Southern Royal Family.

The white-haired and white-browed high priest stood in front of the temple holding a scepter: "This divine descent does not belong to any of the gods enshrined in the South. It seems..."

"No miracle has ever appeared..." The high priest frowned.

The old man with a ravaged face on the throne opened his eyes slightly, and there were many princes and princesses standing beside him.

"I guess some little god showed up somewhere. Who can compare to the Zongbai God we worship? He is in charge of justice and restrains the entire divine world."

"Zong Tianshen still has six junior brothers and sisters, all of whom are powerful in all walks of life."

"Those little gods are worthy of attention?" The woman's phoenix eyes were frivolous and her expression was arrogant.

She is the old emperor's daughter, Nan Fengyu.

The Southern Kingdom attaches great importance to blood. Her mother comes from the Su family. The Su family has summoned gods to descend, so their descendants are somewhat precious.

She is also a daughter of the Su family and of royal blood, and her talent for summoning gods is extremely outstanding.

Once upon a time, she was the favorite daughter of the Emperor of the Southern Kingdom, the most talented person to summon gods, and the most promising person to win the throne of the Southern Kingdom.

The succession of thrones in the Southern Kingdom is not limited to men.

Because God prefers women, this has also led to the emergence of many female emperors in the Southern Kingdom.

Who knew...

The old emperor was assassinated and exiled, but was rescued by a folk woman.

When he lost his memory, he married a woman and gave birth to a daughter, who lived among the people.

After the old emperor returned to the throne, he searched for him for many years but could not find his whereabouts.

The throne has also been reluctant to be passed on.

"When a god appears, he will overflow with spiritual energy and can turn koi into a dragon. He cannot be a nameless little god." The high priest shook his head gently.

Nan Fengyu's eyelids drooped slightly.

The old emperor waved his hand: "Shenjiang appeared in Beizhao twice in succession. Send someone over to take a look."

The old emperor looked in a daze.

"Just in time, let's look for that child... Thirty-five years ago, I'm afraid she's already married and has children, right?"

The corner of Nan Fengyu's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a hint of mockery, which disappeared in an instant.

"Father, she is a folk girl with low-level blood. I'm afraid she will be a waste if we find her. I'm afraid she will lose her reputation in the Southern Kingdom!" Nan Fengyu's eyes flashed with a fierce light. He asked him to find and kill that idiot. He didn't return for a long time.

The old emperor coughed, his weathered face full of kindness.

"Just keep it."

Nan Fengyu gritted her teeth: "What my father said is that my sister has been living abroad for many years, so she must finally recognize her ancestors and return to the clan."

"Even if you have low-level blood, it's not like we can't afford it."

After exiting the main hall, Nan Fengyu's face suddenly fell.

Suppressing his anger, he returned to Fengming Hall.

"What on earth does the father want to do?! The throne should have been passed on to me long ago, why hasn't it been passed on yet! Does he still want to pass it on to that inferior person?" Nan Fengyu overturned the ornament to the ground and smashed it to pieces.

The palace people knelt on the ground.

"The Su family has summoned gods countless times, and their bloodline is noble. Could it be that the Yun family's bloodline is not as good as the lower class?" Nan Fengyu's face was filled with anger.

"Shadow is a piece of trash, he can't even deal with a woman!" She sent out secret guards early to find out his whereabouts and kill him on the spot.

When I entered Beizhao, there was no news.

"Mother, why are you so angry? Nanguo is a servant of the gods, and the only noble bloodline that can communicate with the gods. Why should you be afraid of an ordinary mortal?"

"Besides, you still have my sister and me."

The princesses of the Southern Kingdom did not marry outside, but brought in wives into the palace, and the children they gave birth to were all heirs of the emperor.

The Southern Kingdom determines its status by the talent of summoning gods.

Nan Fengyu exhaled softly and looked at her son Nan Mubai, showing a hint of satisfaction.

