The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 241 A broken mirror cannot be reunited

"Madam, your medicine is packed."

The medicine boy handed the medicine to Jiang Yunjin.

The medicine boy paused and looked at Jiang Yunjin who hesitated to speak.

"Is something wrong?" Jiang Yunjin looked indifferent. If Mrs. Pei hadn't forced her to come back, she wouldn't have wanted to go back to the Lu family.

The medicine boy mumbled in a low voice: "If you want, get some..."

"What are you taking? Are you a girl? You speak vaguely!" Jiang Yunjin stared straight at Zhou Shuyao. When he saw Lu Yanshu leaving, he wanted to step forward.

The medicine boy got angry.

"Last time, my husband, you got some aphrodisiacs. Do you want to prescribe some aphrodisiacs this time?" As soon as these words came out, everyone in the medicine hall looked at Jiang Yunjin.

Jiang Yunjin looked embarrassed and annoyed.

"Nonsense, who wants that kind of thing! Get out of here!" Jiang Yunjin felt everyone was looking at him and wished he could dig a hole in the ground and get in.

Jiang Yunjin was filled with anger.

He stuffed the medicine packet into the maid's hand and headed towards Zhou Shuyao.

There was a mocking smile at the corner of Jiang Yunjin's mouth: "Zhou Shuyao, I thought you were so noble. When you fought against injustice, it turned out that you had evil intentions!" Her eyes were filled with resentment.

"Did you hook up with Lu Yanshu?"

"Do you really think Lu Yanshu likes you? It's a joke, don't humiliate yourself!" Jiang Yunjin squeezed the handkerchief so tightly that his fingers turned white.

Zhou Shuyao glanced at her: "What serious illness do you have?!"

"Standing together means hooking up? Everyone is like you!"

"Besides, Lu Yanshu's matter is none of your business! Who do you think you care about Lu Yanshu? Just because you have a big face and because you broke off his engagement?"

"You left Lu Yanshu behind and worked hard to marry Lu Jinghuai. This day will definitely go as you wish, right?" Zhou Shuyao looked at her with a smile. It was really retribution.

"The infatuated and upright Number One Scholar didn't like him, so he chose... tsk tsk... he chose a man who can accommodate both men and women."

Jiang Yunjin turned pale and looked at her fiercely.

"Bitch! Don't even think about laughing at me!"

"You're an old girl who can't get married. What right do you have to laugh at me?! Even if Yanshu and I break off the engagement, it's none of your business!" Jiang Yunjin's heart ached. If she had never abandoned Lu Yanshu, wouldn't she be right now? Envious Mrs. Lu?

Back then, Lu Yanshu's eyes were always bright when he looked at her, he always looked like an upright gentleman, and he cherished her very much.

But she threw it away.

How could Jiang Yunjin not regret it?

Zhou Shufang sneered softly: "It's better than marrying Lu Jinghuai! It's better than sharing a husband with a man like you."

"Shut up!"

"Stop talking, stop talking!!" Jiang Yunjin suddenly screamed, his face pale, his whole body trembling, and his eyes full of hatred.

She once embraced the moon, how could she endure such a gap!

Jiang Yunjin looked at Zhou Shuyao with a stern expression.

He raised his head and glanced at the direction Lu Yanshu left, gritted his teeth, stopped entangled with Zhou Shuyao, and chased after Lu Yanshu.

Jiang Yunjin sat in the carriage, but her heart still couldn't calm down.

She couldn't stand the strange, mocking looks from everyone, and she couldn't stand Lu Jinghuai anymore.

A line of clear tears fell silently.

His eyes were filled with regret.

The carriage stopped, and before it even stopped, she hurriedly jumped out of the carriage and ran towards Lu Yanshu in embarrassment.

"Yanshu...Brother Yanshu..." Jiang Yunjin's eyes were red and he called to the man in front of him.

Lu Yanshu was about to carry Chaochao through the door.

