
Lu's house was brightly lit, lamps were burning everywhere, and the maids and slaves lowered their heads nervously.

The atmosphere was slightly tense.

"Young madam, the young master invites you to go to the main hall." The maid whispered.

Jiang Yunjin's personal maid looked nervous, but Jiang Yunjin looked calm.

Pulling up his clothes and touching the pearls on his temples, Jiang Yunjin walked back to the main hall leisurely with a sneer on his lips.

Tea cups were smashed all over the floor in the main hall. Jiang Yunjin glanced at them and sneered.

Just walked in the door.

The tea bowl flew towards her head.

Jiang Yunjin turned slightly, and the delicate tea bowl passed by while wiping her temples.

"Lu Jinghuai, do you really think that you are the legitimate son of the Hou Mansion? Your family is poor and you live off your wife's dowry. Who will smash a bowl in your face?"

"When I got married, there were only a few walls left in the Hou's mansion, and I even owed the maid's monthly payment. Is there anything in this mansion that I didn't buy?"

"If you want to eat soft food, you must also have an attitude of eating soft food!" Jiang Yunjin sneered.

Lu Jinghuai had become extremely thin during this period, and now he was coughing violently after hearing Jiang Yunjin's merciless words.

He coughed and even coughed up blood.

The heartbroken Mrs. Pei stood up in a hurry: "Son..." Mrs. Pei's eyes were red with anger.

"You unruly bitch, why are you talking to Jing Huai?" Mrs. Pei was filled with hatred and anger, wishing to tear Jiang Yunjin apart.

"What did I say wrong? From the decorations in the house to the pots and pans, I spent money to buy them. Even the tea bowl you threw was my dowry money!"

"I'm not Xu Shiyun, letting you suck blood! I have to have an attitude of eating soft food. I can eat soft food hard without fear of choking?" Jiang Yunjin was not afraid at all.

She knew that Ms. Pei threatened her to return home.

Lu Jinghuai is not a gentleman like Lu Yanshu.

He is a complete villain, don't even think about getting clean if he gets it!

Jiang Yunjin's eyes turned red with anger.

"I don't behave like a woman? Oh my God, what kind of joke are you talking about?" Jiang Yunjin laughed so loudly that he almost shed tears.

"Where do you have the nerve to talk about women? You are so ridiculous."

"You have the nerve to talk about women even if you are an outsider? Who wouldn't laugh if you tell me this? Even your son, a dirty thing mixed with men and women, looks exactly like you. A very dirty thing!" Jiang Yunjin pointed at Mr. Pei and laughed. Can't straighten up.

Mrs. Pei had never thought about being exposed by her daughter-in-law. At this moment, her face was filled with shame and anger, and her eyes seemed to be quenched with poison.

Even the two maids guarding outside the door shivered violently.

"Who allowed you to talk to your mother-in-law like this? Who allowed you to talk to your mother-in-law like this!!"

"Unfilial maid!" Mrs. Pei almost screamed.

Jiang Yunjin looked indifferent: "Didn't I learn from you? How you treat your mother-in-law, I will treat you. The old lady's life has almost been ruined by you."

Mrs. Pei seemed to be strangled by the throat, her face was forbearing, and her chest was rising and falling violently.

"You are the daughter-in-law of my Marquis Mansion, how could you go looking for Lu Yanshu, that bitch!!" Mrs. Pei gritted her teeth with hatred, that was Mrs. Xu's son.

She has been comparing herself to Mrs. Xu for half her life, how could she lose to Mrs. Xu!

He robbed Xu's man, robbed Xu of his status, and robbed Xu of his daughter-in-law.

How could she tolerate Jiang Yunjin chasing Lu Yanshu! !

Lu Jinghuai sat on the chair, sweating profusely in an instant, and his body was completely broken.

"What are you doing with Lu Yanshu?" His voice was hoarse, his eyes were turbulent, and his fingertips were trembling.

He worked hard to take away everything from Lu Yanshu.

