"Having been paralyzed for ten years, he can still win Jieyuan. If he hadn't been paralyzed back then..." No one dared to think about it.

"How eye-catching it should be..."

"In this meeting, I wonder if he can win the title?"

Countless eyes looked at Lu Yanshu.

Someone muttered: "Such a genius was expelled from his family by Lu Yuanze, and even his family tree was crossed out."

"The foreign wife Lu Yuanze values ​​​​hasn't even entered the Gongyuan. I heard that hanging out with three men hurt her body."

"The world is deteriorating, and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be."

Lu Yanshu didn't care about the comments from others. He stepped forward and opened his hands: "Chaochao, big brother hugs..."

Lu Chaochao flew into his eldest brother's arms.

"Brother, that's great!" He held Lu Yanshu's face and sighed.

Lu Yanshu was smiling, his youthful temperament was as gentle as jade, and he always had a gentle smile on his face.

[The eldest brother passed away in Sanyuan, and Lu Jinghuai, the three big men, spent the spring night together, and everyone has a bright future]

Lu Yanshu pursed her lips tightly, hey, who taught her to talk like this? !

"Go home and have a good rest. Look how thin you have become..." Mrs. Xu looked at her son distressedly.

"Mom, my son is not tired."

Compared to being in a wheelchair for ten years, I am not tired at all.

He was like a living dead, needing help to eat, drink, and defecate. He never wanted to experience such a day again.

By the time Lu Yanshu returned home, it was already evening.

As soon as I woke up, I had three poles in the sun.

"Brother, the sun is shining on your butt..." Lu Chaochao lay on the bedside, holding his cheeks in his hands, looking at his eldest brother with a smile.

"Why didn't you go to the academy?" Lu Yanshu was stunned.

The young man had his hair loose and was wearing a white undershirt. He was sitting cross-legged on the bed, showing a bit of boyishness.

It was an extremely comfortable sleep.

Lu Chaochao's mouth curled up slightly: "If I don't go, Master will bully me!"

"He's targeting me!" Lu Chaochao's eyes bulged like bells.

Lu Yanshu's heart sank.

Chaochao is very young and is the youngest student in the Imperial College. Lu Yanshu was often worried that she would be bullied. At this moment, his heart dropped when he heard these words.

"He, why did he target you?" Lu Yanshu looked serious and his face was tense.

"He called me a dog..." Lu Chaochao had tears in his eyes.

Lu Yanshu felt extremely distressed and hurriedly hugged her into his arms: "Why are you scolding you?"

"During class, he said whoever talks again is a puppy. I spoke." She looked at her elder brother aggrievedly.

"He called me a dog."

The solemn look on Lu Yan's writing suddenly became stiff.

"He's still a liar, and he doesn't keep his words!" Lu Chaochao gritted his teeth in anger.

"He said if anyone spoke again, get out of the academy! I was leaving with my bag on my back, but he stopped me again!!"

"I don't like him!"

Lu Chaochao bared his teeth in anger.

"Brother, why don't you speak? Why are you silent?"

Lu Yanshu sighed deeply.

"Otherwise, eldest brother will send you to the academy personally." By the way, he admitted his mistake to the master, because he was afraid that his sister would piss the master to death.

Lu Chaochao's face twisted and his head drooped: "I, I... I don't want to go."

No matter what Lu Yanshu said, she was unwilling.

Lu Yanshu had no choice but to give up and ask someone to take a day off for her.

After Chaochao had breakfast, he secretly found the jade book and asked why.

Did something happen in the academy?

Yu Shu smiled from ear to ear: "She drank too much milk last morning and peed her pants. She felt embarrassed..."

Lu Yanshu helplessly held his forehead.

As soon as he put down the bowl, the little guy ran back with a sneaky look on his face.

"Big brother, big brother, the matchmaker has gone to Uncle Rong's house..."

"Humph, is someone going to kiss him?" Lu Chaochao put his hands on his hips and looked fierce.

[No, this is the stepfather I chose for myself! 】

Lu Yanshu frowned.

Lu Chaochao grabbed his elder brother's hand and ran to the next door: "I have the key, elder brother will open the door..."

"Huh, he spends all day attentive to my mother...and he even secretly looks for a matchmaker!"

"I'm going to break his neck!" Lu Chaochao looked menacing.

"Children, don't be so violent..."

Lu Chaochao paused: "Then I'll break his neck gently!"

The little guy handed the key to his brother.

After opening the small door on the wall, Lu Chaochao dragged his eldest brother and secretly lay down outside the hall.

Inside the house, the matchmaker's voice was vaguely heard.

"General Rong, I am the official media. I can find any girl you want!"

"We can find people with similar family backgrounds, outstanding looks, and knowledgeable people."

"You are the only son of the Duke of Zhenguo, the Queen's only brother, and the only heir of the Rong family. You can't let the Rong family die..."

"I'm not a flower matchmaker from the east of the city. I just want to spend some money to thank the matchmaker. I, Matchmaker Song, have a bottom line." Matchmaker Song persuaded her earnestly.

She goes to the Rong family every year for matchmaking.

"Hey, the last time I proposed marriage for you was more than ten years ago. I'm already in my thirties, and it hasn't happened yet..." Rong Che, it was really the Waterloo on the road to marriage that Matchmaker Song said.

The Rong family has a good family tradition, Rong Che has military exploits, and his sister is the queen. Since Rong Che was a teenager, matchmakers often came to propose marriage.

Song Matchmaker is one of them.

Unexpectedly, after more than ten years of talking, he was still a loner.

"If you have any requests, you can tell me and I will find them for you. I can help you find any girl in the capital..."

Matchmaker Song looked at him eagerly.

If he had followed his past rules, he would have been kicked out of the house long ago.

But at this moment, Rong Che didn't chase her away? ? ?

Matchmaker Song's eyes suddenly lit up, and the corners of her mouth curved crazily.

I'm not afraid that you will have harsh conditions, but I'm afraid that you won't ask for anything!

"What kind do you like?"

Rong Che pondered for a moment.

"Ahem... preferably, those over thirty years old..." Rong Che said seriously.

After speaking, there was a pause.

"The best, thirty-four years old. No, it will be thirty-five after the Chinese New Year! Well, I heard from the fortune teller that June is the best month for my wife's birthday." Rong Che said slowly.

Xu Shiyun was born in June.

Matchmaker Song was startled.

Rong Che continued: "I have calculated my horoscopes, and I am more prosperous with a woman I have divorced. So, I want to marry a woman I have divorced..."

"I have only had a weak relationship in my life. It would be better if she could bring her children and remarry..."

"Oh, it's best to remarry with three sons and one daughter..." Rong Che said slowly.

The smile on Matchmaker Song's face slowly solidified.

Matchmaker Song looked at him expressionlessly: "Are you making a request?"

"You are seeking marriage."

"Thirty-five years old, married with three sons and one daughter, born in June, best. Is your surname Xu?" Matchmaker Song rolled her eyes and looked at him.

The Xu family reconciled with their three sons and one daughter. Who in the capital didn't know about it? ?

"No wonder you haven't said anything about it or gotten married for so many years. You already have someone in your heart..." The matchmaker was shocked.

Outside the door, Lu Chaochao opened his mouth wide.

[Wow, directed marriage! 】

[All I have to do is give my mother’s name...]

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