The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 239 A strange combination of circumstances

"Sister Shuyao, why don't you eat?" Lu Chaochao held the duck leg in his hand.

Zhou Shuyao cried silently.

"Why are you crying?"

"Crying with joy, crying with joy. Happy for the Hundred Duck Banquet..." Zhou Shuyao cried and finished two bowls of rice.

Lu Chaochao's mouth was full of oil, so Yushu wiped it clean for her.

"The bones on the table give Zhui Feng a little bit of awe."

"Bless us together." Lu Chaochao pointed to the bones he had finished chewing.

Yuqin glanced at it and said nothing. But Zhou Shuyao was straight-tempered: "The dogs won't eat the bones you gnawed, right?" There was no trace of meat on them.

She even chewed the bones into pieces and chewed up all the oily flowers inside.

The bone fragments were dry and had no juice at all.

The dogs shook their heads when they saw it.

Lu Chaochao blushed.

I glanced at the bone fragments secretly, but I couldn't see any oily flowers.

"Well... then take the leftovers back."

[It just so happens that I can have some late-night snacks too...]

Yushu didn't understand what she was thinking, so he immediately ordered someone to prepare a new feast of ducks and pack it up to take home.

"Zhui Feng can't eat too much salt, just ask the store to stew it." Yushu was very attentive.

"Put some chopped green make it more fragrant..." Lu Chaochao said seriously.

After saying that, everyone looked over and the little guy said seriously: "Zhui Feng loves to eat."

The old bustard still had a flower on his head and looked at Zhou Shuyao with tears in his eyes.

Suyun Hall is full of male waiters.

Zhou Shuyao is a frequent visitor, but she only has a greedy heart but no courage, so she can only watch it to satisfy her eyes.

At this moment, the two of them looked at each other with tears in their eyes.

Before the two of them could speak, they saw a customer entering the store outside the door.

"Hey? When did a restaurant open here?" Someone asked curiously outside the door.

"Replacement? How did I remember before..."

Lu Chaochao ran to the door with his short legs and said, "Come and try it. This whole duck banquet is super delicious."

"It's true, I'm not lying..."

Lu Chaochao's appearance was extremely outstanding, and he would be looked at by others when he walked on the street.

At this moment, seeing her hard-working promotion, many people came into the store.

"Old Madam...ah, boss, let's have a feast of ducks."

"Shopkeeper, please prepare a table according to this little girl's dishes."

Probably because Lu Chaochao was looking for money, the little guy was wandering around the door, and there were actually many customers in the store.

The madam was simply dumbfounded.

People come and go in an endless stream.

"Shopkeeper, what are you doing standing still? Serving the food?"

"The boy in your restaurant is very good-looking..."

"It's pleasing to the eyes just to look at..."

The customer also commented seriously about the waiter in the store.

The waiters were dumbfounded.

"Oh, here it comes..." The madam silently picked the flowers on her head and stepped forward to order the dishes for the guests.

"The environment of your restaurant is very good. This is the first time I have seen such a unique restaurant..." The guests looked around.

"Damn it, I was deceived! People outside say that Suyun Pavilion is not serious, how can this not be serious?"

"It's a serious restaurant!"

The madam wiped her sweat.

"Shopkeeper, is there any room in the store?" There are customers at the door looking in.

It's probably a herd mentality.

There was a lot of people outside, and the diners passing by were curious and lined up at the door.

Lu Chaochao, this diligent little devil, even moved a small stool at the door.

"Uncle, please sit down..."

"Grandma and aunt sit down..."

The little guy is sweet-tongued and cute, looking like a little adult, making everyone's cute eyes shine.

She even walked around carrying water for everyone.

The madam didn't have time to think much, she was so busy.

Even the little waiters and the weak Liu Fufeng were running up and down to greet the guests.

There was wind under each one's feet.

"Brother, please bring me some melon seeds and snacks to attract business." Not to mention, Lu Chaochao is quite smart.

Not that she has any business acumen, all she can think about is eating.

The card waiter at Suyun Pavilion was stunned for a moment, then silently brought a large plate of melons and fruits.

The store was packed with guests and there was a long queue outside the store.

Zhou Shuyao can’t even cry anymore, my beauty salon! !


Normally, the young man has a smile on his face, but the smile never reaches his eyes, but today...

Although they were busy, they were fast on their feet, energetic, and their eyes were shining.

As countless guests poured in, Lu Chaochao stood outside.

"Business is so good."

"Such a delicious restaurant should be discovered by everyone..."

Lu Chaochao looked satisfied.

Zhou Shuyao, sweating profusely, got into the crowd and pulled the madam aside. At this moment, the madam's eyes were shining.

"Aunt Lin, I'm sorry..." I really want to say I'm sorry.

The madam clapped her hand excitedly: "Shu Yao, you are such a good person!"

"It's hard for you to come to Suyun Pavilion every day to see your buddies, but you never touch them."

"You are a good person."

"Shu Yao, opening a restaurant is much more profitable than opening Suyun Restaurant!!" The madam almost jumped up with excitement.

"When I opened Suyun Restaurant, I originally thought that everyone would make fun of the whole duck restaurant. I am also a big-hearted person, so I simply hired a few chefs who are good at cooking duck. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a great fortune."

The store is quiet and quiet, the guys are good-looking, and the whole duck feast is a masterpiece.

It actually attracted a lot of diners.

"Tsk, this person, who doesn't want to live with dignity? No matter how brightly they are dressed, but when they walk out of this door, no one will spit."

"No, don't talk about walking out of this door."

"Even the people who come in, some of them really treat them as human beings. They are just objects, pets for fun. They have smiles on their faces, but tears in their hearts."

"I'm not a good person either. But I'm all about making money. Wouldn't it be nice to choose someone with dignity?"

The madam patted Zhou Shuyao, with a smile on her face.

Tsk, if you open Suyun Pavilion, you will be smashed several times a month.

Opening a full-duck restaurant in an upright manner can actually make some clean money.

The madam flipped through the account book and smiled happily: "Business is really good... I make more money than I did as a madam..." On weekdays, customers would mention that the food in the store was delicious, but they didn't expect it to be so delicious.

Princess Zhaoyang is such a good person.

Lu Chaochao outside the door was stunned: "Eh..."

Countless golden lights rushed toward her, and her body felt warm and comfortable.

"Golden light of merit..."

"Have a meal and get the golden light of merit?" Lu Chaochao's eyes widened.

Little one knew that she had changed the fate of countless people.

In his previous life, Suyun Pavilion's top star brought trouble to him because of his handsome appearance. The entire Suyun Pavilion was completely burned by a fire.

In this life, they have a new way of making a living.

Israel has no dignity in serving others.

Earning money with your hands is hard work, but it is clean and safe.

Lu Chaochao's thick eyelashes flickered, and the sunlight seemed to shine on his skin.

"Sister Shuyao, why don't you leave?"

Zhou Shuyao glanced at Suyun Pavilion: "Good-looking people always deserve more appreciation."

"What's so cool about this?"

"Not as good-looking as my brother."

"Big brother's carriage, big brother, big brother..." Lu Chaochao waved towards the distance.

Zhou Shuyao shook his head, of course his family thought it looked good.

A two-year-old kid, does he know what looks good?

The carriage slowly approaches...

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