Lu Chaochao lay on his elder brother's back and looked up into the distance.

Through the crowd and through the tall and dense woods, one can vaguely see the top of the stone statue.

The stone statue was covered with red cloth, and only a bright red could be seen.

Along the way, people handed out scented wax paper money and fresh flowers.

"I heard that the goddess likes flowers, and she will give free flowers to His Majesty every year. All pilgrims can receive one for free~" Lu Yuanxiao said seriously.

Lu Chaochao took two mouthfuls of milk.

【flower? When did I like flowers? 】

[There are flowers planted outside my cave, they are money-attracting flowers, used to attract wealth...]

[The ancestor of swordsmanship is also the ancestor of poverty...]

[Not to mention raising seven oil bottles, I am literally living in poverty! 】Lu Chaochao burst into tears when he talked about the past.

There were many pilgrims and the crowds were crowded. Lu Chaochao lay on the back of his third brother and could only see countless heads.

After walking through the forest, Lu Chaochao looked up and saw an 18-meter-tall stone statue covered with red cloth, with people kneeling at its feet.

Lu Chaochao looked up: "Wow, it's so high..."

"That's not all." The fourth prince clasped his hands with respect.

The outside world only regards the goddess as a legend, but Huguo Temple performs rituals for her for three days every year to comfort the gods.

All the records in the library are true.

"At that time, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the rivers stopped flowing, everything withered, and the world was like a purgatory. The goddess irrigated the earth with blood, reorganized the mountains and rivers with bones, and cut out her eyes to turn into the sun, moon and stars."

"Her heart will forever fall into the world, bringing infinite vitality."

"The people once personally built a 108-meter-high statue for Him, but when the statue was built, it collapsed."

"Later, it was changed to 88 meters. It still collapsed..."

"66 meters, 50 meters, still collapsed..." the fourth prince said with emotion.

"The merits of saving the world are comparable to those of the Creator Emperor."

"But after the creation of the world, the emperor disappeared without a trace. The world only knows the goddess and not the emperor."

"Although she is a mortal, she saved the world with her soul. How can the stone statue carry such merit? The people watered it with blood and kowtowed to pray to God, so they reluctantly built an 18-meter stone statue for future generations to worship."

"His stone statue looks like he had his eyes gouged out and sacrificed..."

Everyone looked up at the stone statue.

At this moment, the guard personally pulled off the red cloth.

A dilapidated stone statue that has stood for thousands of years appears in front of you.

The stone statue is riddled with holes and numerous scars, which is shocking to see.

The goddess closed her eyes, held her hands like lotus flowers, and raised them above her head, as if she was holding up thousands of living beings.

But when everyone saw this appearance, their hearts were shaken, as if she held infinite hope in her palms.

"I don't know why, but I feel a little uncomfortable..." Li Siqi touched his cheek, and tears fell from his face at some point.

"This is awe that is engraved in my bones."

"At that time, mankind was facing extinction. It was He who brought life and lifted up countless mortals." The fourth prince knelt down on the ground piously and worshiped quietly.

Li Siqi said nothing, whether he believed it or not.

But when everyone faced the statue of the goddess, they could not feel any contempt, only a deep awe.

"She is our pride as a mortal to rival the gods."

Lu Chaochao's eyes fell on the statue, her pupils shrank sharply, and she covered her eyes reflexively.

As if piercing into the soul, the everlasting pain swept over him again.

"It hurts!" Lu Chaochao suddenly covered his eyes.

The little guy's voice was trembling, and his tone was more frightened than ever before.

Her fleshy little hands tightly covered her eyes, causing tears to fall from her eyes in pain.

"Chaochao! What's wrong?" Lu Yuanxiao panicked.

Before Lu Chaochao could speak, the prince appeared from nowhere and held her in his arms.

Lu Chaochao was sweating profusely and covered his eyes tightly. His small body curled up and trembled in pain.

"What's wrong with Chaochao?" Lu Yuanxiao was frightened. He had never seen his sister look so frightened. She, she only glanced at the female statue?

[My eyes hurt, my eyes hurt! Why does the pain of gouging out my eyes appear again? 】

She clutched the clothes on her chest tightly again [It hurts so much...My heart hurts so much...]

"Ah, it hurts so much... My heart, Chao Chao's heart hurts so much..." Lu Chaochao leaned on the prince's shoulder, his face grimacing in pain.

The prince's fingertips trembled slightly, Chao Chao no longer had any intention, but the phantom pain she felt was still so strong.

Back then, she deceived everyone with her calm and graceful sacrificial appearance!

"Chaochao, Chaochao, it's all brother's fault. Let's go home, okay? Don't scare brother... If you don't look down, let's go home!" Lu Yuanxiao was already scared to tears.

Lu Yuanxiao heard Chao Chao's heartache and felt extremely heartbroken. His Chao Chao had suffered too many crimes!

"What happened to Princess Zhaoyang?" Li Siqi and others were shocked.

The usually calm prince's eyes were already red, and his voice was choked with sobs, and he couldn't help comforting Chao Chao.

Lu Chaochao didn't say a word, but his hair became wet with sweat in an instant.

"You guys go and pay your respects, and take a rest for a while." The prince looked at the stone statue and thought of the heartache he felt back then.

Of course it will hurt.

The phantom pain during the sacrifice will follow her through life.

Lu Yuanxiao's face had already turned pale. He followed the prince with difficulty and squeezed under a century-old tree.

Lu Chaochao was already soaked to the skin. He was in so much pain that he couldn't even move his fingers. His face was horribly pale.

The little guy's eyes were dazed: "Chong...Yue..."

She looked in a daze, as if she saw her disciple Chong Yue through the prince.

The prince held her little hand tightly: "I'm here, I'm here..." The prince murmured in a low voice.

But Chao Chao looked in a daze and didn't hear anything at all.

"Chaochao hurts..." The little guy looked at him with tears in his eyes.

This pain has never stopped for her over the years.

After her rebirth, she almost forgot about the phantom pain.

"Chaochao's eyes hurt, Chaochao's heart hurts, Chaochao's whole body hurts..."

My whole body ached as if it had been crushed.

"Chaochao, it's time for you to get back your thousand-year-old incense. It will relieve your pain." The prince held her and gently touched her fingertips, and a drop of golden blood flowed out instantly.

"What does it smell like? It has a nice aroma..."

"It smells like grass and trees. It's so comfortable to take a breath and make you feel refreshed and relaxed..."

"Wow, what a rich aroma..." The people kneeling on the ground sniffed and murmured softly.

Every drop of her essence and blood is transformed by merit.

With strong vitality and hope.

The prince's fingertips flicked slightly, and the essence and blood fell directly on the statue.

Everyone knelt at the foot of the stone statue. The stone statue was dusty and even covered with cracks, looking at it as it was about to collapse.


The ground trembled violently, and countless small fragments fell from the stone statue...

It fell to the ground with a splash.

The people straightened up in fear: "What's going on? The ground moved?"

"Oh my God, you are going to get the statue!" Someone looked up at the statue, his voice was hoarse, and his face was full of shock.

"Look, look at the statue!" The people suddenly screamed and looked at the statue.

"The statue is glowing!!"

"no no!!"


"Open your eyes!"

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