The Whole Family Is Insanely Eavesdropping on My Thoughts

Chapter 244 Uprooting the Weeping Willow

From now on.

Jiang Yunjin could no longer face Lu Yanshu or Xu.

At that time, Xu had no daughter.

She regards Jiang Yunjin, who has been engaged since childhood, as half a daughter.

If there is anything good, I will send it to you. It hurts my bones.

Ever since Lu Yanshu's accident, the smile on Xu's face disappeared.

When I saw her, I was only polite and distant.

Jiang Yunjin was lying on the bed, tears streaming down her face.

"I was just too scared. I was afraid that he would die because of me and I couldn't bear the responsibility..." She couldn't explain what she was thinking at the time. She only knew...

He couldn't be discovered because he was the one who caused Lu Yanshu to drown.

Jiang Yunjin squeezed the broken jade pendant in her hand tightly.

Mrs. Xu valued her and was willing to support her. In those few years, she was really prosperous.

And what about Pei?

Before getting married, he seemed as close to her as mother and daughter.

On the wedding day, I thought about her dowry.

Not to mention Jiang Yunjin's regrets.

At this moment, Mrs. Xu was quite emotional.

"I didn't expect that she would come after you. I thought she would never appear in front of you in her life." Mrs. Xu sighed.

"She is your fiancée. I have no objection to saving her."

"But because of her selfishness, she didn't want to call for help after being rescued, which caused you to drown for a long time. I also complained in my heart..." How could I not complain?

"But then I thought about it, she was just a little girl, ignorant and timid. She was probably frightened..."

"But I couldn't have imagined... that she would become like this." Xu's eyes were a little red.

"It was obviously a life-saving grace, so how could it turn into resentment?"

"Because she can't repay the kindness..." Lu Chaochao replied while braiding Zhui Feng's hair.

[Besides, how can she be timid? That's selfish...]

[People who have never met each other will shout for help when they fall into the water. 】

[As for the eldest brother, in order to save her from drowning, she was afraid of being scolded, so she hid to avoid responsibility. She is just selfish! 】

Lu Chaochao complained unceremoniously in his heart.

Mrs. Xu wiped her tears: "Yanshu has delayed the marriage. Now that we are getting older, we have to look at each other more."

"We have no fate with Miss Jiang." Mrs. Xu said in a low voice.

"Mom, that's because she is unlucky."

"Yes, yes, we made it right. She is not lucky..." Mrs. Xu burst into tears and smiled.

Those years were really her nightmare.

She had nightmares every night, dreaming of drowning in an inkstone.

She woke up crying from her dreams countless times, stumbled to her eldest son's room, and felt relieved when she felt his breath.

She was very afraid that her eldest son would not be able to bear the pressure and would commit suicide.

She has been under great pressure over the years.

Fortunately, there is Chaochao.

"After the Chaoyang Festival, my eldest brother will have results..." Lu Chaochao looked forward to it.

A slight smile appeared on Lu Yanshu's lips.

"Okay, you guys go and rest first. Mom has to prepare things for the Chaoyang Festival tomorrow." Mrs. Xu smiled.

Chaoyang Festival is an orthodox god-worshiping festival.

The family started killing pigs and sheep early in the morning to prepare snacks, and the maids and slaves gathered ingots to be used in sacrifices to the gods tomorrow.

Mr. Xu personally molded the dim sum, pressed out the colors, and arranged them neatly.

"Mom, give me a bite..." Lu Chaochao spread his little hands.

Mrs. Xu shook her head: "That's not okay. You must worship the gods before eating. Otherwise, it will be disrespectful to the gods."

"The Chaoyang Festival is said to be the birthday of a certain god. It is said that he is the teacher of the gods in the sky. Of course, it is just a rumor. How can we mortals know about the things of gods?"

"Go and have a rest, you won't grow taller if you stay up late."

Lu Chaochao sniffed, and there was a sweet fragrance in the air.

