"Jingyao, you are a girl and you will get married after all."

"The only person I can rely on in the future is my brother. You have to find a way to help Jing Huai..."

"No matter how strong a woman is, she will always depend on a man in her life." Ms. Pei knew her daughter's inner strength. Even though she was only two years old, she could sometimes feel her daughter's disdain for her son.

She hid it deeply, but Pei could feel it.

Her daughter is different from ordinary people, she knows it!

Everything she knew was not what should exist in this world, and her eyes often showed a look that was not suitable for a child.

Mrs. Pei carefully arranged Lu Jingyao's clothes.

Lu Jingyao's eyes flashed with disgust.

But it was fleeting.

She grabbed Mrs. Pei's hand and said sweetly: "Mom, if I don't help my brother, who else can I help? Only if my brother is good, our family will be good."

"Humph, dad has changed his mind. It was clear that he liked his mother the most."

Lu Jingyao pouted.

Mrs. Pei pressed her eyebrows: "Whether he likes it or not, he can't shake Jing Yao's status. Don't worry, Jing Yao is now a serious official girl who has been listed in the Lu family's genealogy. Go and rest early. Mom, stay with me, big brother."

Lu Jingyao then left obediently.

The moment he turned around, the innocent and obedient expression on his face suddenly turned gloomy.

After Lu Jingyao left, Mrs. Pei dismissed the maid and closed the door herself.

Mrs. Pei, who pretended to be strong, had red eyes and personally applied the medicine to Lu Jinghuai.

"Brother Huai, what's going on? You promised me last time not to hang out with men again! How could you be... caught by Jin Niang!" Mrs. Pei's hands were shaking. She had devoted countless efforts to Lu Jinghuai. , how could he do this! !

Lu Jinghuai looked ugly.

He couldn't explain that he plotted against Saint Jingli, but was harmed by her instead.

It is also inexplicable that the original plan to frame Lu Yanshu had the opposite effect.

Lu Jinghuai clutched the quilt in humiliation and said nothing.

"Jin Niang, I have sent someone to invite you. Don't worry." Mrs. Pei sighed deeply, reluctant to scold her son.

"You... how could you not destroy Lu Yanshu's manuscript." Mr. Pei hated the fact that iron cannot become steel.

Ms. Pei knew how much her son weighed.

Lu Yuanze once raised her outside, wanted to swallow the Xu family's dowry, and wanted to use the Xu family's help, but he was unwilling to succumb to the Xu family.

But since the Lu Yan Book Exhibition opened in the open air, Lu Yuanze has given up his thoughts.

Mrs. Pei urged her son to study every day.

She urged her son frantically.

Lu Jinghuai memorized the book at night, crying while reciting it, but still couldn't keep up with Lu Yanshu.

On the contrary, his temper became more and more petty, he didn't dare to speak, he shrank and couldn't raise his head. He was even more compared to Lu Yanshu.

"Since you want to plagiarize his article, you should do it more cleanly. Don't you know how much your father expects of you?" Pei's tone was not good.

She knew that her son plagiarized Lu Yanshu.

Always known.

Ever since Lu Yanshu's accident, she discovered that there were many articles in her son's room that did not belong to him.

But as he passed the exam to become a scholar, Lu Yuanze's eyes rekindled with light.

She would even cover up for her son.

"Why should I burn the manuscript?" Lu Jinghuai's voice was indifferent.

"Mom, when I was young, you asked me to recite the book every day, and you asked me to outdo Lu Yanshu. I couldn't recite it, so you made me kneel in the snow to recite it."

"Dad praised Lu Yanshu, but you pinched me behind my back, causing wounds all over my body."

"It's my fault that I can't live up to expectations and can't leave dad at home."

"I became Lu Yanshu's control group. My father shook his head when he saw me. You scolded me and hit me because you blamed me for being stupid!"

"I killed Lu Yanshu and took away his manuscripts. I stepped on him and took away everything he had. I became a genius through his articles."

"Mom, I'm walking on thin ice. I'm deeply afraid that others will expose me. I pretend to be arrogant every day, don't discuss knowledge with my classmates, and dare not communicate with others. I'm afraid of being exposed! Mom... what about you? You are immersed in your son every day. It’s a genius’s dream.”

"I don't dare to disappoint dad, I don't dare to disappoint you, how dare I destroy the manuscript?" Lu Jinghuai looked at her expressionlessly.

"My father doesn't have expectations for me. What he values ​​​​from the beginning to the end is Lu Yanshu's talent!"

"I am not as good as Lu Yanshu by birth, not as good as Lu Yanshu by family background, and not as talented as Lu Yanshu. He is the legitimate son of the Marquis, but I am a maggot in the gutter! I live by sucking his nutrients."

"Why didn't Lu Yanshu die? Why could he stand up again?"

"Mom, I always have a feeling. God is helping him somewhere. Every time he is in desperate situation, there are noble people to help him. Why?!" Lu Jinghuai hated it.

Everything was obviously going smoothly for eighteen years.

Why did all the plans collapse overnight?

Mrs. Pei's face turned pale, her hands were tightly clenched, and her finger bones were turning white.

"Mom, I always feel that we shouldn't be like this." Lu Jinghuai's eyes were in a trance, and he felt a deep sense of disobedience. It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this...

What went wrong.

"Everything has changed since Lu Chaochao was born." Mrs. Pei pursed her lips and expressed her suspicion.

"Before Lu Chaochao was born, your father cared about us. You were still a genius, Lu Yanshu was a paralysis, Lu Yuanxiao learned gambling... Lu Zhengyue liked Su Zhiqing more. Everyone is under control." Pei murmured.

"Yes, it's Lu Chaochao."

"Lu Chaochao is a variable." The two of them looked at each other and saw the blazing fire in their eyes.

"Dong dong dong..." There was a knock on the door.

A bald monk walked in through the door wearing a monk's robe. The monk's robe was crooked and the belt was not even fastened.

"Why are you here?" Pei's eyes widened and she hurriedly closed the door.

The monk touched his bald head: "My son was beaten, why can't I come and see it? Whoever gave birth will be hurt, Lu Yuanze is so cruel!"

Lu Jinghuai's face suddenly fell.

"Get out!" There was anger on his face and disgust in his eyes.

"Why are you talking to your father? I'm your biological father!" the bald man spat angrily.

"If it weren't for me, would you be able to come to the Lu family to enjoy the blessings? White-eyed wolf! Do you really think you are Lu Yuanze's son?"

The man sat on the chair carelessly.

Pei's eyelids jumped when he saw it.

"I wish I were Lu Yuanze's son, at least those of his kind have extraordinary talents!" Lu Jinghuai sneered.

"You bitch, why are you talking to me!" The bald man stood up suddenly.

Mrs. Pei stopped him and looked angry: "Why are you crazy? If you talk nonsense again, I will beat you out!"

Seeing that Mrs. Pei was angry, the man sat down.

Lu Jinghuai looked at Mr. Pei with an ugly face and said, "I think you are crazy. How dare you take him home!"

"You were actually caught by grandma, I'm afraid you've lost your mind!"

Mrs. Pei was pointed at and scolded by her son, her face was dull, and she immediately took the bald man out.

"Why did you push me?"

"Can't you take a look at my own son?"

Lu Jinghuai looked gloomy, why?

Since the arrival of Lu Chaochao, everything has fallen apart and completely collapsed?

Lu Chaochao deserves death!

Damn it!

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