be in the Marquis's house.

The sweeping maid pointed at the girl who was shaking like chaff.

"She is the maid who grinds ink in Mr. Yanshu's study. Her name is Mo'er."

"Back then, Master Yanshu was paralyzed and went crazy when he saw books. Master, you took away the books, and Mrs. Xu asked the slaves to burn the manuscripts."

"She dismissed the servants, and Miss Wanyi secretly moved Mr. Yanshu's manuscript out of the house and gave it to Mr. Jinghuai."

"A few days ago, my slave, I saw the eldest son's manuscript in Master Jinghuai's study."

"They didn't have a fever at all!"

The maid swallowed and felt that the master's expression was particularly terrifying.

Before she finished speaking, she heard Lu Jinghuai say in a hoarse voice: "I didn't plagiarize!"

"I didn't plagiarize!" His voice sounded like a trapped beast, which was quite terrifying.

"I will not plagiarize Lu Yanshu. Lu Yanshu is a paralytic. He is not as good as me, not as good as me!"

Lu Yuanze took a deep breath and felt his heart beating rapidly.

It seemed like it was going to jump out of my chest.

"Back then, you said you admired inkstone scholars for learning. I gave you many books. Could it be that you..." Lu Yuanze didn't dare to think about it, not at all.

He walked towards Lu Jinghuai's study with a calm face.

"No entry, no!" Lu Jinghuai struggled to get up and stop Lu Yuanze.

But Lu Yuanze was so angry that he was not afraid of him.

Kicked him away, the pain caused him to cover his heart and fall to the ground, huddled together.

Lu Yuanze used 100% of his strength in this kick.

He opened the door and rummaged around the study.

Not on the table, not on the bookshelf, not on the bedside...

He thought for a while, took a deep breath, and remembered that there was a hidden compartment behind the wall.

Once the secret grid is opened...

Lu Yuanze shuddered and saw a thick pile of yellowed paper in front of him, and suddenly he didn't have the courage to open it.

The paper is yellowish, showing its age.

The handwriting on it is extremely straight, and the character is vaguely visible.

This handwriting looked extremely familiar to him.

Lu Yanshu is a child who is talented but also horribly hard-working. He started practicing calligraphy at the age of three, and he practiced hard at night by lighting a lamp. The little child was sitting at the table, unable to write because he was too short.

A separate desk needs to be customized for him to study.

His handwriting was very familiar to Lu Yuanze.

At this moment, he opened one manuscript after another.

They are all Lu Yanshu's handwriting, all his past manuscripts. Many articles were later labeled with Lu Jinghuai's name.

Lu Yuanze covered his heart.

I just felt so painful that I couldn't straighten my back.

Big drops of cold sweat fell from his forehead.

His hands were shaking so much that he was holding the table with one hand and holding the manuscript with the other.

He vaguely recalled that when inkstone became famous, Lu Jinghuai showed no talent at all. He always hid behind Mr. Pei timidly, even talking to him seemed timid.

Occasionally he checked articles, but he stuttered and couldn't utter a few words.

When did it start to change?

Yan Shu accidentally fell into the water.

After falling into the water, he said that he admired his elder brother's talent and wanted to see the books he had used. At that time, he still had expectations for Yan Shu, so he only took the books that Yan Shu had.

Later, Yan Shu wanted to burn the manuscript.

Yes, not long after Inkstone shouted to burn the manuscript, Lu Jinghuai began to show his talent.

Lu Yuanze looked at the piles of manuscripts in front of him and didn't understand anything.

“You plagiarized Yanshu’s article!!”

Lu Yuanze flipped through the manuscript carefully, and his talent for inkstone writing was even more amazing than he revealed.

The questions he had passed made Lu Jinghuai the scholar.

He flipped through it and was shocked.

"Yanshu is a genius, Yanshu is a real genius!!" He is more talented than he imagined.

Back then, he was enough to win Jieyuan.

"You stole the manuscript of the inkstone, and you relied on his talent to become a scholar! That's how you coaxed me to give up the inkstone!" Lu Yuanze spat out a mouthful of blood.

I just feel the pain in my heart to the point of numbness, and my mouth feels fishy and sweet.

His energy and blood surged up, and he was so angry that he vomited blood!

He staggered, and the boy hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

When the inkstone was paralyzed, I was severely injured.

Just when Lu Jinghuai showed his talent, he poured all his hopes into Lu Jinghuai!

Only then did he come up with the idea of ​​letting him replace Yan Shu and take over the Hou Mansion!

But he never thought that Lu Jinghuai was a fake!

He stole the inkstone article and is a fake!

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