Hearing Li Yuanxi's name, the old lady trembled slightly.

She looked sharply at the bald man.

The man was wearing a monk's robe, looking at her from above, with a slight smile on his lips.

He slowly moved the prayer beads in his hand.

The old lady shivered slightly when she saw this slight smile.

"Mud... mud..."

"Ah, no no no, no no ..." The old lady screamed sharply, her eyes were panicked, and she screamed towards Pei.

Mrs. Pei put down the cup heavily: "Can't you stop her mouth?"

"I don't know why you are crazy again!" Mrs. Pei's face was filled with impatience.

However, the old lady would also pretend to wail and torment her. Why are you screaming so terribly today, as if you are extremely frightened?

Mrs. Pei thought to herself, maybe she had done too many bad things, right?

The old lady backed away in fear, but she had already been paralyzed, and she could only barely move a little with all her strength.

There was a strong resistance in his whole person.

The bald man picked her up and threw her into the cold water tub in the cubicle.

"Ah!!" the old lady screamed miserably.

A face suddenly turned blue.

He lay next to the old lady's ear and whispered: "Yuanxi, Yuanze, do you sound familiar?"

The old lady's cloudy eyes were filled with tears.

In a daze, she recalled how the old Marquis stroked Qiao Niang's belly and said with a smile: "This generation is the Yuan generation. The eldest son is called Yuan Ze, and the bastard born to you will be called Yuan Xi. If it is a daughter... ...just call..."

At that time, she stood at the door and almost gritted her teeth when she saw the warm scene in the house.

Yuan Xi, he is Qiao Niang’s child!

Li Yuanxi casually swung her around in the water and threw her back on the bed.

The maid stood in front of the bed, feeling the biting cold all over the old lady's body. She just pursed her lips and put on clean clothes for the old lady.

The old lady had tears in her eyes and held the maid's hand tightly.


"Hou..." She wanted to find Lu Yuanze.

The maid glanced at Mrs. Pei and the bald man: "Old madam, you can rest in peace and take care of yourself. I'm busy with official duties, so I'm afraid I won't have time to serve you." The old lady whimpered and drooled all over her face.

She regrets it so much.

A good family was torn apart by her.

She coughed violently, her face turned red and she could hardly breathe.

Mr. Pei covered his nose with his handkerchief in disgust: "Take some cold medicine and keep it warm. It will be unlucky to die during the Chinese New Year."

What's more important is Ding You.

If the old lady dies, she will not be able to accept Lu Yuanze or Ding You.

"Do you want to hire a doctor?" the maid asked in a low voice.

"What kind of doctor do you want to call? She has bedsores all over her body and her flesh is rotten. If you ask a doctor to come, you will stab me in front of me..."

"You are personally serving the old lady. I'm afraid I can't save my life." Mrs. Pei said with a smile.

The maid knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Come on, just take some cold medicine." Pei's expression was calm.

"There are many windows in the house for ventilation. It is full of rotten meat and smells of rot."

People who are paralyzed all year round will develop bedsores if they are not taken care of well. If it is summer...

Rotten meat can also produce maggots.

The patient is in so much pain that he cannot live or die.

"Yes." The maid agreed in a low voice.

Mrs. Pei led the bald man out of the room. As she walked, Mrs. Pei said, "Does she really think I am Mrs. Xu? Have you been serving her for ten years?"

Just as he was talking, the maid came to report.

"Madam, the young lady is back."

Jiang Yunjin's face was earth-colored, and there was still frustration and displeasure in his eyes.

The old god Pei looked at her, Jiang Yunjin stepped forward and said, "Mother."

"Just come back. Jing Huai is young and ignorant. He was deceived and harmed by others. As husband and wife, you must take good care of him."

Jiang Yunjin squeezed the handkerchief tightly and said, "Yes." She lowered her head so that no one could see her expression clearly.

After Mr. Pei left, Jiang Yunjin's personal maid spoke angrily.

"So shameless! Does she have the nerve to say that husband and wife are one?"

"It's almost spread all over the capital."

"It would have been better if the engagement had not been broken off. Everyone said that this time Lu Yanshu would probably get three yuan. He is a real genius young man." The maid stomped her feet unwillingly.

A flash of regret flashed in Jiang Yunjin's eyes.


There were crowds of people outside the Gongyuan, and there was no water flowing through them. Several people from Lu Chaochao stood under the big banyan tree.

Lu Chaochao was wrapped in thick clothes and stood guard outside the Gongyuan with his feet up.

"Brother is out?"

"I can't see anything..." Lu Chaochao was angry and anxious, only hating his short legs.

Even with my feet up, I could only see everyone's butts.

Rong Che saw her furious and hurriedly carried her on his head: "Hold Uncle Rong's head, be careful of falling."

"Wow, so high, so high..." Lu Chaochao grabbed Rong Che's hair excitedly.

Rong Che was extremely tall, and Lu Chaochao was very excited to sit on his neck.

"Why did you let Chaochao ride on your head..." Mrs. Xu was embarrassed.

"What's the matter? She's ridden on the emperor's neck." Rong Che looked at Xu with a smile, only her in his eyes.

"Mother, mother, can you see this?" Lu Chaochao looked at his mother with concern.

Mrs. Xu glanced at the crowded door and shook her head in disappointment.

Lu Chaochao's eyes lit up and he patted Rong Che on the head: "Mom, do you want to come up? Let's squeeze together with Chaochao?"

The words fell.

Rong Che and Xu's cheeks turned red.

When the two caught each other's gaze, they suddenly looked away as if they were electrocuted. Mrs. Xu's face was red and dripping with blood...

"Uncle Rong, can't you carry my mother?" Lu Chaochao asked seriously.

Rong Che stammered and didn't know how to explain, so he just said: "Yes... I can handle it."

"Mom, why are you blushing?" Tong Yanwuji said, making Mrs. Xu's face feel hot with excitement.

"It's a little hot, yes, there are so many people, and mom is a little hot." Ms. Xu raised her hand to fan herself, not daring to look into her daughter's big, sparkling eyes.

Lu Chaochao looked at her suspiciously.

In the middle of winter, where is the heat?

[Adults, it’s strange that it’s still hot in such a cold day? 】

Xu was dripping with cold sweat.

"Come out, come out. The eldest young master is out!" The boy's face was so crowded that he hurriedly helped the eldest young master out.

The Spring Festival is divided into three sessions, each lasting three days.

The first game is on February 9th, the second game is on February 12th, and the third game is on February 15th.

If you don't have enough physical strength, three exams will be enough to lose half your life.

Among them was an old man with gray hair on his temples.

The old man walked out of the Gongyuan gate tremblingly, his face expressionless.

Sitting on the ground, he cried loudly: "I took the exam six times once every three years. Six times!! Eighteen years!" Even the examination was passed by.

His children and grandchildren are by his side to comfort him.

For an ordinary family, if they want to provide a scholar, they need the whole family's efforts.

Reading is not only for yourself, but also for the expectations of the whole family.

Countless people want to rely on the imperial examination to change their family background.

Some people were crying and some were laughing outside the gate of Gongyuan.

"That's Lu Yanshu, right?" Someone whispered faintly.

Lu Yanshu's figure is as tall and straight as a green pine, with a slight smile on his eyebrows.

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