"Your talents are outstanding, even my father recognizes them. You are right, that bitch was born in a humble background and has inferior blood and qualifications, so how can he compare to me?" Nan Fengyu nodded slightly.

"It's just that my father has been reluctant to pass on the throne for a long time. I'm afraid he has some thoughts." Nan Fengyu gritted his teeth.

"Then my son will go there for you personally. Don't you feel reassured that your son is doing something?" Nan Mubai comforted his mother.

Nan Fengyu nodded: "It's hard for my son."

Nan Mubai nodded: "The Southern Kingdom has not summoned a god for many years. How can she, a cheap servant, make waves?"

"Even her children are inferior embryos, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Mother does not have to worry about it. Her son will definitely not allow her to return to the Southern Kingdom."

Mother and son looked at each other and smiled.

How could they know at this moment.

The inferior bloodline they looked down upon gave birth to an awesome righteous god.

A serious god!

The gods they worshiped even had to bow and greet her in front of her.


The prince guided the scent of incense and poured it into Lu Chaochao's body bit by bit.

The little guy felt warm all over his body, and all the phantom pain disappeared.

She felt so comfortable that she fell asleep directly.

When she opened her eyes, the little guy rubbed his dry eyes and turned his round body several times without sitting up.

Yushu held her back and sat upright.

"Why am I going home? Aren't I on the Chaoyang Festival?" The soft and waxy voice sounded confused.

Yushu's eyes were red and swollen: "You also said that you scared the slaves to death during the Chaoyang Festival. Yesterday, His Highness the Crown Prince personally brought her back and guarded her all night. He left just now."

"We are not allowed to invite doctors at home, but we are worried about the death of our slaves."

"Little miss, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Yushu asked worriedly.

Lu Chaochao patted himself suspiciously.

Yesterday my eyes hurt, my heart hurt, and everything in my body hurt.

And now...

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all."

[Yesterday, it was the phantom pain of gouging out my heart and eyes]

Lu Chaochao shivered in fear, obviously he could bear it in his previous life, but in this life, probably because he was reborn as a human being, he cried out in pain.

What a shame.

Lu Chaochao pinched his little arms and legs, feeling a lot of incense smell coming from his body.

The scent of incense warded off her phantom pain.

Lu Chaochao jumped up happily: "Wow, so happy, so happy..."

"Sister Yushu, Chaochao is so happy..."

It doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t hurt, it won’t hurt anymore.

After she sacrificed herself, the fragments of her soul were scattered everywhere, but she still couldn't get rid of the severe pain.

It hurt almost to the point of numbness.

After her rebirth, although the phantom pain did not appear for the time being, she understood that the phantom pain never disappeared. That was her inner demon and the price.

Now, the phantom pain has completely disappeared.

"Children are always inexplicably happy..." Yushu didn't know what she was happy about. Seeing her happy, he couldn't help but smile.

"Where are the brothers?" Lu Chaochao raised his head and asked.

Yushu's smile became even brighter.

"I'm waiting for news from the outer courtyard about the results of the general examination today."

Lu Chaochao jumped up suddenly: "Yeah, I want to go take a look!"

The little guy quickly ran towards the outer courtyard.

"Big brother, big brother..."

The little guy just walked in.

The boy ran wildly and shouted: "Good news, good news! The eldest son has won the first place in the national examination and won the first place in the high school competition!"

"The eldest son won the first place and won the high school championship!"

Xu stood up suddenly, tears streaming down her face.

"Huiyuan! Big brother has won Huiyuan!" Lu Chaochao jumped up suddenly.

"Go to the palace tomorrow to take part in the palace examination!" The boy smiled happily after receiving the wedding money.

"Quickly, go to the Xu family to announce the good news." Xu Shiyun cried with joy.

"Remember to go around in front of Daddy's door..." Lu Chaochao shouted loudly.

PS: Please give Shengsheng a five-star review. If you have votes, you can also vote for Shengsheng. I love you...

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