"Mom, why is there a bad guy in our house?"

"Get away from him quickly..."

"We can't get close. He's all black and very unlucky. Whoever gets in contact with him will be unlucky..." Lu Chaochao rolled his hands into a small trumpet and said in a breathy voice.

Mrs. Xu looked embarrassed and tried to cover Lu Chaochao's clicking mouth.

Li Zixi sat at the table and took a calm sip of tea.

"Princess Zhaoyang, I can hear you."

Lu Chaochao put his hands on his hips and puffed out his chubby belly: "I'm just telling you what I'm saying, but you still won't leave after hearing it?"

Oh my God, I have never seen such an unlucky person.

Mrs. Xu hurriedly covered her mouth, what a naughty child.

"Master Li, I'm sorry, the little guy is quick to talk... he's talking nonsense." She glared at the little guy secretly.

Li Zixi frowned: "Mrs. Xu, don't worry. I can get to this point only because of my thick skin. Besides, what Chao Chao said is right..."

"Your Majesty said that my bad luck will affect the fate of the country."

"I said that Princess Zhaoyang is in charge of Beizhao, and your majesty has an incomparable reputation, so he will be able to protect me. Your majesty was hesitant at first, but turned around and gave Tanhua to me."

Lu Yanshu covered his face.

He really couldn't compare to Li Zixi's level of badassery.

Li Zixi looked at Lu Chaochao: "Isn't it Princess Zhaoyang?"

Lu Chaochao coughed slightly, his face slightly red.

"Princess Zhaoyang is kind and kind, and she can punt a boat. She will definitely not dislike Zixi's bad luck."

"By the way, there is a kind of food in my hometown that is particularly delicious. Princess Zhaoyang has never seen it. I will go back to Zixi to make some and send them to her. Let the princess have a taste..."

Li Zixi stepped forward and hugged Lu Chaochao: "Princess Zhaoyang must eat well, she is light and thin..."

Lu Chaochao was coaxed to smile.

[Wow, he praised me for my kindness. 】

【He also wants to make food for me. 】

[He also praised me for being young and thin... Although he was unlucky, he didn't tell lies and was sincere...]

Lu Yanshu coughed violently.

Damn, you are so thick-skinned.

It's really incomparable.

Is it against your will? ?

"Don't worry, I don't dislike you. I can't blame you for your bad luck..." Lu Chaochao nodded seriously.

Li Zixi smiled and patted Chao Chao on the head.

"After a busy day, let's stay at home and rest tonight. The servants have prepared dinner, let's eat first..." Mrs. Xu led the people to the dining room.

"Let my slave come and hold Chao Chao." Dengzhi stepped forward and hugged Chao Chao.

Li Zixi shook his head: "Chaochao is not important, let me hold you."

Lu Yanshu looked at him in surprise. Li Zixi had probably seen too many human relationships, and always rejected people thousands of miles away.

He was particularly warm to Chao Chao.

Perhaps feeling his surprised gaze, Li Zixi said: "I feel friendly when I look at Chao Chao, and it's actually a close relationship."

This meal lasted until late at night.

Lu Yanshu drank a few glasses of wine and his eyes were slightly red.

"Mom, my son will be your support in the future, and you will never be kicked out of the house again..."

"Son, here's a toast to you. You've suffered a lot these years." Lu Yanshu raised his glass.

Xu's voice was choked, and her hand holding the wine glass was trembling.

"Mother understands, mother is not afraid, mother has you..."

"People in the world say that I have been deceived by others, and they are unwilling to accept it. But since I have you, this life will not be bitter..."

Everyone at the table was red-faced and drunk.

Li Zixi hugged the dog and cried: "It's not easy, it's not easy..."

"It's not easy to make it to the capital alive..." The imperial examination was not difficult, but the difficulty was that he couldn't make it to the capital.

Lu Chaochao was drowsy. When Denzhi saw that the hall was in a mess, he carried her back to the room.

"Take good care of the young master and madam."

"The guest room has been tidied up. I will send Mr. Li there later."

After saying that, he carried Lu Chaochao back to the dormitory.

Lu Chaochao lay on Denzhi's shoulder and said softly: "Sister Denzhi, don't cry, don't feel sorry for him..."

"Although he has bad luck, his life is tough..."

Dengzhi glanced into the room and lowered his voice: "Slave... I'm not crying because I feel sorry for him."

Dengzhi secretly lifted up his sleeves, his fair skin turning red.

"Hey, this slave is pinching his own flesh. If you don't cry, you will have to laugh."

"He is an honored guest. It would be wrong for me to laugh out loud..." Dengzhi would not cry for someone who doesn't understand him.

Lu Chaochao smirked.

"Hey, sister Dengzhi is awesome..."

"Get some rest early. There will be a banquet for guests in the mansion tomorrow. We are still busy..." Dengzhi saw that she had finished washing, and gave Yushu and others a few words before going back to resume his duties.

Lu Chaochao drank some mutton soup tonight and felt warm all over.

Late at night, everything is silent.

The jade book and jade harp rested on the small couch outside the curtain.

Lu Chaochao felt warm all over, and he pushed off the quilt, revealing his swollen belly.

She dreamed about her past life again.


Lu Chaochao's body was light and airy. He looked down and saw that his figure was transparent, like a wisp of soul.

"Where is this? Is there anyone there?"

Two-year-old Lu Chaochao was in a fog and shouted at the top of his lungs.

No response.

"It looks familiar..." She looked around, feeling vaguely familiar.

There was a vague noise in his ears, and Lu Chaochao followed the sound.

After taking two steps, she realized that she was so light that she flew up.

"This is my Wuwu Mountain!" Lu Chaochao's eyes suddenly lit up.

It’s Mount Wuwu! !

"Why? Why is this happening?"

"It took thousands of years and paid all the costs to gather the remaining souls together. Why...only the form..." The man was as handsome as an immortal, with gray hair and a look of despair.

Lu Chaochao tilted his head, it looked familiar.

It seemed like I had seen it somewhere.

"Elder brother, what went wrong?" The young man in green looked at the handsome white-haired man with red eyes.

Lu Chaochao felt like he was struck by lightning.

"Zong Bai! It's Zong Bai!!" Lu Chaochao flew over, but unexpectedly, he passed through Zong Bai's body.

Lu Chaochao looked at his hands blankly.

"Zong Bai, I am master, Zong Bai..." Lu Chaochao shouted loudly, and the little guy's eyes turned red with anxiety.

She looked at the boy in green again: "Sheng He! You are Sheng He, right? Sheng He likes to wear green clothes the most." Sheng He was also the god of luck later.

Lu Chaochao was anxious, these were all her disciples!

Lu Chaochao looked at the jade bed in the center. There was a young girl lying in the middle of the jade bed.

Lu Chaochao was suddenly stunned.

It's herself.

The girl's face was rosy, and her black hair was spread like ink on the jade bed, as if she was in a deep sleep.

But if you look closely, you can see that she is not breathing and has no heartbeat.

"She sacrificed to save the world, and her soul returned to the mountains and rivers. She can no longer be resurrected." Chong Yue said indifferently.

"Even if she is forcibly awakened, she has no heart, no vision, no hearing, no taste, nothing...what she awakens is just a puppet! That's not her!"

"After destroying this world, can you return everything to Master?" Xuanyu, dressed in black, looked at Master.

Xuanyu is the god of darkness.

"No. Master sacrificed to save the world. If you destroy this world, Master will never have peace in his life!" Zong Bai refused.

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