"Lu Yanshu won the third prize!!"

"Topping the list of high school!"

"The title on the gold list, three yuan and the third place!!"

"Hurry up, hurry up and tell the good news, go and tell the good news..."

"Li Zixi High School's top pick..."

"Not to mention, Li Zixi is indeed good-looking, and the appearance of this year's First-A Company is particularly outstanding."

Mrs. Xu cried with joy when she heard the good news.

"Did you win? Is it the name in the inkstone?" Mrs. Xu pulled Dengzhi, her nervous hands and feet were cold, and her expression was nervous.

"It's a hit. One of General Rong's shoes was knocked off. I went to see it in person. Our young master won the top prize!"

"Madam, after all the hardships and joys, you finally got through it!" Dengzhi couldn't hold back and shed tears.

Mrs. Xu held her handkerchief and wiped away tears: "Quickly, go home first and wait for the good news."

"Have you prepared some money for your wedding?"

"It has been prepared for a long time, Madam, don't worry."

When Denzhi helped Mrs. Xu go downstairs, someone shouted, "Is this Mrs. Xu, the mother of the Number One Scholar, right?"

Mrs. Xu stood at the top of the stairs, her face slightly red.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she nodded to everyone, who then congratulated loudly: "Congratulations, Mrs. Xu."

Mrs. Xu smiled and said, "After this busy period, Yun Niang will prepare a small amount of wine in the house, so that everyone can be happy."

"Thank you ma'am."

"You must come and feel happy."

When Xu left, everyone looked at each other.

"This is...the main wife of the yellow-faced woman Mr. Lu said?"

"Hiss... Master Lu, are you crazy? Is this a yellow-faced woman? Isn't she prettier than his outer room?" Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

Is Lu Yuanze crazy? !

"He even expelled three sons and one daughter from the family tree. Isn't he crazy?" someone mocked, with a mocking look on his face.

"This is the eldest son of Sanyuan Jidi, and there is smoke coming out of the ancestral grave!" Everyone looked envious.

"I heard that Mrs. Xu's third son is also very good at reading and very humble. He keeps saying that he is the stupidest in the family all day long." Everyone sighed, how could he be so angry?

At this moment, I just went to court.

Lu Yuanze pulled the hem of his clothes. The official uniform was a bit too big.

The once handsome gentleman now looks quite embarrassed and has lost his original elegance.

"Master Lu, congratulations." The Minister of Rites bowed his hands to Lu Yuanze.

"Master Lu is so lucky. Congratulations, Master Lu." The Protector also congratulated with a sinister smile.

Many colleagues bowed their hands to Lu Yuanze: "Congratulations, Mr. Lu."

Lu Yuanze was startled.

In the past few days, he had been troubled by Lu Jinghuai's affairs, and he was in a daze. He was absent-minded even when he went to court.

Lu Yuanze paused, thinking about some happy event in his mind.

The colleagues looked at each other and looked at him in surprise.

"Master Lu, don't you know?"

"Your son has won the first prize, passed the third prize, honored the ancestors, and honored the lintel of the family! What a joy and congratulations!"

"Master Lu, although you have lost a prince, your son is still alive."

"He is still the youngest person to pass the Sanyuan exam, and he will have great potential in the future."

"I heard that your Majesty is interested in finding a teacher for the prince. Mr. Lu, when you become rich in the future, you must not forget us."

"Mr. Lu, you are so lucky. Although your son has been paralyzed for ten years and has not touched a book for ten years, he actually passed the imperial examination with three yuan. If you think about it carefully, this child... I am afraid that he would have been able to win the first prize before he was paralyzed. Hiss... what a terrifying talent this must be." Everyone said something to each other.

Lu Yuanze's heart suddenly shrank, and it hurt like needles.

Three yuan passed?

At this moment, he seemed to be abandoned by the whole world. He could only vaguely hear the compliments of his colleagues, and his mind went blank.

"Oh, that's wrong!" The Protector of the Country waved his hand violently.

