Lu Chaochao secretly dragged his eldest brother away.

"Brother, lock the door..." The little guy didn't forget to tell his elder brother.

"Brother, would you like to have Uncle Rong as your stepfather?" Lu Chaochao raised his head and stretched out his hand towards Lu Yanshu.

Lu Yanshu's eyebrows were curved as he looked at his sister with a little smile in his eyes.

"If Chaochao likes it, my eldest brother will like it."

Lu Yanshu is no longer a child who expects his father's love.

He fell into the water and was paralyzed due to suffocation for too long. When he woke up, his father's first words were not concern.

But angry, angry that he could no longer bring benefits to the Hou Mansion.

What overwhelmed him, what struck him, was never paralysis.

It was the deep disappointment that could not be concealed in his father's eyes.

"Does Chaochao like Uncle Rong?" Lu Yanshu asked softly.

Lu Chaochao nodded heavily.

"He is good to my mother..."

"He is also good to Chaochao..."

Lu Yanshu ticked her little nose: "That's enough." Lu Yanshu looked at his sister lovingly.

Chao Chao is the most pitiful.

He was drowned at birth and was not liked by Lu Yuanze. She had never experienced a father's love, not even a drop of it.

Lu Yuanze was too cruel to her.

Lu Yanshu also understood that he was the elder brother and could not make up for Chaochao's lack of fatherly love.

He overheard Chao Chao's thoughts. Chao Chao had only a weak relationship in his previous life and had never had a complete family relationship.

He wants Chaochao to be loved by everyone...

Lu Yanshu only rested at home for one day before he was taken away by his classmates.

At night, Lu Chaochao stood in front of Xu and opened the letter sent by his second brother.

"Mom, has my second brother really been promoted?" she asked curiously.

Mrs. Xu secretly wiped away her tears: "Your second brother is an idiot. His promotion on the battlefield was gained by risking his life and using his military exploits."

Mrs. Xu was pleased with her son's growth and felt sorry for him.

"Has he written a letter to Sister Wen Ning?" Lu Chaochao asked seriously.

Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"You are a little housekeeper. Wen Ning is his fiancee. How can he forget it? There is no need for you to worry..."

Lu Chaochao chuckled.

Mrs. Xu put her to sleep and then returned to her room with her son's letter.

Lu Chaochao lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.


She sniffed slightly.

The little guy got out of bed, put on his shoes and socks, stepped on the stool and opened the door.

Yushu woke up suddenly.

Lu Chaochao put his index finger on his lips: "Shh..."

Yushu was stunned, and he tacitly agreed to let her follow Lu Chaochao's footsteps.

The house on the left of Lu Chaochao is Rong Che, and on the right is the Wen family.

The Wen family returned to Beijing last year, and they would get together with the Xu family during Chinese New Year and holidays. The relationship between the two families was very good.

"Girl, how come this slave smells a fragrance..."

"It's like the smell of burning paper money..."

Yushu shuddered and had goosebumps all over his body.

I always feel a little cold.

Lu Chaochao patted her shoulder lightly, and the chill in Yushu's body faded a bit.

[Hey, after I pull out the Chaoyang Sword, Beizhao shouldn’t be evil...]

[The Chaoyang Sword reaches the sun and can frighten demons and monsters...]

Lu Chaochao thought about it, probably because she put the Chaoyang Sword into the jade pendant space.

Lu Chaochao found the dog hole and crawled straight into the Wen family courtyard.

She did not alert the Wen family guards.

Stop outside the gate of Weningyuan.

Lu Chaochao frowned slightly, how could there be such a thing?

The Wen Ning courtyard was shrouded in a thick yin energy that lingered in the sky.

"This is my future second sister-in-law!" Lu Chaochao was angry.

The second brother is not at home, so she will protect the second sister-in-law in the future! Lu Chaochao picked up a leaf from the ground and injected it with spiritual energy, turning the dry leaf into green.

Heading straight towards Wen Ning's door.

Stick it directly on the door.

The Yin Qi faded away like the tide.

Lu Chaochao clapped his hands: "Go home and sleep first. I'll go see Sister Wen Ning tomorrow morning." Lu Chaochao thought in his mind that something might happen to Sister Wen Ning.

The little guy had something on his mind, so he ran to Wen's house before dawn the next day.

"Uncle Wen, I miss Sister Aning..."

"I want to play with Sister Aning, is that okay?" Mr. Wen was about to go to court. As soon as he went out, he was hugged by Lu Chaochao.

Mr. Wen hurriedly greeted him.

"A Ning has been ill these past few days. Be careful not to pass the illness to the princess." Mr. Wen likes Chao Chao very much.

Chaochao waved his hands obediently: "Don't be afraid of Chaochao, Chaochao is in good health."

"The second brother is not at home. Chaochao has to take care of the second sister-in-law for the second brother." Lu Chaochao spoke like a little adult.

Master Wen couldn't stop her, so he had to let her go.

The maid led Lu Chaochao through the door.

"The girl doesn't know what's going on these days. She always has nightmares at night. She wakes up in a daze, and the imperial doctor can't find anything wrong..." The maid couldn't help but sigh.

The maid opened the door and saw Wen Ning sitting by the window, stunned.

Lu Chaochao stepped forward and tugged at the corner of Wen Ning's clothes: "Sister Aning, are you thinking about your second brother?"

The little guy asked crisply.

If it had been in the past, Wen Ning would have turned red.

At this moment, he looked a little dazed and stunned.

She opened her mouth and placed the letter sent to her by Lu Zhengyue in her hand.

Wen Ning's eyes were red. She had been holding it in her heart for a long time, but she didn't know how to express it, and she didn't dare to tell anyone.

"Sister Aning, what's wrong with you? Is someone bullying you?"

"Can you tell Chaochao and Chaochao will help you vent your anger?" Lu Chaochao asked worriedly.

"It's the second brother. Did it make you sad?"

Wen Ning hugged Chao Chao, her eyes red: "Cha Chao, I am really a bad girl..." She sobbed, not knowing what to do.

She didn't dare tell outsiders, it was weighing heavily on her heart.

"Chaochao, I like brother Zhengyue very much. I have liked him very much since I was a child..."

"Every time he sends me a letter, I am very happy..."

"But..." Wenning paused.

Wen Ning's face turned pale and she was still a little at a loss: "I don't know what's going on, but I always dream about a... a strange man at night." She didn't dare to tell anyone, but because Chao Chao was young, she felt stressed. A few minutes smaller.

But she was too embarrassed to tell anyone.

"He has outstanding appearance and is quite handsome. In his dream, he expressed his love to me. I dream about him every day..."

But Wen Ning, she liked Lu Zhengyue.

But she didn't understand why she dreamed of other men.

"In the dream, he gave me an address and asked me to go find him."

"I didn't go there yesterday. In my dream, he asked me loudly, why didn't I go find him? He looked extremely scary and crazy. Last night, I was so scared that I broke out in cold sweat."

"Later, for some unknown reason, he suddenly disappeared in the dream, and I was able to escape from the dream."

"Chaochao, I'm sorry for your second brother. I'm a bad girl..."

Later, she kept her eyes open until dawn, not daring to close them.

As a girl who has not yet left the court, if she dreams about a strange man, what will her reputation be like if word spreads about it?

She also felt sorry for Lu Zhengyue, and felt extremely guilty.

【Yin peach blossom! 】

[It is Yin Taohua who has entangled my future sister-in-law! 】

[Okay, my sister-in-law, Lu Chaochao, also has a lonely ghost who dares to get her hands on her. I’m really tired of living! 】

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