Left reluctantly.

The little guy was lying on the bed, and she raised the corners of her lips and smiled.

'It turns out that everyone will celebrate my birthday...'

Not to mention how happy the little guy is.

at night.

Zhou Shu dismounted quietly and quietly walked into the house.

"Is my mother asleep?" she asked the maid in a low voice.

The little maid at the door lowered her head and did not dare to say a word.

"Can I still eat you?"

"Girl, why are you so naughty?"

"Can you be honest? Back then, you beat up Jiang Yunjin and her mother, became famous in one battle, and even found it difficult to get married. still visit Suyun Pavilion!!" Rong Zhenzhen's eyes were red with anger.

She is the daughter-in-law of Zhou's parents. The eldest son is married and has grandchildren.

As for her daughter, she has never been married.

Lord Zhou, he is her father-in-law.

When Lu Chaochao collected debts, her father-in-law was the first one to collect debts.

Zhou Shuyao smiled flatteringly: "Mom, I won't go shopping anymore. My daughter swears that she will never go shopping again in this life."

But screw it up, Suyun Restaurant has changed to selling ducks.

What else was she going to do?

Mrs. Rong sighed: "The moonrise is bright, the outstanding people are here, the people are comfortable and graceful, the hard work is quiet, and the beauty is comfortable. I wish you to be quiet and beautiful. How could it have the opposite effect?"

"Look at other girls, their faces are like hibiscus emerging from the water, their waists are like weak willows supporting the wind...look at you..."

Zhou Shuyao glanced at himself: "It's pretty good. He looks full of vitality."


"Mom, you are looking down on me. I am not related to the weak Liu Fufeng, but I am also related to Liu, right?"

Mrs. Rong looked at her angrily: "What kind of willow are you touching?"

"I can pull up weeping willows upside down. Is it considered a willow?"

Mrs. Rong was so angry that she fell back and pointed at her for a long time and was speechless.

He sneered and said, "Other girls love burial flowers. What do you love?"

Zhou Shuyao pursed her lips and looked at her mother cautiously: "Mom, if you mess with other people's brains, it's considered a fool, right?"

"I'm also pretty good at destroying flowers..."


"Mom, you just keep talking, how can you hit someone!!" Zhou Shuyao covered her arms with a ferocious face.

How can my mother screw people?

Mrs. Rong pointed at her, furious.

"You and your cousin are a perfect match." Mrs. Rong's head was buzzing.

"With whom? He is in his thirties and I am only seventeen. Why are they a perfect match? Besides, he does not meet my standards. I like good-looking ones!!"

"Mom, please don't insult me."

"Our Rong family is not smart to begin with, and if I marry back, won't the children I give birth to be even more stupid?"

"He found the right person to find Yun Niang to sublimate his bloodline. Everyone in her family is extremely smart."

Zhou Shuyao's eyes were filled with disgust.

"What's the use of being good-looking? It needs to be someone with outstanding talent and character!"

"It's too beautiful to be eaten!" Mrs. Rong hated the iron.

Zhou Shuyao disagreed with his face.

"Mom, why can't you eat it if you look good? You can eat two more bowls of rice just by looking at it!" Back then, Jiang Yunjin disliked Lu Yanshu for being paralyzed...

She is actually crazy.

No matter how talented or learned he is, whether he is paralyzed or not, she can take care of him for a hundred years with that face.

Suyunkan can quit.

Hey, she didn't dare think about it now.

If Rong Che wants to propose marriage to Mrs. Xu, then she will marry Lu Yanshu...

Damn it, she calls Rong Che stepfather?

He's a generation shorter for no reason! !

What a bolt from the blue!

Mrs. Rong looked at her expressionlessly.

Turn around and go out.

"It's night, where are you going?"

"I'll go find my eldest brother."

"He cut down trees, dug ancestral graves, and filled ponds. Did he hinder your marriage?!!"

It's over, her daughter can't get married.

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