But now, everything is coming back to him in a strong way.

Jiang Yunjin raised his eyelids slightly but did not speak.

"You don't know how, do you expect Lu Yanshu to still accept you?" Lu Jinghuai laughed softly, his tone was obscure and his expression was crazy.

Jiang Yunjin's face hardened, and she tightened the handkerchief in her hand.

"You broke off the engagement yourself and abandoned him yourself. It was you who seduced me and wanted to marry me!" "Before we got married, you, a dangfu, had an affair with me, and you still expect Lu Yanshu to pick up rags? You How could such a dirty guy like you be so incompetent, how could he like you?" Lu Jinghuai smiled wantonly and wildly.

"Jiang Yunjin, you and I are one husband and wife. I'm in hell, and you can't even think of climbing out!"

"In the beginning, you provoked me yourself!"

Lu Jinghuai's face was full of cruelty and paranoia. He would never allow Jiang Yunjin to leave!

Jiang Yunjin's whole body shivered and his figure swayed slightly.

Why did she leave behind the glorious gentleman, why did she leave behind the virtuous Xu family.

Jiang Yunjin returned to the room with a white face.

She closed the door indifferently: "Don't come in." She locked the maid out.

She was so regretful.

She regrets so much, how much she wants to go back to that summer.

She threw away the maid because of her naughtiness and accidentally fell into the water. She fluttered wildly in the water. The more she fluttered, the faster she sank. On the verge of death, the lake water flooded her mouth and nose. She swallowed the lake water in big mouthfuls and was about to suffocate...

Through the light of the water, she vaguely saw the little boy abandoning his book, jumping into the water with all his strength, and swimming towards her without hesitation.

She was so scared, she was so scared.

Catching Lu Yanshu was like grabbing the last straw.

She frantically dragged Lu Yanshu into the water, holding on to his neck for fear of being submerged again.

Lu Yanshu was exhausted before pushing her to the shore.

But it was raining and the water's edge was slippery, so I couldn't get up.

Lu Yanshu held her up and pushed her up with all his strength.

But he pushed too hard and instantly sank into the water.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw that Lu Yanshu was no longer on the lake.

She was scared, she was panicked, she was really scared.

She cried and ran forward, looking for help.


When she saw the maid, she suddenly regretted it and hid behind the rockery, crying and not daring to call anyone.

‘What should I do if Lu Yanshu drowns? ’

‘How should I explain myself? ’

‘He is the proud man of heaven, everyone values ​​him, should he pay for it with his life? ’

'There was no one on the water, he must have drowned. How could she explain it to the Lu family? How do I explain this to my family? She can't expose herself! ’

"Lu Yanshu fell into the water by himself. It's none of my business. It's none of my business..." She murmured in a low voice, shrinking behind the rockery in fear.

She covered her ears, not daring to listen to the increasingly urgent shouting in her ears.

She didn't dare to answer or tell anyone.

Until...the maid found her.

Seeing that she was soaked and looking panicked, she had no time to stop her and heard the maid shout: "The lady has been found!"

Everyone gathered around.

When she saw Mrs. Xu, she shouted out in fear: "I didn't see Brother Yanshu, I didn't see him, I don't know anything!" She was in a tense mood, and when she first saw Mrs. Xu, her mentality collapsed. .

"I didn't kill him, I didn't kill him!"

Mrs. Xu originally sent people to look for Lu Yan's book, but couldn't find it and felt uneasy.

Hearing this, he was so frightened that his whole body became weak.

"Jinniang, you saw the inkstone, right? Where is the inkstone, please tell me!" Mrs. Xu's whole body felt weak and she couldn't stand still. She looked at her pleadingly.

"You are soaked. Did you fall into the water?" Xu's tone suddenly changed slightly, and her voice was trembling.

"Did Yanshu... fall into the water?" Xu's desperate eyes frightened her.

This was also the reason why she didn't dare to face Mr. Xu.

She didn't mean it, she was scared, she was really scared...

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