"This won't work, that won't work either, what do you think we should do?"

"In order to collect the remaining souls, Xing Hui has lost his mind and turned into an evil spirit. Ha, the majestic god of war in the heaven has turned into an evil spirit!"

Tick ​​tick tick, blood dripped down his fist.

Chong Yue pursed his lips tightly and took a deep breath.

"I have a solution."

"Recall Xianting and Gantang first."

Chong Yue looked up at the sky, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

"What are you going to do? You are not allowed to act recklessly! You are already gods in the heaven, enjoying thousands of incense and endless longevity. You are not allowed to act recklessly!" Lu Chaochao was furious, clenching his little fists and wanting to jump up and hit Chong Yue.

"Chongyue, you bastard, you are the most thoughtful."

"Don't come up with bad ideas."

The crow of roosters penetrated the thick clouds, and Lu Chaochao felt his body dissipate quickly.

"No!" Lu Chaochao sat up sweating profusely.

"What's wrong, girl?" Yushu lit the lamp, opened the curtain and hurried in.

"But the charcoal fire is too hot, why am I breaking out in a cold sweat?" Yushu touched his forehead and saw that she was sweating profusely, so he hurriedly asked Yuqin to bring her clean clothes.

After scrubbing her, she put on new clothes and was relieved to see that her complexion looked normal.

"Chaochao had a nightmare." Lu Chaochao sat cross-legged on the bed.

After her rebirth, she had always had a vague uneasiness in her heart.

She offered sacrifices to heaven and earth, and it is logically impossible for her to re-enter reincarnation.

What did her disciple do? Only then did she return to the human world?

Just as Yushu was about to persuade her, noisy sounds came from outside the door.

Yushu frowned: "What's going on? Why are you making so much noise in the middle of the night? Be careful of disturbing the masters."

"Quick, quick, please come to the guest room."

"The guest room suddenly collapsed, Mr. Li is still inside."

The boy gathered his men and ran towards the outer courtyard.

Lu Chaochao immediately jumped out of bed, and Yushu followed him with his clothes: "Be careful of the cold, put on a coat."

When Lu Chaochao rushed over.

Lights have been lit everywhere in the Lu family.

Mrs. Xu was wearing a big cloak and looked pale: "Dig quickly, dig quickly, how can this be good?"

It happened to collapse in Li Zixi's room, making Mrs. Xu's legs tremble with fright.

"Have you invited the imperial doctor?" Xu's voice was trembling.

"Madam, I've ordered someone to call for the imperial doctor. Don't worry, Mr. Li must be lucky." Dengzhi helped Xu sit down. Xu drank some fruit wine tonight and was already top-heavy. At this moment, he was so scared that he was completely drunk.

"Mother, he is really the reincarnation of a disaster star." Lu Yuanxiao looked at everything in front of him, dumbfounded.

Even Lu Yanshu couldn't help but his eyes twitched.

The crowd dug for half an hour before dragging out Li Zixi who was knocked unconscious.

"Mr. Li? Mr. Li, are you okay?" Xu's voice was dazed.

Li Zixi opened his eyes sleepily: "It's getting bright so soon?? I just squinted my eyes. Why are you in my room?"

Li Zixi shivered when the cold wind blew.

"Where's my bed?"

"Damn it, where's my room!" Li Zixi stood up straight.

The ruins before him shocked him.

Before Mrs. Xu could speak, he apologized skillfully and admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Xu, it was Zixi who brought you trouble. Zixi will leave now..." Li Zixi has long been used to it. No matter where he goes, he will be unlucky. .

He has been kicked out of his home countless times.

Even his relatives who were related to him did not dare to let him in.

Secretly, he called him Tiansha Lone Star.

Li Zixi was very afraid of causing trouble to others. On his way to Beijing, he never stayed in an inn.

Deeply afraid of hurting innocent people.

Living in the Lu family today, I really fell in love with Lu Yanshu.

"We are not afraid to go wherever we want. There are no taboos..."

"Qingfeng, take Mr. Li to another guest room."

"The house will be renovated tomorrow. Our house is already very old." Mrs. Xu didn't care.

"It doesn't matter, you can live in peace, we will have a celebration drink tomorrow."

"Stay here, mother doesn't care about this." Lu Yanshu also stopped him.

Li Zixi turned to look at the Lu family, her eyelids drooped slightly, covering her red eyes, and said in a muffled voice: "Okay."

None of his relatives had ever treated him so kindly.

Everyone avoids him like a snake or a scorpion.

Lu Chaochao tilted his head and looked at him confused. The aggrieved look just now always felt extremely familiar.

But there was nothing familiar about his appearance.

The second day.

As soon as Lu Chaochao got up, he heard the concierge calling and Lu Yuanze came to the door.

The little guy was afraid that his mother would suffer a loss, so he hurried over after breakfast.

"Mother Yun, you are still born with aura. Pei is not as good as you. Lu Jinghuai is a copyist who steals articles. I let their mother and son be deceived!" Lu Yuanze sighed deeply.

He was wearing clothes that Xu had made with his own hands.

Back then, he dismissed it.

Now, wearing it neatly on her body, Xu just felt ridiculous.

"We have been married for eighteen years, but we were separated because of this bitch like her."

"Mother Yun, it's hard for you to raise your children alone, isn't it? It's been me who was wrong all these years. It's me who's ashamed of you, and it's me who was deceived by that bitch. I abandoned you..." Lu Yuanze looked at Xu with pity. .

"Chaochao is only over two years old. He can't leave his father... Can we get back together, okay? If you mind Mr. Pei, I can divorce my wife!"

"Pei can't compare to you anywhere."

"You are the first wife I gave my life in exchange for blocking the knife!" Lu Yuanze cried blood.

Xu gave him a deep look.


Yun Niang retched violently.

"Yun Niang, what's wrong with you?" Lu Yuanze wanted to get closer, but Xu took a step back suddenly.

"Please... please stay away. You disgust me."


Xu's disgusted expression made Lu Yuanze, who felt good about himself, freeze for a moment.

She, she actually vomited when she looked at herself! !

Lu Yuanze felt like he was struck by lightning.

"You really disgust me!" Mrs. Xu took three steps back and frowned.

"Back then, you ordered someone to rob my carriage and take a stab for me. You made me work as a cow and a horse for eighteen years, and now you still want to deceive me?" Strong hatred burst out in Xu's eyes.

It's all a conspiracy.

From the first moment she saw Lu Yuanze, she fell deeply into the cage he had woven!

Lu Yuanze's heart was shaken and his pupils shrank. How could it be possible?

How could she know?

He clearly dealt with all the parties involved and left no one alive, how could Mrs. Xu know the truth?

Lu Yuanze held on and said, "Mother Yun, where did you hear the news? It must have been slander from others!"

Mrs. Xu sneered: "You kill people and dump their bodies. The bodies are all thrown in the moat. How can you still fake it?"

Lu Yuanze's face suddenly darkened.

"Go away! The three-yuan grade in the inkstone book has nothing to do with you!" Mrs. Xu still didn't know his plan clearly.

It's just that I regretted it when I saw the inkstone book San Yuan and the third grade!

Want to get his son back.

"You don't have to come back! But Yanshu is my grandson, Lu, and he wants to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan!" Lu Yuanze immediately scolded him when he saw what happened was revealed.

"It's unreasonable for you, a woman, to bring your children and divorce!"

"Since ancient times, how could a woman bring up her eldest son to get married?"

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