"Go to the lake and look for it! Go and look for it!"

Mrs. Xu didn't have time to wait for the answer. She stood up tremblingly.

His voice was shrill, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

"Inkstone, inkstone..." Mrs. Xu hurriedly led people to search by the lake.

Jiang Yunjin felt cold all over, biting to the bone.

"Where is my eldest brother? Where is my eldest brother?! You tell me!! Why are you crying!" Lu Zhengyue, who was several years old, cried for his brother.

Jiang Yunjin was trembling all over, shaking uncontrollably.

The only thing in her mind was Xu's red, frightened and pleading eyes looking at her.

"Young Master!!" Suddenly, a bloody cry came from the front.

"The eldest son is in the lake, the eldest son is in the lake!" A maid cried and pointed to the water.

I saw a floating figure appearing on the calm lake.

Xu only glanced at it.

At that moment, the blood all over his body rushed to Tianling Gai, and his whole body collapsed to the ground. The fear was so deep that she couldn't say a word, she could only crawl forward wailing.

The whole person is like crazy.

When Lu Yanshu was picked up, his breathing had gradually become weak and his whole body was glowing white.

He fell to the ground with a bulging belly.

His face turned pale.

There were also hideous blood stains on his forehead.

Jiang Yunjin was stunned. When she left, she didn't see the blood on Lu Yanshu's forehead. Probably, he hit her head while pushing her ashore.

Jiang Yunjin's heart became more and more frightened.

The famous daughter of the Xu family has never behaved like this before.

"Save Yanshu, save Yanshu, where is the imperial doctor..." Mrs. Xu burst into tears. She had always cherished her face, but now she was so frightened that it almost cost her half her life.

"The eldest son is not breathing..." The young man sniffed and fell to his knees in fright, with tears streaming down his face.

"Just now, the eldest son was looking for a place to read, but he was clearly not by the lake. He was reading on a stone table in the forest!! The slave was only away for a stick of incense! Why did he fall into the water?" the servant cried.

"Miss Jiang, why are you wet?" someone asked immediately.

Jiang Yunjin was shaking in panic, Lu Yanshu is dead, Lu Yanshu is dead...

"There are traces of water falling by the lake, and there is a handkerchief in the lake. Look..." A guard looked at the scene and looked at Jiang Yunjin.

"It seems like someone fell into the water, and Mr. Lu went into the water to rescue him."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Yunjin almost jumped up: "I didn't, I didn't!"

The boy she was once proud of has now become a hot potato.

"Then why is there moss on your body? Why is there algae on your head that is only found in the lake? Why is your handkerchief in the lake?" Lu Zhengyue cried.

"My eldest brother, my eldest brother is here to save you!"

"He wanted to save you, why didn't you call someone! Why did you hide?" Lu Zhengyue went crazy and rushed towards her like a little lunatic.

Lu Zhengyue was two or three years younger than her, but in a rage, he burst out with force and pushed her to the ground and beat her hard.

Jiang Yunjin burst into tears.

"I'm just too scared, I'm just too scared..."

"I didn't want to harm him, I was just too scared..." Jiang Yunjin cried and admitted her mistake, and she was frightened.

That was her fiancé, the fiancé she was proud of.

He is the proud son of heaven, the pride of everyone, and the little genius praised by everyone in the capital.

She didn't want to hurt him.

But he sank into the water, he died, and she couldn't bear the responsibility!

Jiang's mother hurriedly pulled Lu Zhengyue away.

Xu's face turned pale and she hugged her son tremblingly.

"Quick, quick, carry the inkstone on your back and run out of the water..."

"Press his belly and let him spit out the water..."

"Please, save my son. My Yanshu... he is a good boy, he is kind and kind, he... he is still a child, his life has not begun yet..." Ms. Xu burst into tears.

Even though there were servants carrying Lu Yanshu, he kept shaking and running on the ground.

Circle after circle, one after another collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.

When the imperial doctor came, Lu Yan's face was blue and purple, and he was not breathing at all.

The imperial doctor's eyes were full of regret that the genius boy's life ended so quickly.

The imperial doctor sighed: "The eldest son has no breathing or heartbeat."

"If only it could be a few moments earlier, the eldest son could still try his best to save us."

Jiang Yunjin's eyes were red and he looked sharply at the imperial doctor.

How early...how early?

Jiang Yunjin looked at Lu Yanshu in panic.

He He……

"Why didn't you call someone? Brother is here to save you, why didn't you call someone?"

"It was you who killed my eldest brother, and it's you who deserved my eldest brother's death!" The little Lu Zhengyue looked at his eldest brother heartbrokenly, crying until he was out of breath.

"If you say something, if you shout something, my eldest brother will not die..."

"Woooooo, I want a big brother, you give me back my big brother, you give me back my big brother..."

"Give me back my eldest brother..."

"He risked his life to save you, why are you so cruel? Are you going to kill my eldest brother just because you are afraid? He risked his life to save you, how could you do this?" Lu Zhengyue sat on the ground and muttered.

Jiang Yunjin hid behind her mother, looking at everything in fear.

Just now, Lu Yanshu was not dead...

She cried silently.

She's just too scared...

Jiang Yunjin looked at everything in front of her in panic, but she did not dare to look into Mrs. Xu's eyes.

Mrs. Xu has no daughter, but she treats her extremely well...

So good that she could no longer face Mr. Xu.

Countless guards took over to save Lu Yanshu.

Mrs. Xu had already cried until her voice became hoarse. She looked dazed and sat on her knees on the ground...

He vomited more and more water, but he still didn't wake up.

Mrs. Xu knelt on the ground and clasped her hands together.

Her shoulders were shaking slightly, and with tears in her eyes, she said tremblingly: "Please God for mercy, and the gods and Buddhas in the sky to bless me, and keep my son safe. I am a believer who is willing to pay any price."

"He is less than ten years old and his life has not yet begun. The believer is willing to exchange his life for his life."

"I am willing to give my life, the next life, the next life, the life after life, to be a slave, a maid, or fall into the animal realm, in exchange for the peace of the inkstone."

"Please God have mercy. He is a good boy with a kind heart...He should not have fallen into such a situation to save others." Xu begged with choked sobs.

"Please, save Yan Shu, I don't want anything. I just want him to be safe and healthy..."


"Save the inkstone."

"Please, save Yanshu..."

She kowtowed repeatedly, and the jade pendant in her arms jingled on the ground.

In an instant.

got windy.

Jiang Yunjin looked towards the sky with blurred tearful eyes. She seemed to see a golden light, but there seemed to be nothing...

When he came back to his senses, he heard a coughing sound: "Ahem..."


There was already blood on Xu's forehead, and she staggered towards Lu Yanshu.

Everyone laid Lu Yanshu down on the ground, and he coughed hard with his eyes closed.

Spit out countless sewage.

Mrs. Xu cried and laughed, clasping her hands together and worshiping Bodhisattva: "Thank you Bodhisattva, thank you Bodhisattva for blessing..." She cried and laughed as if she was crazy.

After Lu Yanshu choked and coughed, his heartbeat and pulse recovered, but he fell asleep for three days.

After waking up, he only remembered pushing Jiang Yunjin to the shore, but did not remember the injury on his forehead.

He is paralyzed.

A generation of talented people passed away and became paralyzed, unable to take care of themselves.

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