The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 234 The emperor is like an outsider

"Hui'er, I have never doubted you!" The emperor said in a slightly anxious tone.

He stepped forward and helped Concubine Hui up.

"For me, you are trying to please the concubines in the harem every day. How can I doubt you?" The emperor would not doubt Concubine Hui if he doubted anyone.

"When you first entered the palace, Concubine Shu looked down on you and even slapped you while I was in court."

"And what about you? You embroider scriptures every day, and your embroidered fingers are full of bloody holes, praying for her peace."

"And Concubine Jiang, you always intercede for her despite the many obstacles she has put in your way. She is unhappy, and you have to go over to comfort her even though she is sick..."

"And Lin Zhaoyi..."

"How much effort did you put in for me? To get their approval, how could I doubt you?" The emperor sighed.

His Bai Yueguang really did the best for him.

"Qin Guiren, she is confused. She does not deserve your love and care..." The emperor saw the love poems all over the floor and was filled with anger.

The queen glanced at Concubine Hui, her eyelids twitching wildly.

This adulterer...

Could it be Concubine Hui?

The queen trembled, but thinking of Concubine Hui climbing into her bed, it seemed to make sense.

"Your Majesty, we found a pair of wooden carvings from the pavilion in the middle of the lake. It seems that... they were left behind during Lantern Festival prayers." The guard outside the palace reported.

Qin Guiren raised his head suddenly, and the color of his blood faded instantly.

He looked at the emperor in horror.

The prince took the wooden carving and glanced at it, looking suspicious.

What, two women?

"These pair of wood carvings are two women?" The emperor took the wood carvings and felt that they looked familiar.

"One of them looks like noble Qin." Wang Gonggong said in a low voice.

"What about the other one?"

Qin Gui's heart was about to jump out of her throat, and she pressed her forehead against the ground, not daring to let the emperor notice the fear in her eyes.

"Of course it's Gui Qin and Concubine Hui."

"I also have a pair." Concubine Jiang stepped forward to greet her and took out a pair of puppets from her arms with a smile.

"I also have a pair." Lin Zhaoyi followed. If you look carefully, you can still see her slightly trembling eyelashes.

"We made this together with Concubine Hui during the Lantern Festival. Each of the sisters has a pair..." Concubine Shu stepped forward and stepped on Guiren Qin's hand, causing Guiren Qin to cry out in pain.

"Oh, I didn't see it. Your Majesty Qin, please bear with me." Concubine Shu said with a light smile.

[Wow, Hui Fei’s fish are all gathered together...]

[Concubine Shu also deliberately stepped on Noble Qin. Is she jealous that Noble Qin and Concubine Hui were in the same palace? 】

"Your Majesty, take a look. Does it look like my concubine and sister Hui Fei?" Concubine Shu held the wooden carving cherished, her expression full of joy.

The emperor looked carefully, nodded and said: "It does look like it. You sisters can get along so well..." The emperor couldn't help but sigh.

In the former Queen's Palace, concubines often killed their children.

He is blessed.

The sweetheart and the concubine are as close as sisters.

Lu Chaochao took out a small biscuit, already laughing in his heart.

[Emperor daddy, please open your dog eyes and take a look...]

[Your little wives are all standing next to Concubine Hui...none of them has ever come close to you! 】

[Look, look, Concubine Shu is secretly grabbing Concubine Hui’s little hand...]

[Oh, Concubine Jiang is glaring at Concubine Shu, she is jealous...]

Lu Chaochao chewed the biscuit and made a clicking sound.

"Noble Qin, who is the traitor? If you tell me, I will spare your life!" The emperor looked at Noble Qin coldly.

Qin Guiren kowtowed three times to the emperor.

"Your Majesty, it's my fault."

"I am willing to accept my punishment."

"I am from a low background and can be bullied by everyone in the palace. When I am not favored, even the palace people can step on me. It is she who gives me hope..."