"It's all because of my poor memory that I remembered it wrong. I forgot that Mr. Lu expelled his eldest son from the family and even crossed out the family tree. I heard that he also wrote a letter of divorce, and the marriage was completely divorced."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone watched Master Lu's face turn from red to white, so pale that he almost fell down.

"Master Lu won't blame you, right?"

Lu Yuanze forced a smile, and the smile was bitter: "It's not in the way, it's not in the way."

As my colleagues walked away, I could still vaguely hear a voice in my ears: "I'll go to the Number One Scholar's Mansion later to ask for a glass of wine."

"Mrs. Xu is better off."

"What a pity. It was originally an opportunity for the Zhongyong Marquis Mansion, but now... ugh. No luck..."

Lu Yuanze's face turned pale as if he had been slapped in the face.

He staggered out of the palace.

There was a lot of excitement outside the palace.

"The number one scholar is riding through the streets..." Children were playing and running on the roadside, and everyone looked up at the three of them.

"Oh, the number one scholar and Tan Hua Lang are so good-looking..."

"I think the number one pick looks better..."

"I think Tanhua looks good..." Everyone argued endlessly.

Lu Yanshu was riding a tall horse on the long street, wearing a big red flower on his body and his face was red. The girls in the attic threw their handkerchiefs at the three of them.

"Master No. 1 Scholar, please take my handkerchief. Master No. 1 Scholar..."

"Tanhua Lang, look at me..." the girls all laughed.

Girls who have not yet left the court are extremely reserved, but when the number one winner appears every three years, they are always extra open-minded.

There is even a practice of catching a son-in-law under the official list.

Just now, Tanhua Li Zixi was almost captured. Fortunately, Lu Yanshu brought enough guards to save his life.

"It's terrible, it's terrible..."

The white-faced boy next to Lu Yanshu blushed with embarrassment.

His appearance is a bit more refined than Lu Yanshu, but his figure is slightly thinner.

"Ouch..." Li Zixi suddenly covered his head.

"Who put stones in the handkerchief..." Li Zixi covered her forehead, and blood was faintly visible on her forehead.

"Still so unlucky..." Li Zixi looked desperate.

"Brother Yanshu, can I go to your house to have a rest later?" Tanhua Li Zixi asked carefully.

"Of course." Lu Yanshu was extremely helpless.

At the corner, Jiang Yunjin was sitting on the carriage, his eyes red when he saw the beautiful young man.

"Originally, it should have been mine."

"Three yuan and the third place, the scenery is unlimited..."

"It should have been mine..." Jiang Yunjin shed a tear, thinking of the incompetent and furious Lu Jinghuai in the house, and her heart was filled with disgust.

Lu Yuanze was also in a daze.

He even didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

A happy event, my son passed the third grade and won the first prize.

As a result of bad things, his son was kicked out of the house and he wrote a divorce letter.

What did he do? How to play a good hand of cards badly.

He abandoned his eldest son for Lu Jinghuai's talents.

Now, Lu Jinghuai has been exposed for plagiarism, and the eldest son counterattacked and became the number one scholar. How ridiculous.

He's like a joke.

When Lu Yanshu returned to his home with Tanhua Li Zixi, Mrs. Xu had already seen off Dao He's relatives.

Yijia wanted to go to the palace to thank him, so he was delayed until now.

"Master is back home." The slave shouted.

The maidservant looked happy. Today, Mrs. Xu gave everyone three times the monthly silver and bought a sumptuous banquet. Who could not be happy! !

Mrs. Xu hurriedly stepped out.

I happened to meet Lu Yanshu.

"Mother, this is Mr. Li." Lu Yanshu introduced Mrs. Xu with a smile.

"Is this Mr. Li, the most beautiful man? I caught a glimpse of him from a distance while walking down the street today. He deserves to be called the most beautiful woman." Since ancient times, all most beautiful women have top-notch looks.

Mrs. Xu wondered in her mind, outsiders said that Mr. Li was very unlucky. Is it true?

Just finished.

The plaque on the door suddenly came loose and was thrown straight at Li Zixi.

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