Mrs. Pei pushed the bald man out the door.

"Put on your monk's robe! If someone finds out, no one will be able to take advantage of you!" Mrs. Pei looked around and tied the man's monk's robe herself.

The man looked at her carelessly.

"So what if you find out? Lu Yuanze doesn't care about anything, you are the one who makes the decision in the house."

"His children were expelled from the family tree, and only your son will inherit the family. Who in this house dares to disobey you?" The man gently pulled the end of Pei's hair.

Mr. Pei sneered.

But the scenery she wanted was not like this!

She wanted Mrs. Xu to get out of the house with her children in despair, she wanted to see Mrs. Xu in agony, and she wanted to step on Mrs. Xu.

Instead, Xu was like a fish in water.

And she was trapped in a cage.

Mrs. Pei heard a low cry in her ears, and was bored: "Why is the dead old woman still crying? Can't she stop her mouth?"

The bald man followed leisurely behind.

Mrs. Pei walked to Deshan Hall and before entering the gate, she smelled a strong stench.

She fanned the wind with her palms, her eyes full of disgust.

The maid at the door saluted in panic: "The old lady has been lying on the ground, shivering all over. She peed on the ground, I guess it was cold..." Mrs. Pei ordered people to extinguish the charcoal fire. It was bitingly cold in February.

The young people are still wearing cotton-padded jackets, not to mention the paralyzed old lady, who is more afraid of the cold.

"Cold? Why is it cold? I cry and howl every day, which makes me angry." Ms. Pei said with a cold face.

The maid lowered her head, not daring to say anything more.

"Please step back first. I will personally serve the old lady." Mrs. Pei glanced at the trembling old lady on the ground and backed away.

The bald man closed the door smoothly.

The old lady was wearing thin clothes, and her trouser legs had been soaked by urine. The soaked trousers clung to her body and were cold to the bone.

It was snowing heavily outside, and there was no charcoal fire in the house, so it was horribly cold.

When the old lady saw Mr. Pei and the bald man, she shrank suddenly. Then strong hatred burst out from his eyes.

But she could only squirm on the ground like an old green worm.

"Don't look at me like that!" Pei went up and slapped her.

"Let you teach me, let you teach me!"

When the old lady first became paralyzed, Lu Yuanze hired several nuns for her to watch over her day and night. The old lady wanted to eat, drink, and defecate at night, and Mr. Pei's complexion turned yellow.

She had to massage her legs every morning and evening, which made her hands tremble with pain.

In order to tease her, the old lady deliberately pulled it in her pants and asked her to clean it. Pei was so hurt that he couldn't eat all day long...

"There is no filial son in bed for a long time. How long has it been since your son came to see you?" When he was first paralyzed, Lu Yuanze would still visit you every day.

But after a few months, Lu Yuanze stopped asking.

The old lady looked at her bitterly.

"Do you think I am Xu Shiyun? She stayed at your bedside all night when you had a cold, bringing you water when you coughed, pinching your shoulders and beating your legs when you were tired, and carefully trying to make you happy?"

Pei slapped her face.

"I'm not as patient as she is. I humbly act as a maid." Mrs. Pei said disdainfully.

"Ms. Xu, I can't do it for you by holding your feces and urine, squeezing your shoulders and beating your legs." Mrs. Pei looked at her newly made nails and ignored the old lady's wails of regret.

The old lady's muddy eyes were full of tears. How could she not regret it?

Mrs. Xu is a gentle and considerate girl who looks after the door and keeps herself humble to make herself happy.

Although he had never served anyone before, he learned to take care of her little by little. He never shows off his face or his family status.

As an old lady from the countryside, she was deeply afraid of being looked down upon by Ms. Xu, so she always used her status as mother-in-law to torment her. But Xu has no complaints...

Without contrast, there is no harm.

The old lady regrets and hates her, why did she drive Mrs. Xu and her grandchildren out of the house! !

A good home was torn apart.

The title of Marquis is gone too.

The old lady was drooling and sobbing. If it were Mrs. Xu, she would serve her well and take good care of her, right?

Mrs. Pei sneered and saw the regret in her eyes, but didn't take it seriously.

"What are you doing with this attitude now? I'm not Mrs. Xu, so I won't feel sorry for you! I'm not as mean as she is, and I will serve you day and night."

"If you really loved me, you should have brought me back to the Marquis Mansion, instead of raising me outside for eighteen years. Do you really think I will be grateful to you?" Mrs. Pei looked at her coldly.

"Don't look outside the door, Lu Yuanze can't come."

"Jing Huai stole the inkstone article, and Lu Yuanze fainted. By the way, you didn't know, right? Jinghuai's reputation as a genius was because he stole the inkstone article. You damn old woman, you have such a good life. Something happened to the Hou Mansion. What a genius!”

"However, you are not lucky. God gave you a genius, but you kicked it out." Mr. Pei knew what she cared about and stabbed her in the heart.

Sure enough, the old lady had a grimace on her face.

He crawled forward little by little.

"Ah! Ah! Poison...poison..." Poisonous woman!

The old lady wailed and looked at her angrily.

But she couldn't control herself and couldn't even spit out the complete words.

"What kind of poisonous woman am I? I'm not as poisonous as you!"

"Do you really think you are so kind and innocent? You are more poisonous than me!" Ms. Pei spat, spitting directly on her face.

Mrs. Pei looked at her disdainfully.

"The old marquis has been fighting for many years, following the late emperor to conquer the world. The late emperor gave him several concubines. The concubines are young and beautiful, and they are equipped with all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting..."

"If you cry, make trouble, or hang yourself, the old Marquis will send the concubines away. And what about you?"

"Knowing that I come from the countryside, I am so vulgar that I cannot compare to my beautiful concubine."

"The old Marquis has let go of his concubines, and you sent someone to slash their faces!"

The old lady paused. She could hardly remember such a long time ago.

"That's all."

"Do you still remember your personal maid?"

"That maid, her surname seems to be Li, and her name is Qiao Niang, right?" Pei has been here for a year and has already figured out everything in the house.

"You just entered the capital and saw the dignified and beautiful women in the capital. You were afraid that the old prince would be seduced, so you sent your personal maid to the old prince's bed. Let her win over the old prince for you..."

"The old Marquis had no intention of taking a concubine, but you drugged him and it became a thing."

"Afterwards, the old Marquis took pity on Qiao Niang and gave her the status of his concubine. But you regretted it!!"

"You saw that the old Marquis took pity on Qiao Niang and showed great tenderness and compassion to Qiao Niang. When Qiao Niang was pregnant, you put Qiao Niang into a sack and drowned her in the moat! One corpse, two lives!"

Mrs. Pei never noticed that the bald man behind her was breathing heavily, his eyes were red, and he was clenching his fists.

Suppressing the anger in my heart.

"Qiao Niang was eight months pregnant at that time and the baby was about to be born. How cruel were you..."

"The old Marquis broke up with you because of this matter, and even Lu Wanyi was obtained by you getting the old Marquis drunk..."

"It's been so long, do you really think you're kind? Who are you a good person?!"

Mrs. Pei pinched her nose in disgust.

"Li Yuanxi, hurry up and throw her into the ice water to wash her away." Mrs. Pei rolled her eyes at the bald man.

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