"My concubine, my life has not been in vain."

"I cannot stay with her forever in this life, but I hope that I can grow old with her in the next life."

"Your Majesty, I am willing to bear all punishment!"

After saying that, Qin Guiren suddenly stood up and hit the pillar straightly.

"No, she's going to commit suicide!" Lu Chaochao shouted.

Concubine Hui, who was the closest, had no time to think and pounced straight on.


Qin Guiren bumped into Concubine Hui, causing Concubine Hui to scream in pain and turn pale.

Concubine Hui covered her chest and fell to the ground.

The pain on his face was almost hideous.

"Okay, it's better to live than die..." Concubine Hui grimaced in pain and fainted.

Qin Guiren was blocked by Concubine Hui, and she got up in fear: "Sister Hui Concubine!" Her voice was trembling...

"Get away, scourge!" Concubine Shu kicked her away.

Concubine Jiang's complexion changed with fright, and Lin Zhaoyi shouted: "Send to the imperial doctor, send to the imperial doctor quickly!"

The emperor didn't even have time to react before he was excluded by several people.

The emperor was slightly startled.

Seeing everyone surrounding Concubine Hui, his eyes were red with anxiety, and he felt uncomfortable.

There is always something...

Something is wrong.

The emperor suppressed that something was wrong and immediately had Qin Guiren escorted away.

Qin Guiren was in despair: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just..." When she was caught raped in bed, she never showed any fear.

At this moment, I can't hold back my tears, and my hands and feet are getting weak.


Everyone stood guard in front of Concubine Hui's bed.

The imperial doctor stood outside the curtain, and the medical girl frowned slightly after examining Concubine Hui's limbs.

"How is Concubine Hui? Has her internal organs been damaged?" the emperor asked with concern.

Several concubines stood behind, seeming to be more restrained.

He couldn't hide his eyes of concern.

After checking his pulse, the imperial doctor combined with the female doctor's physical examination and said: "There is nothing serious, only bruises caused by the impact. Use wound medicine to rub it open every day, there will be some pain, but the bruises will be dispersed in seven days."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Concubine Shu and the concubines looked at each other and said, "Since Concubine Hui is fine, it's time for me to say goodbye."

Concubine Jiang didn't want to leave, Concubine Shu glared at her and had no choice but to leave.

They are too conspicuous today and cannot stay in Yongning Palace for a long time.

After the concubine left, the imperial doctor prescribed the medicine.

The imperial doctor suddenly said: "Concubine Hui has many bruises on her body. Wei Chen will prescribe some medicine for bruises to avoid leaving scars."

"Abrasion?" The emperor was startled.

The doctor woman reported back: "It looks like she fell from a high place and was bruised. Her knees are all blue..."

"The wounds on the palms have not been cleaned, and there is still dirt."

The emperor pointed to Concubine Hui's bandaged hand and said, "Isn't this a blister caused by scalding? How can there be mud?"

"It's a scalding blister, but there seems to be a cut underneath...the wound wasn't cleaned well enough, and there's mud."

"How could you handle it so carelessly! What a mess!"

"Beware of infection."

The imperial doctor puffed his beard and glared, he couldn't bear to see others abuse the body.

The emperor swayed.

"Can you tell what kind of cut it is?" The emperor's voice was hoarse, his throat was dry, and he felt inexplicably panicked.

After carefully examining it, the imperial doctor pondered for a moment, then stroked his beard and said, "It doesn't look like a sharp weapon."

"The sharp weapon is sharp and the wounds are obviously different."

"It's more like breaking the bowl and being scratched by the debris. But there is mud inside..."

"Do you want to clean up Concubine Hui's wound again?" the imperial doctor asked.

The emperor was silent and said nothing.

His face was extremely ugly.

Lu Chaochao was in a good mood.

[Sure enough, it’s better to watch others suffer...]

[Melons can appear anywhere, but not on yourself! 】

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