The emperor looked at Lu Chaochao suspiciously.

His face was slumped just now, how could he be so excited now? even……

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, with an expectant look on his face.

The emperor shrank his neck, why was he feeling chilly? I feel a little uneasy in my heart for no reason...


"Since we want to surprise the aunts, how about we sneak past the alley?" Lu Chaochao looked at the emperor with burning eyes.

The emperor hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"I know a small road, and the maids usually buy it..." Wang Gonggong suggested.

The Yongning Palace, which was rewarded by the emperor, even had a large garden.

In order to take a shortcut, the women opened a small road.

"Lead the way."

The prince and his father-in-law immediately took the emperor into a remote road.

The prince was very familiar with the palace and said with a smile: "Your Majesty Qin will be very happy to know that your majesty is here to visit the sick."

Along the way, the three of them did not disturb anyone.

The emperor hugged Lu Chaochao, sweating on his temples.

"Ahead is Qin Guiren's bedroom..." Wang Gonggong pointed to the front.

"Hey, where are the palace servants?" The prince was startled, why was Qin Guiren's bedroom so quiet with no one there?

"Could it be that those audacious people thought that Qin Guiren was not favored and treated her lightly?" There was a hint of anger in the emperor's brows.

In the palace, the people in the palace also look down on those who are superior and flatter others who are inferior.

If the concubine is not favored, life will be extremely difficult.

Even compared to the shameless eunuch.

The emperor frowned slightly.

The door to the dormitory was closed, and there was not even a maid outside the door...

The emperor was about to push the door open when his ears suddenly twitched...

The prince opened his mouth and was about to speak, but the emperor suddenly raised his hand to stop him!

Inside the house, there was a noise.

The emperor's thick eyebrows slowly frowned, and he could only vaguely hear one sentence: "Am I the one you love most?"

"Are you in love with her?"

"You touch her cold ass with your hot face every day, which makes me feel uncomfortable..." Qin Guiren's voice was soft, and the emperor's fists were clenched tightly, suppressing his anger.

Mr. Qin! !

How dare she keep an adulterer in the palace!


The maid holding water dropped the copper basin in her hand, making a loud sound, and poured all the water in the basin onto the ground.

"Your Majesty!" the palace maid screamed and fell to her knees in panic.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for not holding the copper basin securely."

"The noble lady has a severe cold and a high fever that won't go away. I will fetch some water for her to wash her body."

Before he finished speaking, the emperor kicked the door violently and came in.

His expression was stern, and his face was covered with frost.

As soon as the emperor entered, his eyes searched everywhere.

Qin Guiren got up from the couch in a panic, his face flushed, and he had not even put on his clothes: "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Qin Guiren asked softly.

She only put on her coat in a hurry, then got up and saluted.

Without saying a word, the emperor placed Lu Chaochao on the ground and silently rummaged around the palace.

Pulling back the sheets, opening the cupboard door, and looking around.

"Where is the adulterer?" The emperor gritted his teeth.

"Damn you, how dare you keep an adulterer in the palace!" The emperor saw the window open and looked out, but saw nothing.

There were many flowers and plants outside the window, and the adults were leaving in a hurry.

When he jumped out of the window, he smashed a white flower pot and was pricked with blood from the fragments.

The prince picked up the bloody fragments.

"Your Majesty, there is fresh blood." The blood has not dried yet...

Qin Guiren's face turned pale: "Your Majesty, I have not kept an adulterer. I am the only one in the palace..."

"Please, Your Majesty, please take a closer look."

Qin Guiren knelt on the cold ground, trembling slightly.

I don’t know if it’s fear or cold.

The emperor kicked Qin Gui in the heart: "You still want to quibble? Bastard! Bastard!" The emperor gasped for breath.

He gave Qin Guiren a surprise today on a whim.

Qin Guiren gave him a scare! !

"Search, search for me!"

"Seal Yongning Palace, no one is allowed to enter but not to leave!" The emperor waved his sleeves and became extremely angry.

The prince did not dare to dissuade him, so he immediately led people to blockade Yongning Palace.

"Damn it! Damn it!" the emperor was furious.

Not long after, the queen hurried over with people.

Seeing Qin Guiren kneeling on the ground, his heart skipped a beat.

"Queen, you came just in time, check it out for me! How dare this wretched maid raise an adulterer, I will seize his nine tribes!" The emperor suddenly threw the cup to the ground, and the palace servants knelt on the ground.

It happened that the prince entered the palace, and the queen asked: "What clues can we find?"

The prince has a sad face, what a sin.

What kind of monster is he, what kind of path is he walking on, what kind of surprise is he giving! !

"My servant sealed off the Yongning Palace so that not a single mosquito could fly out. But after turning the palace upside down, no trace of the thief was found..." The prince knelt down in front of him with a thud.

The emperor closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath.

"The man jumped out of the window and was injured. Bring all the injured people from Yongning Palace over here!"

Qin Guiren pursed his lips tightly, with blood spilling from the corners of his lips.

"Who is the adulterer? If you do it, I will spare your life!" The emperor thought that a few days ago, she had fought with Concubine Jiang in order to compete for favor and give him ginseng soup. He felt that it was extremely ridiculous.

"There is no adulterer." Qin Guiren insisted and refused to let go.

"I won't shed tears until I see the coffin!" the emperor angrily shouted.

"I have to dig three feet into the ground to find it!" The emperor sat in front of the hall, with a gloomy and terrifying aura around him that made everyone breathless.

The queen pinched her handkerchief and frowned at Qin Guiren.

"Your Majesty, we found many... love poems from noble Qin's room."

The prince knelt on the ground, trembling.

"Okay, great!" The emperor threw the love poem directly on Qin Guiren's head.

Scattered all over the floor.

The atmosphere in the hall was tense, and everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.

Click, click, click...

Lu Chaochao sat cross-legged on a chair, eating melon seeds and drinking tons of milk.

The emperor's eyelids twitched.

But he didn't dare to rebuke her.

"You are busy with your business, don't worry about me."

"I can take care of it..." Lu Chaochao waved to the emperor, looking sensible.

The emperor almost had a heart attack with anger.

"Your Majesty, all the injured people in Yongning Palace have been found." The prince paused...

"Your Majesty, Concubine Hui is making soup and medicine for you this morning. If you burn your palm, do you want to invite her over?"

The emperor stood up, his brows full of concern: "Can you please ask a doctor? Is the injury serious?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Concubine Hui entered the door.

"I have a maid who knows a little bit about medicine and has already bandaged me." Concubine Hui revealed her palm, which was wrapped with a circle of white gauze.

Concubine Hui smelled of bathing and seemed to have hurried over after hearing the news.

"Your Majesty, I have lived with Mr. Qin in Yongning Palace for many years. She is honest and abides by the rules. How can she raise a foreign man in the palace?"

"You must not wrongly accuse Mr. Qin."

"Moreover, this Yongning Palace is the main palace of my concubine. If there is a foreign man in Yongning Palace, wouldn't you slap my face?" Concubine Hui knelt beside Qin Guiren, her eyes slightly red.

"Do you suspect that I am raising an adulterer?"

[Of course she will not support an adulterer...]

[She is the adulterer, hahahaha...]

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