Rong Zhenzhen suddenly took a step back.

He looked at his elder brother with fearful eyes.

Her eldest brother is a cruel man, and he is what she fears most in her life.

She silently raised her hand to wipe her tears, fearing that if she wiped her tears too slowly, her elder brother would slap her face.

"I just feel sorry for Che'er, Che'er..."

"That was Che'er's choice! For her sake, Che'er stayed as pure as a jade until the age of thirty-five. What else do you want? If you can't marry Yun Niang, the Rong family will become extinct!"

"You don't know what Che'er's temper is like? He will never be able to give in!"

"Stop kidnapping me with brother-sister friendship!"

"The worst thing is, I don't want your sister!"

"Believe it or not, I'm going to hang myself at my husband's house?" What the Duke of Laozhen said made Rong Zhenzhen tremble.

"You have two sons and a daughter. The eldest son married a wife early and enjoyed the happiness of a family. What about me? I have one foot in the coffin and my daughter-in-law has not even seen it!" Old Zhenguo Gong frowned.

Rong Zhenzhen shrank her neck with guilt.

"Then we can't let Che'er come to the door, right? Our only son!"

The Duke of Lao Zhen glanced at her: "What's wrong with the only son? Your sister-in-law and I still want to go there together..."

"I'm just afraid that Yun Niang will dislike her..."

"Whoever came to visit didn't bring his parents with him..." The Duke of Old Town felt very regretful.

Rong Zhenzhen? ?

"Mom, why are you looking for uncle again?" Just as he was saying this, the heroic woman strode after him.

The woman was wearing a long red dress. She was obviously wearing a skirt, but she walked with a dashing look.

His eyebrows are picturesque and slightly heroic.

"It's not just for you!"

"Che'er is going to propose to Mrs. Xu, who has three sons and one daughter. In what way are you inferior to her?" He wiped away tears as he spoke.

"Mom, the inhuman things Yun Niang encountered are not her fault. She has three sons and one daughter, and her cousin still loves her, which means there is something special about her!"

"I don't like my cousin, and I have never wanted to marry my cousin." The woman looked helpless.

"In this world, it is difficult for women. You are not allowed to embarrass women!"

"Don't make any mistakes. If you miss your cousin's marriage, I won't help you."

"Uncle, don't believe my mother's nonsense. I feel sorry for my cousin..." Shu Yao showed a trace of disgust on her face.

"Although I have never met Sister Yun, several of Sister Yun's children are extremely intelligent... My cousin is marrying Sister Yun, that's a big deal. Doesn't this sublimate the bloodline of our Rong family? The children can all be smarter..."

Rong was so angry that she glared at her daughter.

Seeing that she really didn't care, she could only sigh.

"That's all, I can't control you anyway." Rong glared at her.

"Seventeen-year-old girl, we haven't even talked about getting married yet, but I want to see who you marry in the future!"

Zhou Shuyao didn't care. He had lunch with his uncle before riding away.

She came to Rong Che's door.

"Cousin, cousin, I heard that you are going to propose marriage? How can you abandon your cousin?" Zhou Shuyao looked at Rong Che with a painful look on his face.

"After you get married, they will definitely rush me!!"

"You are seventeen this year, so it's time to get engaged." Rong Che glanced at her with a look full of disgust.

"An engagement? What kind of engagement? I don't want to get engaged. Men always have three wives and four concubines, why should I become one of them?"

"Besides, I don't want to give up the entire forest for a tree!"

"The little brother from Suyun Hall is so good-looking!" Zhou Shuyao held her cheeks in her hands, her face pink.

His eyes were filled with stars.

Rong Che was so angry that he closed the door tightly.

"Don't let me hear about Suyun Pavilion! A group of" Rong Che's face was ashen and he pointed at her and was speechless for a long time.

"Young man... you can also call a duck!" Zhou Shuyao waved his hand, looking unconcerned.

"I just look at it and don't do anything. Isn't it enough to appreciate the beauty?"

"The granddaughter of Shangshu Mansion, what are you talking about visiting Suyun Pavilion all day long? I'll make my aunt angry to death!" Rong Che was so angry that he had a headache.

"Also, you are not allowed to mention the Suyun Pavilion in front of Yun Niang. If you lead Yun Niang into trouble, I will not let you go! One day, I will definitely level down the Su Yun Pavilion!"

Zhou Shuyao curled his lips boredly.

"If you don't say it, don't say it. Not everyone can level Suyun Pavilion!" Zhou Shuyao said proudly.

Suyun Pavilion has been picketed countless times, but it is still open steadily and the backstage is tough.

"Stay away from me! I am the one who wants to kiss you, so you should keep your distance from me!" Rong Che stretched out his index finger to tell her to step back.

"Cousin, please stay away from me! I can't let Yun Niang misunderstand me!"

Zhou Shuyao was stunned.

We are three meters apart, brother! !

"Then shall I leave?" Zhou Shuyao pointed to the door.

Rong Che looked like he was saying goodbye, without holding back at all.

Zhou Shuyao gritted his teeth as he walked: "You're such a good Rong Che, you haven't even married yet, how are you observing your masculine virtues?"

"I'm not too shy to look at you. Don't the ducks in Suyun Pavilion look good?"

Zhou Shuyao scolded as he walked.


She paused, and when she turned around, she saw Lu Chaochao holding a dog and looking at her with burning eyes.

"Sister, where are the ducks? I want to go to Chaochao too!"

Zhou Shuyao? ?

"Princess Zhao Zhaoyang..." She saluted hurriedly.

His face was calm, but his heart was in panic.

God, she was tired of living! If you say such things in front of Princess Zhaoyang, your Majesty will silence you, right? ?

The two maids behind Lu Chaochao had cold eyes.

Yushu walked behind without leaving a trace, and seemed to have said something to the secret guard.

"Sister, can you take me with you?"

"Is it Suyun Pavilion?"

"Why have I never heard of this restaurant?" Lu Chaochao had just finished school when he saw Zhou Shuyao coming out of Congrong's house, cursing.

Zhou Shuyao looked confused, restaurant?

"Let's go, sister... hurry up, Chaochao hasn't had lunch yet." Lu Chaochao touched his belly.

"Which family are you a sister from?"

Zhou Shuyao was about to cry but had no tears: "I am Rong Che's cousin, my name is Shuyao, Princess Zhaoyang..."

"Sister Shu Yao, thank you...I like eating eight-treasure duck the most." Lu Chaochao didn't recognize life, only his mouth.

Knowing that they are acquaintances, the smile becomes sweeter.

Half an hour later.

Zhou Shuyao was sitting in the Suyun Pavilion, looking at a table of hundreds of ducks with an expressionless face.

"Eight-treasure gourd duck, whole duck with fish flavor, crispy duck with sesame seeds, Suzhou braised duck, Jinling roast duck, and delicious old duck soup..."

"Sister Shuyao, you are so amazing!!"

"The Hundred Duck Banquet here is delicious. Try it quickly... Why is that little brother crying?" Lu Chaochao pointed to the brother who was greeting guests at the door.

Strangely good-looking...

Zhou Shuyao wiped away tears.

"Probably, it's to celebrate the opening of the restaurant." Oh my god, in just half an hour, the entire Suyun Pavilion was completely cleared.

woo woo woo woo……

What about the promised backstage?

Her Suyun Restaurant became a restaurant when she met Lu Chaochao!

Her happiness is gone!

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