"Idol, open your eyes!!"

The people shouted loudly, and everyone looked up at the statue.

I saw that the gray statue seemed to be filled with soul instantly, and a pair of eyes slowly opened.

Looking down at the world from a high position.

The earth shook, countless birds and beasts came out one after another, and densely packed birds chirped in the sky, flying around the statue.

"Oh my god, the koi fish in front of the statue are jumping..."

"Look, there's a rainbow bridge in the pond!" The people beside the pond looked shocked.

I saw a small rainbow bridge erected on the calm water.

The red koi fish swung its tail and jumped crazily towards the Rainbow Bridge.

"Don't you think this Rainbow Bridge is a little strange? There's a little bit of golden light on it..."

Suddenly, someone knelt on the ground.

"It's the Dragon Gate! The goddess opens her eyes, and the koi fish jumps over the Dragon Gate!" the people shouted at the top of their lungs.

Everyone crazily knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

The koi fish jumped wildly in mid-air.

"The statue seems to have come alive and has life..." The fourth prince murmured in a low voice. When the stone statue closed its eyes, it gave people a lifeless aura.

But the statue opened its eyes and looked down at the human world.

It's like an instant injection of soul.

"I even feel that the gods are alive."

"The goddess appears. The goddess appears..." Everyone knelt on the ground and prayed devoutly. Oh my God, the statue opened its eyes and had a soul.

A thin stream of cold sweat broke out on Li Siqi's forehead.

By some strange combination of circumstances, he had never worshiped the goddess statue before, but now...

He actually felt an indescribable heartache. He covered his heart and fell to the ground, his face turned horribly white.

Countless images flashed before my eyes, once standing in the sky, holding a magic weapon and fighting between heaven and earth...

I once faced the catastrophe of heaven and earth helplessly. In front of me, the girl in a long green gauze dress floated in mid-air. She was small in stature, but she held up half of the sky. She closed her eyes slightly, blood spilled from the corners of her eyes, and she couldn't see or hear anything.

Little by little, they turned into starlight and spread out before their eyes.

He spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Young Master!!" The boy's eyes were about to burst.

Li Siqi clenched his fists and saw himself wandering around aimlessly in despair.

Seems to be looking for something.

My eyes hurt, it hurt so much. The pain was burning, as if his eyeballs were gouged out.

With his mind in confusion, Li Siqi looked at the statue with difficulty.

"Why...well, familiar..." I have never seen it before, but this familiarity seems to be engraved deep in my soul.

There was no time to take a closer look, and everything in front of him was suddenly dark.

When the boy saw his eyes suddenly turning gray, his expression suddenly froze.

He hurriedly blocked him to prevent outsiders from catching a glimpse of his strangeness.

"Master, can't you see me?" The boy was sweating profusely and wanted to help him out, but Li Siqi refused to leave.

Li Siqi suffered from a hidden disease since he was a child.

But the Duke Protector's Office kept it secret very well and never revealed a single bit of information.

Everything was normal during the day, but at night his eyes would turn gray, his vision would be pitch black, and he could see nothing.

Li Siqi pursed her lips tightly and closed her eyes slightly to prevent outsiders from catching a glimpse of anything strange.

"Help me." His voice was hoarse, and his face showed hidden pain.

"How could this happen? You can obviously see it in the daytime! How can I explain this to the master..." The boy was almost crying.

Li Siqi felt his mind was in a mess, and he shook his head.

"Master, let's go back." The young man prayed in a tone of voice.

But Li Siqi was unwilling to leave. He was extremely flustered and uncomfortable, and tears seemed to overflow from his eyes.

He desperately wants to catch something and is afraid of losing it.

He wanted to touch the goddess statue.

He pressed his cheek against the cold stone statue almost piously, his hands shaking unbelievably.

He only had a vague memory, enough to drive him crazy.

The people cheered for joy, the sky was filled with red clouds, and countless birds were flying in the air, as if to welcome something.

"Wow, a carp jumped over the dragon gate!"

Everyone looked towards the pool.

I saw a small carp jumping across the golden rainbow quickly, and the rainbow disappeared instantly...

"The carp jumped over the dragon gate and turned into a dragon!!"

"Auspicious and auspicious, the koi leaps over the dragon gate, and the koi transforms into a dragon!!" The screams at the scene were endless and even alarmed the royal family.

The little eunuch rushed into the Jinluan Palace rolling and crawling.

The prince's face changed slightly and he was about to reprimand.

Then I saw the little eunuch shouting with ecstasy in his voice: "Auspicious, Your Majesty, the koi carp jumped over the dragon gate in front of the statue of the goddess and turned into a dragon!!"


Wang Yuanlu looked overjoyed: "Seriously?"

Emperor Xuanping hurriedly stood up and strode out of the palace with brisk and excited steps.

All civil and military officials were shocked.

"What auspiciousness? What dragon gate?"

The little eunuch gesticulated hurriedly: "The goddess statue opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes, a golden rainbow appeared in the pool, and countless koi fish jumped through the dragon gate in the water."

"That koi fish jumped over the golden rainbow and turned into a dragon on the spot!!"

All the civil and military officials ran out of the palace.

Emperor Xuanping happened to see the scene of transforming into a dragon.

The sky was filled with red clouds, and the goddess opened her eyes slightly, as if gazing at the mortal beings lovingly.

The little koi lost its scales, and a golden light from the sky fell on it. It shed its mortal body, gave birth to dragon claws and scales, and gradually revealed the shape of a real dragon.

"Beizhao's good fortune, Beizhao's blessing, Beizhao's auspiciousness!" Emperor Xuanping shouted immediately.

All the civil and military officials and even the palace people knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "Long live your majesty, long live the goddess, Beizhao will always enjoy peace."

"Your Majesty, there is something strange in the nine-story tower." The guard stepped forward and whispered in the emperor's ear.

The emperor was startled when he saw the golden dragon hovering above the head of the goddess statue, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"This koi leaping over the dragon gate seems to be welcoming the goddess..."

The emperor nodded and then hurried towards the nine-story tower.

The nine-story pagoda was heavily guarded. The emperor dismissed everyone and entered the nine-story pagoda himself.

The emperor climbed to the top of the tower.

open the door.

I saw the dusty stone suspended in the air. I don't know when it became overflowing with light, glowing with a faint golden light, like a piece of beautiful jade, crystal clear.

"She's back?" The emperor looked slightly startled.

Legend has it that when she returns, Beizhao's heart will shine again.

She has come back.

who is she? where is she?

Do you have good intentions towards Beizhao?

Emperor Xuanping felt uneasy, but at this moment, Nanguo looked at the sacrifice in surprise.

"A miracle appeared in Beizhao."

"Beizhao has gained the favor of the gods." The white-haired priest whispered.

"Beizhao, Beizhao, why is it Beizhao again? The last time I prayed for divine descent, Zong Baitian's divine descent actually appeared in Beizhao!"

"Beizhao is just a group of mortals, why do they get the favor of gods?"

"We in the southern country are the orthodox believers in summoning gods. However, we have not summoned gods for many years!" The woman who spoke was covered in pearls, but her tone was extremely disdainful.

"My father's illegitimate daughter is also in Beizhao. It's really interesting." The woman curled her lips disdainfully.

"A mortal woman spends her whole life caring for her husband and raising children, and gives birth to a bunch of useless trash..."

"Waste is waste and cannot make waves!"

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