
Mrs. Xu was so frightened that her voice broke.

He watched helplessly as the plaque suddenly fell and hit Tanhua Lang.

Li Zixi quickly rushed towards the corner.


There was a loud noise and the plaque fell, but Li Zixi narrowly avoided it.

But when he rushed towards the corner, he smashed Zhui Feng's dog bowl and got a cut from the dog bowl.

Xu's eyelids were twitching wildly.

"Hurry up and ask the doctor to bandage it." Mrs. Xu was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Dengzhi looked at the plaque and was stunned: "How could it be? The plaque was inspected just yesterday!!" Every month, hanging objects in the mansion are inspected for fear of loosening.

Li Zixi's knees were bruised and he waved his hand: "It's not a problem, it has nothing to do with you."

"It's my bad luck."

"It's normal, it's normal. But it was me who was ashamed of my wife and frightened her." Li Zixi looked embarrassed.

"Fortunately, I didn't hurt my hand until after the exam. Otherwise, I was afraid I would miss the exam." Mrs. Xu looked scared.

Li Zixi didn't care.

Lu Yanshu's cheek twitched, "Mom, he has missed it several times..."

"Speaking of which, his knowledge is not inferior to mine. But his luck is extremely bad."

Xu? ? ?

Lu Yanshu's expression was hard to describe.

Li Zixi shook his head: "Brother Yanshu, I am not as good as you."

"There's nothing I can't say."

"I'm notoriously unlucky. When I was young, I took the scholar exam for the first time. I was riding in a bullock cart to take the exam. The bull suddenly became ill on the road. It knocked me to the ground and broke my hand."

"It was difficult to get admitted as a scholar, but a fire broke out at home and the house was completely burned. I lived in a cave for half a year."

"During the examination..." Li Zixi scratched his head.

"Halfway through the exam, the Gongyuan collapsed. Only my corner collapsed, burying me inside, and my head was bruised and bloody..."

"Hey, luckily you didn't hit me to death. I was covering my head while taking the test..."

Xu looked at him in horror, her expression full of shock. This kind of luck is really rare!

"I know I am unlucky. After taking the provincial examination, I went to Beijing without stopping. Others can arrive in two days, but I can work hard for several months..."

"For safety's sake, I didn't dare to take the waterway, so I took the official road. Who would have thought... that you would encounter robbers on the official road and be robbed and charged with money."

"Fortunately, they didn't hurt me or kill me..."

"I begged for food all the way to Beijing."

"Hey, I secretly joined the Beggar Clan on the way, and got the protection of Brother Biao before I made it to Beijing alive." Li Zixi looked embarrassed. He really had a terrible fate.

Xu stammered and didn't know how to comfort her.

"His Majesty chose me as the top pick because he was afraid of affecting the national destiny of Beizhao."

Mrs. Xu coughed slightly and tried to persuade her: "It will be great if you get admitted to the top three universities. It will be considered the end of all the hardships. Have your parents come to Beijing?"

"My father and mother remarried. My father died in an accident when I was born. My mother remarried after she gave birth to me."


"Uh..." Mrs. Xu didn't know what to say.

"My grandmother raised me until she passed away at the age of six, so I grew up eating a lot of food. The village chief took the lead in donating money to build a straw shed for me."

"There was once a juren in our village. The juren organized an ethnology and hired a young scholar to teach. The village exempted me from being a disciple. Only then did I have the opportunity to change my destiny."

"When I was studying, I got another close brother. It's not a pity."

Mrs. Xu's eyes turned red when she heard this: "It's really a fateful fate."

"One year when I was running away from famine, the clan leader found a wife for me and gave birth to a son." Li Zixi sighed softly.

Mrs. Xu wiped away her tears: "It's great now, I finally have a family."

Li Zixi: "My wife ran away."

Mrs. Xu's face darkened, she persuaded the horse's hoof, and immediately stammered: "Fortunately, I still have a close brother."

"Running away with my brother."


"Well... I still have a son, which is some consolation."

"My son is not mine either."

"She ran away with it."


She opened her mouth, but couldn't speak for a while. No, his fate has been blocked! !

Li Zixi's brows were filled with relief: "Don't cry, at least I'm still alive, and I've got a good name, so I think I have a promising future."

Dengzhi wiped away his tears and said, "Madam, I have never seen a person with such a rough fate."

"Zixi has become accustomed to the trivial misfortunes that happen in daily life."

Just finished.

The chubby Lu Chaochao staggered across the threshold.

Look up.

"Wow, where did this unlucky guy come from!" Lu Chaochao shouted.

Lu Chaochao's eyes.

The top of Li Zixi's head was as dark as ink. He had never seen such an unlucky person before.

Oh my god.

"The broom star is reincarnated!!"

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