[Brother Yanshu, brother Yanshu...she still wants to be shameless? ] Lu Chaochao complained with a dark face.

Jiang Yunjin wanted to step forward and pull his sleeve, just like he did when he was a child.

Lu Yanshu took a step back to avoid suspicion.

"Ma'am, please respect yourself."

The words "a lady respects herself" stung Jiang Yunjin's heart.

Jiang Yunjin's voice was trembling, her eyes were red, and her eyes were filled with tears as she tried to speak but gave up.

"Brother Yanshu, are you really ignoring me?" The tears fell just right, and there was something strangely beautiful about it.

"Jin'er is ignorant, Jin'er knows she was wrong." Jiang Yunjin sobbed softly.

"Lu Jinghuai is a liar. He stole Brother Yanshu's articles and deceived Jin'er. He hung out with men, he..."

"Jin'er was deceived by his sweet words. Jin'er deserves to die. Jin'er should not abandon brother Yanshu."

"In this world, only Brother Yanshu treats me sincerely. It's Jin'er lard that clouded my heart, mistakenly lost pearls, and mistook fish eyes for treasure..."

"Jin'er regrets it, Jin'er regrets it..." Jiang Yunjin's voice trembled, with a broken beauty.

"Brother Yanshu, please take me away, okay?"

She looked at Lu Yanshu repeatedly.

She had witnessed Lu Yanshu's youthfulness when he was young, and she had also witnessed Lu Yanshu's reticence.

But this was the first time I saw him in high spirits.

He is already a dazzling and eye-catching presence among the crowd.

"Brother Yanshu, I want to go back to the past... Can we go back to the past?" She hurriedly took out a broken and mottled jade stone from her arms.

The jade is crystal clear. This was the engagement jade pendant of that year.

Lu Yanshu was calm and calm on the face, not even a single ripple appeared in his eyes.

"When we broke off the engagement, I was confused and broke the engagement jade pendant. I have glued it back together. Brother Yanshu, you will never leave me. You will always stand behind me, right?" Jiang Yunjin asked crying. road.

"When I was little, no matter how I made you angry, you would always forgive me." She was once held in high esteem by Lu Yanshu.

However, she will crush her heart on the ground.

Now, she regrets it.

Lu Yanshu looked at her calmly: "A broken mirror will eventually be reunited, and a broken jade will still have flaws when it is reunited. Why are you doing this?"

“Old dreams cannot be revisited, and broken dreams do not need to be reunited.”

"I hope Madam will respect herself."

"Since you have chosen Lu Jinghuai, live a good life. You are too greedy to go to Shu."

“Besides, no one stays where they are forever.”

"you are not worth it!"

Lu Yanshu didn't even look at her.

He had known that he had a fiancée since he was a child, but he didn't dare to talk to her for fear of offending his young fiancée. Give her all respect.

In order to create more common topics, he even learned to understand her preferences.

When life and death were at stake, he never hesitated.

But all he got in exchange was betrayal.

Jiang Yunjin's lips trembled and her face turned pale. She asked tremblingly, "Have you ever regretted saving me?"

Lu Yanshu turned around and carried Lu Chaochao back home.

After a long time, I heard a cold voice.


[Big brother is a gentleman, a true gentleman. 】

[He has a sense of responsibility and his own bottom line...]

[Jiang Yunjin, you are at a huge loss...]

Lu Chaochao lay on his elder brother's shoulder and winked at Yushu.

Yushu slowed down and sneaked to the side door.

She waved to the little beggar in the distance, and the little beggar ran over diligently: "Brother Biao, do you have any orders?"

Yushu lay next to his ear and whispered something.

"Don't worry, this matter will be handled properly."

"It must have reached Lu Jinghuai's ears..."

at night.

Jiang Yunjin chased Lu Yanshu's carriage, and rumors spread.

When Jiang Yunjin returned home.

The lights in the house were brightly lit, and Lu Jinghuai sat in front of the hall with a gloomy face, saying nothing.

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